
I Wanted To Reincarnate Normally!! Not In This Yuri Game!! (GL)

Hameru Matasoto was a very cheerful and stubborn girl, she has no sense of direction and always seemed to get lost. Ah, what a predicament. She never knew she would die because something as small like that. Hameru met the God of Light and Fate, God of Fate. It seems that she died without them even knowing, as an apology they made Hameru reincarnate. With a wish to make she chose to make her life to be normal, but they unknowingly said "An Exciting Life" Oops? "Hah. Cheerful and stubborn, huh? Being naive wouldn't excuse a stupid girl. I can't believe I used to be like that." The game she reincarnated in started to twist her personality into something more fitting of the character "Nikami Shiromoru." Cold, Distant, and blunt she became. And what's worse? She's being forced to fall in love with the Main Character of this game, Sweet like smelling a rose while the thorns prick the hand, blood dripping down. "I want to stop this, This is the opposite of normal you tricksters of Gods."

VoltyLemonii · 奇幻言情
47 Chs

Chapter 21, The "Villainess" With Her.

Third Person POV

They both arrived at Afosíosi Magic Academy after 3 hours of silence in the carriage.

Nikami opened the door to the carriage and stepped outside, She looked around and there are some students there as well getting out of their own carriages.

Some students already out of their carriage looked at Nikami and then whispered to their friends something.

[Already having people talk about me. It's normal... Since I'm the future queen of the Adventurine Kingdom after all.] Nikami thought as a gust of wind flows through her hair, she uses her hand to put the hair behind her ear.

Meanwhile, Yasachu followed her behind her and nervously looks at all the students getting out of their carriages.

[Al-all of them are nobles.... As expected... After all.... Most people who would have strong magic powers are of noble blood...] Yasachu sighed softly, as she thought that.

Yasachu peeked at the students out of their carriages from behind Nikami.

[Wow... The-there are so many people staring at us... And talking about us... I wonder why..?] Yasachu asked herself in her head as she slowly turned her head in Nikami's direction.

Nikami looks back at her with the same emotionless look on her face.

Yasachu looked away having a tint of pink on her face.

[Su-such a dangerous look on her face..] Yasachu thought and shivered a bit.

Nikami sighed softly and walked towards the giant gate of Afosíosi Magic Academy.

Yasachu looked at her walking Away and panicked then she rushed followed Nikami.

Yet again many students were looking at both of them, whispering to each other.

"That's Nikami Shiromoru right?" Student boy A said.

"Yea! She has this cold wall around her... So it's really hard to approach her.." student boy B said.

"Being the Future queen of the Adventurine Kingdom... She's really elegant... And so pretty..." Student boy A said.

It just so happens that Yasachu heard that conversation and panicked.

[FU-FU-FUTURE WHAT NOW?!!! FUTURE QUEEN?! EXCUSE ME?!] Yasachu internally panicked again, she didn't know that Nikami was a future queen. She just rode her carriage and talked to her, Yasachu felt scared now. But she couldn't just leave Nikami here, She can't simply walk away. So the only thing she did was follow the Ice Princess nervously.

"Hey who's that girl behind Shiromoru-sama?" Student girl A asked

"I don't know, She doesn't seem familiar..." Student Girl B said

"Yea... I have never seen her before at parties... But I wonder why she's following Shiromoru-sama?" Student Girl A asked

"She somehow looks like a puppy following behind her master... How cute!" Student Girl B giggled

[She's still following me huh? Well, I guess she can't just leave... After all, there are so many people looking at us... She can't just walk away so suddenly, she has no choice but to follow me.] Nikami thought while slowly walking towards the Academy.

They both entered the front garden area of the school, Nikami looked around seemingly looking around for something... Or someone? Her eyes rapidly look around, observing everyone.

[.....Not in the front garden... So the garden behind the school then.] Nikami thought while power walking behind the academy

Yasachu was surprised at her sudden speed and followed her nervously.

[Why is she going fast all of a sudden?! I-i'm scared...] Yasachu thought while still following behind Nikami, she slightly shivered. The large lock of hair on top of her head shudders as well.

They both arrived behind the school. There is a wonderful green garden there, There are no other people here... Other than one familiar green-haired girl. At first sight, you can't see her, since she camouflages right in this greeny garden.

Nikami smiles a little bit seeing the green-haired girl.

[I knew she would be in a garden somewhere in this school, you are such a plant crazed maniac...] Nikami smiles gently yet again and started to approach the girl.

[Hu-huh...? Shiromoru-sama she... Smiled? I.. I...] Meanwhile, Yasachu was just stunned at this action, she was wide-eyed staring at her. Yasachu looked at the green-haired girl and then followed Nikami.

[.....what is their relationship...? Why is Shiromoru-sama... The most emotionless person I have ever seen in my life.... Why..? Why did she give a smile? Though it wasn't a big smile.... It was such a small one you wouldn't notice for a few seconds... But still... That was the first time I saw her face have... Some kind of emotion... It was happiness... Why is she so happy seeing her...?] Yasachu thought as she is now in front of the green-haired girl, she looked up at her. Since she was much taller than her.

Nikami and Yasachu were looking at the green-haired girl.... And then again... A picture flashed.

It was a green-haired girl with twin tails, looking gently at the distance. Vines were coming out of her hand, and in her other hand was a flower. The vines seemed to come out from her wrist, but it was covered by a cloth.

[?!..... Another CG... I guess I can understand now... If she meets a new character in the game she gets a CG... Still... Why can I see the CG?] Nikami asked herself as she looked at Yasachu, confused to see how she could see CGs by her eyes.

"BOO." Nikami said monotony yet loudly.

"GU-GUH?!! NIKA?! DON'T SNEAK UP ON ME LIKE THAT!!" The green-haired girl yelled in surprise at Nikami.

"Shu, did you do this?" Nikami asked Shukona monotonously.

"Ye-yea?! So what?!" Shukona pouted a little bit at her

[Ni-nika?! Sh-shu?! The-they are on nickname bases?! The-they are super close huh....] Yasachu thought while she stared at Shukona.

"What made you so excited that you would summon vines in pure anticipation?" Nikami asked, tilting her head.

"....The three of us haven't been together for a long time... AN-ANYWAYS!!! Who is this girl?" Shukona raised her eyebrow looking at Yasachu.

[The villainess and the protagonist meeting.... I wonder how this would go?] Nikami thought.