
I Want To See The World

It's a story based in a fantasy world of magic and monster, this world have numerous type of races like humans, elf, dark elf, beast men, mermaid, humanoid snakes, demon, vampire, succumb, etc. In this world anyone can live infinite age through magic but if you are killed by anyone you'r pretty much dead. There is three vast continent out there in the sea, first one called Humen continent, It's ruled by Nelson empire, most of the necessary supplies trade from here, that's why it's called Main land, The second is Beast men continent called Meterial land because here you can find any type of ground meterial, precious mineral as long as you have enough money, and it's ruled by lady beast she is a ancient powerful beast, no one knows how she looks because no one ever seen her. And the last one Demon continent it's ruled by a Demon Queen she is a ancient Vampire, if you want monster core,skins,bone,and other types of monster meterial you can find in demon continent. Our mc in born in a royal family, perhaps he is a reincarnation of some powerful being, he didn't know because of a seal placed on his soul, the seal is showing weakness day by day so his memory returning bit by bit maybe one day he will fully recover his memories. So black to the topic our mc is a first child of Campbell Royal family who rule over the winter region called Winterbell, from child our mc is highly talented, in one word 'genius' and no one seen his face, the only thing people knows about first prince is he is talented in magic. because he is a genius mc's parents didn't let him leave the family from childhood, make him studie magic, economy,war,all languages, trading, verious types of things, and he learn all of those that in age of 10 and got bored. He wants to adventure see the world but didn't have permission to do so, one day his mother made a promise, if he fulfill two of her condition then he can leave the kingdom and see the world, he instantly accepted it, first condition is he have to produce a heir and second is he have become a Overlord class mage, in this world Overlord is a one level below the highest point, the Overlord's are ruler of a continent so he have to become a Overlord class mage. so he quickly secluded him self for 6 year in and became a Overlord class mage, The story begins when he's going to turn 18 i hope you guys support me enough to continue this story till the end enjoy the story i hope you can forgive me for poor grammar and thanks for reading this and the cover didn't belong to me i hope the creator don't mind

12 Chs

chapter 6 : Are you kidding me

when I came the party is already started, from distance I saw Nisha chatting with two blonde twins, Her blue dress shining brightly under the night sky and the combed silky black hair made her lot attractive, seeing the blonde hair twins it didn't take me too long to understand who they might be, they are the twin princesses of the Grand nelson empire, King Rose's two precious daughters Maria and Lisa, the red dress making their appearance in a whole new level and those blonde hair falling like a waterfall from their head to the waist like a golden river.

Nisha and the blonde twins having fun so I didn't disturb them, on the right side I saw my mother and father chatting with someone, I looked from my left to the right side and tried to see if I remember some of the people at the party but didn't see any familiar faces beside Nisha and the twins so I approach my father's direction.

"happy birthday father, good evening

mother" I greeted them with a warm smile.

my mother looked toward me and nodded but didn't say anything, when father saw me with a little surprised tone he said. "oh Luis you're here I was waiting for you, how come you're so late, the party is already halfway!"

" Sorry I apologize for being late"

" Well now that you are here greet your future father and mother-in-law" next to him a 36-year-old handsome man and a beautiful blonde hair woman whose age is around 34, seeing their blonde hair I realize who they might be.

"Hello father-in-law, hello mother-in-law I hope you're enjoying my father's birthday party" I greeted them with a polite and gentle smile.

the couple stared at me with surprise excitement, joy and many other emotions could be seen on their face, seeing that my mother first one to break the silence ~cough~ after hearing my mother's voice they came back to reality, with the shocked tone they looked at my father and said.

" Hay Rose are you sure this is your son from 8 years ago"

my father replied with a bitter smile "well 6 years ago his hair color began to change from black to blue his appearance became more and more handsome we became confused and invited a lot of doctors but they couldn't find any problems in his body so we accept this as some rare unnatural phenomena"

the couple became more and more surprised when they hear, after calming down the man chuckled and said " hahaaaa to think that my son-in-law would be this mysterious and handsome, I'm sure those beautiful girls out there will become jealous seeing my daughter with prince Luis"

The man who spoke with a smile his name is Frank Nelson the emperor of the grand nelson empire and beside him his wife Doris Nelson, after some time chatting with them someone approached my father, seeing them Frank chuckled and looked at them like he will have a new show to watch.

