
I, Superman's Younger Brother, got the Thanos Template

This is a translation!! I liked this mtl so thought about translating it for webnovel so it has a bit more reach!! _____________________ MTL Synopsis: Batman: "You can't deny that your brother Superman attracted Zod, and the battle between the two almost destroyed half of the metropolis, and countless people died in that disaster-you have to look at the death list that is enough to drown people Is it?" David: "He was adopted." The Flash: "Why don't you stand up like your brother and lead the heroes to rush to the front line to protect the world." David: "I don't have his power." Wonder Woman: "You mean Superman was punched flying by Darkseid, you go up and beat the Dark Lord in a military style?"... Traveling through the DC world, David found himself the newborn child of Superman's adoptive parents The next son, he was born to get the Thanos template. And as long as it affects the emotions of the characters in the plot, can it accelerate the integration of templates and open new ones? Hyperion Template - Loading, Million Star Sentinel Template - Loading! Celestial Judge Alitham Template, Complete Phoenix Force Template, Golden Planet Devourer Template... _________________ OP MC,STRONG TO STRONGER,DC,TRANSMIGRATION,NO ROMANCE _______________ This fanfic doesn't belong to me. Author: Purple Potato Can Fly mtl link: https://www.69shuba.com/book/49959.htm

TheBoredWriter69 · 漫画同人
162 Chs

Stealing is not a good habbit!

A bird of prey had broken into the gloomy forest named Gotham and Bruce Wayne wanted to know the identity of the other party.

But when the search algorithm started,

The bright red words saying-"No Information Found" were displayed on the screen.

In front of the large computer screen of dozens of inches, Bruce frowned.

"No criminal record, no driver's license, no consumption record, no entry record..."

Either this person has lived in the forests since birth, or it was the same as him, that is, he also had a fake face.

Walking under an umbrella on the busy streets of Gotham, David touched his face.

With his extraordinary eyesight, he saw the pinhole camera on Batman's chest but ignored it.

The face he has is still a real face.

But slightly tweaked from the original.

'There are more than forty muscles in the human face, which are divided into expressive muscles and masseter muscles.'

Facial muscles, blood vessels, and nerves are wrapped around cartilage and bones, and the skin is attached to the muscles. These tissues are interrelated and interact with each other, making various actions and expressions.

'There are very few people who can control it. Talented performers can control more facial muscles, making their faces slightly stiff and showing another appearance, imitating other people, but they can't control everything. It is impossible for ordinary people to do this kind of thing, and I happen to have a physique that is not of an ordinary person, not even a person on earth.

Thanos' Eternal variant physique gives him the ability to precisely and freely control the muscles of his body, which can be used to practice fighting and control strength and can also be used to change the appearance of his face.

'Thanos should have never used this ability.

One is that the cosmic overlord may not bother to hide himself, and there are better means of hiding, such as magic and technology.

It's also useless to hide his two or three-meter tall body and unique purple potato head.'

While passing the street, David caught a glimpse of a set of high-voltage electricity.

David thought of Eric who had come to Gotham.

As the future Superman, he didn't believe that Clark would really lose his ability easily.

And his superhuman ability comes from genes, not like those random abilities from kryptonite radiation, I'm afraid it's not that easy to steal.

'Capture Eric, replay the accident, which may bring the ability back to Clark, while also using kryptonite to strengthen or mutate(?) the high current.'

If it doesn't work, we can try again to get struck by thunder on a rainy day.

But all of this is based on the premise of finding Eric in Gotham and taking him back.

His eyes flashed in thought.

'Go find some local snakes first, and ask about the latest news about Gotham? '


Not far ahead, a hurried figure collided with a lady wearing a designer bag and walking proudly.


The girl with beautiful brown hair walked in a hurry as if there was an urgent situation, she lowered her head and apologized, then hurriedly turned and disappeared at the corner of the street.

The lady cursed a few words in a small voice and continued on her way without taking it seriously.

David raised his brows, But I noticed that the sapphire ring on the woman's hand was missing. It's not unusual for him to encounter a theft not long after getting on the street.

But someone stole a ring from a person without her knowing about it. This kind of stealing technique is a bit more refined than common thefts.

His expression was slightly surprised.

'As a thief, it's hard not to deal with all kinds of criminals, especially if there are some special channels for selling stolen goods, she can be regarded as a local snake. A good candidate for scouting.'


"Master, I don't know if you still remember that above this cave is the Wayne Manor."

The gray-haired, meticulously dressed old man in a housekeeper's uniform, with the vicissitudes and wisdom accumulated over the years, held a cup of iced coffee on a bright silver tray for Bruce to relax and came over slowly.

"I know, Alfred."

After taking the coffee, Wayne took a sip and continued to operate the large computer.

"How could I forget such a simple thing."

