
I Want To See You

Aurora, a bad tempered girl who knows how to fight back. Problems seem to find her though she runs from them. All she wants is to lead a peaceful, happy life and become photographer but her family is forcing her to marry some rich man. After disagreeing with her family who despise her, they discipline Aurora by sending her to a military camp for a year. To rebel against her family, Aurora decides to cause as much trouble as she can. During this time she meets a nasty sergeant who scolds her at any possible moment. Making a lot of enemy's and friends, how will Aurora survive a whole year full of drama?

GrapeFairy · 青春言情
28 Chs

Little Ladybug.

"It's the day my dad died."

"Oh, I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said anything." Hana said in a guilty tone.

"What's done is done you can't bring a dead person back to life." Aurora said with no emotion.

The waiter then came and placed a bag on the table, "Here is your takeaway."

"Thank you." Aurora grabbed the bag and stood up, "Let's go." She said to Hana.

"U-uh yeah." Hana was flustered.

They both walked outside and went towards the camp.

"So, uh which dorm room are you living in?" Hana tried to break the silence.

"302." Aurora responded.

"I heard that room was haunted, and someone died in it." Saying that probably didn't help. "I didn't mean to say it like, it's definitely not true." For the rest of the walk no one spoke, after they reached gate Aurora said, "I'm going to go for a walk."

"Okay, then I will go back to my room, bye bye." Quickly Hana walked away, she didn't want to cause anymore trouble.

After Hana walked away, Aurora looked at her phone, it was already 5pm. She ended up exploring the place and that's when she spotted it. A beautiful garden full of flowers, Aurora loved flowers but looking at them didn't make her feel better. Aurora used to have a garden like this, but it was no longer. She felt as if this garden was as sad as her. As she was walking towards the flowers a ladybug flew passed her, and Aurora followed it. The ladybug landed on Geranium, a very pretty flower but with a deep meaning.

Aurora stared at the ladybug as a tear fell down her face.


Little Aurora sat in the garden with a huge smile on her face.

"Daddy, what flower is this?" Aurora pointed to a purple flower.

"It's called Geranium." Her dad Joel responded.

"That's a pretty name!" She exclaimed.

"It is indeed." Joel responded.

"What does it mean? You said every flower had a meaning, so what is the meaning?"

"It means melancholy and sadness."

"Why is it sad?"

"Well, this flower is used in funerals."

Aurora didn't really hear what her dad said as she was focused on a ladybug that landed on her.

"Wow my daughter is so lucky!" Her dad laughed.

"Really?" Aurora got excited.

Joel then sat next to Aurora and stoked her head, "Yes, my little ladybug."

Aurora looked up and hugged her dad with a big smile on her face.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too sweetheart."

"It's your birthday soon, what do you want?" Joel asked Aurora.

"I want to take pictures with you!" She said with all her might.

"Okay, let me get my camera."

A few minutes later, her dad came back with a camera.

"Can I try?" Aurora asked her dad.

"Sure, my little ladybug."

Her dad handed the camera and said, "When you want to take the photo, press the big button on the right."

"Okay, dad smile!" Aurora tried taking a photo, but it ended up being blurry.

"Try again, you need to keep your hand steady."

While taking a photo Aurora noticed that a ladybug had landed on his cheek.

"Dad look, that ladybug is giving you a kiss!" After Aurora said that her dad ended up laughing and she took a photo before the ladybug flew away.

"Wow this photo turned out very good." Her dad praised Aurora.

"It's all thanks to my good skills!" Aurora praised herself.

"Of course, now do you want me to teach you a few camera angles?"

"Yes please!" Aurora was so excited, she loved photography just like her dad, they were like two peas in a pod.

JUNE 21ST 2014

It was a rainy day night, Aurora was all alone as both her parents had to work. Her dad owed a real estate agency, while her mum worked as a auctioneer. They both met when her dad went to an auction to bid for an ancient art set and you could say they fell in love at first sight.

Aurora heard the house phone ringing, she went and picked it up.

"Hey my little ladybug, how was your day?"

"It was good, but it would be better if you were here!" She shouted sadly.

"Well don't worry, I will be here soon." Her dad reassured.

"I don't like being here alone." Aurora started crying.

"Well your mother wants me to pick her up from the office."

"Can't she go by herself."

"Well it's raining and she probably doesn't feel safe driving, but don't worry after I come back, I will cook your favourite foods."

Aurora felt better after hearing this, "Thank you dad, I love you."

"I love you to, well I should get off the phone your mum texted me to hurry up."

"Bye, see you soon."

30 minutes passed and her parents came home, and her dad held a huge cake.

"Happy birthday my little ladybug!" Her dad hugged her.

"Darling you have grown up so much!" Her mum exclaimed while handing her a small velvet box.

Aurora took the box and opened it was a necklace with a ladybug on it. "Your father picked it out." Her mother added.

"Thank you so much!" Aurora felt so happy, nothing could get better.

Her mum opened the box that the cake was placed and stared at it, "Where are the candles?"

"My bad, I probably forgot them." Her dad responded.

"It can't be a proper birthday without candles, go buy some."

It was already 7pm and it was getting dark outside, but her mother did not stop getting agitated that there weren't any candles.

"Okay, I will go get candles wait here." Joel kissed his daughter on the forehead and ran out the door but before closing it he said to Aurora, "I love you my little ladybug."

An hour had passed, and Joel hadn't come back. Her mums phone then started ringing.

Her mum grabbed Aurora and ran out of the door, they got into the car and Veronica started driving really fast. They were outside the hospital, her mum rushed to the front desk and said in a panicked voice, "Where is Joel Esma?!"

"You must be his family; he is currently in the operation room on the 2nd floor" The receptionist answered.

Aurora had no idea what was going on. Her mum grabbed her hand and ran to the elevator, after they got to the 2nd there was doctor standing outside the operation room.

"How is Joel, doctor?!"

"I am sorry for your loss, he passed away 20 minutes ago." The doctor said, he then looked at Aurora and said, "You must be Aurora?"

"Yes." Aurora could barely speak.

"Before your father passes away, he wanted to tell you something."

"What did he say?" She chocked on her words.

"He said, 'Don't forget the Geranium my little ladybug."

After hearing this Aurora burst into tears, they couldn't stop flowing.

On the day of the funeral, the place was filled with Geranium. She was now alone, her mother didn't even turn up to the funeral, she was too busy collecting his will. Since that day, Aurora blamed her mother for the death of her father, if she didn't force him to buy candles, he would still be alive and next to Aurora where she wouldn't be lonely.


Aurora was crying out loud, she tried not thinking about it but the more she tried, the more she would think of it.

"Dad, come back please." She cried.

She then heard someone approaching her, "This is a restricted area, no one is allowed to enter." A mans voice said.

Aurora turned around but her eyes were too blurry to see anything.

"I-I'm sorry." Aurora stuttered.

He was flustered, "It's okay, just finish what you were doing and leave."