"Father-in-law!!" a beautiful melody-like voice rang behind my father, hearing that he turned and looked towards the source, sure enough, it was emperor Frank's daughter Maria and her twin sister Lisa and Nisha following.

"Ohh it's you Maria are you enjoying the party"

She ignore the question and replied with a light smile "Father-in-law where is prince Luis, is he sick or something, I didn't see him at the party at all?!" Hearing that my father looked at me and smiled but didn't reply to her question.

I smiled and looked at emperor Frank and my father before facing Maria, they have the same expression like they wanted to watch a good show.

"Hello Maria long time no see, you too Lisa" hearing my familiar voice Maria and Lisa looked at my face and slightly blushed but didn't remember where they saw me, "hello" "hello" the twins replied, after saying that Maria looked toward my father

" father-in-law where is prince Luis!!?" this time her gentle smile nowhere could be seen, seeing her expression king Frank couldn't hold his laughter, my father, mother and queen Doris began to laugh.

Maria didn't know what was happening in front of her, she looked at Nisha, Nisha is the same as everyone, seeing that Maria became more annoyed and said to Nisha

"Nisha you too, I only wanted to know where is prince Luis what so funny about it!!"

After some time of laughing no one said anything, I looked toward the emperor Frank and pretended to be sad "father-in-law I think we have to cancel our engagement, my fiance didn't even know how her future husband look like" hearing that emperor Frank co-operate with me in and said with a depressed voice "you are right we have to cancel the engagement prince Luis" hearing that Maria interpret "stop" she started at my face and begin to think about something.

'father-in-law, my fiance, future husband' the three words rang inside her head again and again, but with the last word 'prince Luis' she solved the last puzzle piece in her mind, the answer became crystal clear, with wide eyes and shocked expression she said

"you....a-are you prince L-Luis"

"Well hello again Maria" this time she stared at my face with a shocked expression, King Frank's teasing voice rang beside me "who could have thought you will forget about how your beloved future husband look like" Maria's shocked expression didn't fade away quickly, when she calmed down a lot of questions began to pop-up in her mind.

"Prince Luis but how, how did your appearance change so much in the 8 years, why does your black hair look navy blue now, why can't I sense your magic level?" she let out all sorts of questions.

"Well long story short when I'm 12 years old my hair and appearance begin to change doctors find nothing wrong in my body so here I am living peacefully" I didn't answer her last question and she didn't say anything about it, if she heard it she will be more surprised, but my father-in-law is a hell of a stubborn mule he didn't overlook it "hmm, come to think of it Luis why can't I scence your mana, did you lose your magic ability?"

Hearing that non-avoidable question my father replied with a proud tone "don't be surprise Frank when I say he is at the peak of this world, a Overlord class mage" the Nelson family looked at me with disbelief expression, and they all said at the same time

"Are you kidding me!"

After some time stareing at my face king Frank begin to laugh with excitement "hahaaaa this is the first time I became this much surprise, well good for you Maria you are the world's first one to engage with a 18 years old overlord, I'm sure after hearing about it lot of girls will look at you with envy and jealousy"

Maria flushed and said to my mother "mother-in-law I want to go to the washroom" my mother called a maid and instruct her to lead Maria toward the washroom, well all of us know the reason she wanted to go washroom was because she is totally embarrassed.

After some time chatting with them Nisha handed me a glass of red wine, this is my first time drinking, "oh the wine tastes great, Nisha can I have another cup please" Nisha smiled and poured my glass, after drinking it I looked toward her, she understood my intention and poured another glass, again I looked toward her, but this time she stopped and said.

"Prince if you drink more than this you will get drunk, this is your first time drinking isn't it!" well she's right I can get drunk now, it will be a pain in the ass if mother finds out I'm drinking, she strictly forbid me from getting drunk.

After some time chatting with Nisha I looked toward the place where is a lot of couples dancing together with a beautiful melody running in the background as I watched them dance quietly, when Maria came back from the washroom she approached me with a slightly red face, with a sweet voice she said "prince would you like to dance with me" with a gentle smile I nodded a said to her "with pleasure princess"

I apologized for the delay.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thanks for reading.

BLACKEYcreators' thoughts