"But since you came back, you have been hiding in this bat cave, which is very close to the manor, and you haven't been there more than a few times."

Alfred's eyes flashed helplessly.

"I have a lot of things to do, Alfred.

Lots of important things."

The hacking software Bruce had made just downloaded the money withdrawal records of the Gotham National Bank, with him trying to find some clues from it, which revealed that the card that the money was withdrawn from was of a small gang leader in Gotham, and the boss has been dead for more than a year.

Bruce looked over the information and frowned.

Looking at the death report stating that the victim's neck bone was twisted, his body was found in the gang's temporary lair, and together with his body, there were more than a dozen gangsters found.

Some of them were reported to have died of severe trauma to the brain.

"The Hyena Gang?

Only a few of their members survived, but they became vegetative."

At the same time, dozens of different gangsters throughout Gotham coincidently also died of severe brain trauma, while a few of them also had brain damage and became vegetative.

Other than that, he couldn't find anything else, and the chain of clues in front of him seemed to be broken.

"Master Bruce, I know how you feel. But I feel you're too impatient, I'm a little worried."

Looking at the child he had raised with a worried complexion, Alfred bowed slightly and offered a suggestion.

"In 1840, your ancestor Solomon Wayne invested in the establishment of Gotham's current series of industrial and commercial districts, and Gotham's prosperity was born from this.

But you do know, these things were not done in one day."

"Rome can't be built in a day, I know, Alfred."

Feeling some headache, Bruce confided to the old man who single-handedly raised him, while slightly rubbing his forehead.

"I have passed the test of conquering my fears(T/N: In the OG, here it was 'the test of narrow escape' so I've made some modifications) and the hellish training I received is enough to drive many people crazy. I thought I was ready."

"But when I got back to Gotham, I realized I was missing a lot."

"There is a great difference between infiltrating, sabotaging, assassinating, and infiltrating, investigating, and protecting."

He got up and walked to the workbench nearby, polishing his batarang with tools, sparks flying in his pupils.

"Alfred, I have advanced technology and powerful weapons, but some things cannot be replaced by technology.

I need to be more precise, stronger, and faster..."

Like a bat in the dark night, coming and going without a trace, preying on prey with precision, hitting with one hit, ruthless and efficient, and never making mistakes!

"I have to interrupt you there, Master Bruce."

Alfred shook his head.

"I don't know how long it will take you to do this, but you'd better protect what you already have first."

"What do you mean?"

Hearing these words, he stopped monologuing and turned to face Alfred with doubts on his face.

"If you continue like this, your top-secret technology and powerful weapons from Wayne Enterprises' Technology R&D department may leave you."

Alfred didn't want to see the child he watched growing up push himself so hard, who didn't even give himself any breathing time while worrying for the city.

"At that time, there will be no cool and advanced Batmobiles and Bat suits for you to fiddle with."

"And there are indeed more important things than this now."

Bruce showed an inquiring look in his eyes.

"William Earle has been managing and controlling your family business for so many years. After you disappeared from the public eye, some of his behaviors gradually changed.

Most recently as the Chairman of the Board, he is lobbying a group of directors to take Wayne Enterprises public. "

Listening to Alfred's narration, the expression on Bruce's face sank.

For ordinary companies, going public may bring various benefits, but for Wayne Enterprises, which has been established within Gotham for nearly two centuries, those benefits are not worth mentioning. There is only one point.

After the company goes public, it will be easy to change the shareholdings, such as diluting the shares of a guy named Wayne who has been missing for several years and may even be dead, and kicking him out from the board of Wayne Enterprises.

"You are right, Alfred. Maybe, it is time to let Gotham know that the son of Thomas and Martha Wayne is back."

Throwing a sharp bat dart over a distance of more than ten meters and hitting the bull's eye with precision, Bruce replied, with his eyes fixed on the dart.


Turning around, on the brick-paved ground, in a deserted alley.

Wearing tight black jeans, a young girl in a blue striped blouse, loose brown hair covering a white swan-like neck, with bright and clever jewel-like eyes hidden behind rustic square-rimmed glasses. With a dress that looks like she is studying in a university all day, looking like an introverted female student, no one would be wary of such a nerd.

She stuffed the stolen wallet into her waist bag first, and she put the jewelry in her hand, admiring the newly stolen sapphire ring with her eyes.

'A standard starlight blue sapphire is good enough to rank in the top ten in my collection.'

Pushing down her glasses, Selena's eyes flashed with joy. Today seemed to be her lucky day, while walking casually on the street, she managed to come across a beautiful sapphire ring.

"Stealing is not a good habit."

A young and magnetic voice came from behind her without any warning signs.

She immediately hid the ring sensitively like a frightened cat and turned around to take a look.


[Tension from Selina Kyle +18...]

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