
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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32 Chs

Chapter 12: Gods: “Why is he like this?”

Gilgamesh is two-thirds god and one-third human, and he has extraordinary sensitivity to Semiramis, who exists as a demigod.

But... Gilgamesh's eyes only stayed on the hooded Semiramis for a few seconds, and soon he shifted his eyes to the man led by the demigod girl.

After seeing Qiye with black hair and black eyes, Gilgamesh's scarlet eyes narrowed immediately, and his scrutinizing eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the soul of a person and see through everything about a person, very sharply.

Qiye was taken aback by the overly intense gaze, he followed suit the gaze, and immediately saw Gilgamesh standing on the high stairs.

Qiye's calm gaze and Gilgamesh's sharp gaze, the eyes of the two looked at each other. At this time, Qiye's pupils trembled slightly, and the colorful rainbow light once again diffused from the depths of his eyes.

The existence of Gilgamesh triggered his Eye of the Age of Gods!

Under Qiye's Eye of the Age of Gods, what he saw was a blond child, a lovely blond and beautiful boy.

The young Gilgamesh possessed the qualifications of a better king than anyone else on this earth.

He is tolerant and considerate.

He is fair and respected.

People who walked or stopped on the roadside of Uruk, no matter who met him, praised him and had blessings in their eyes.

This is the ideal form of a young king for the residents of Uruk.

Arrogance and rudeness, tyranny, and brutality do not exist in him.

When Gilgamesh was young, no one could find any shortcomings that needed to be disciplined.

Then, under Qiye's Eye of the Age of Gods, time moved forward rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the beautiful boy had grown into a burly and handsome young man.

In these few short years, he has grown from a boy to a young man and compared with the boy, he is a completely different person!

His tolerance disappeared and was replaced by dictatorship, tyranny, coercion, expropriation, self-interest, and selfish desires, enslaving the residents of Uruk only for glory and luxury.

The people of Uruk began to lament.

Why did this happen??

Not only the residents of Uruk are lamenting and wondering, but even the gods living in the sky are also troubled. The reason why they created Gilgamesh and let him rule mankind is to better let humans worship gods.

But the king of humans, who has gradually become cruel, has broken away from the idea of the gods.

However, Qiye knew that from the Eye of the Age of Gods, and he knew the reason for Gilgamesh's sudden personality change.

Since Gilgamesh was born, he has had scarlet eyes that see through everything. He is neither a pure god nor a pure human being. With both characteristics, he can see the world widened.

Even the god who caused Gilgamesh to be born couldn't understand what Gilgamesh could see and gradually couldn't know what he was thinking.

Gilgamesh, who is under the gods and above human beings, has too much power, so he breeds too much loneliness, and no one can understand him.

Gilgamesh has always respected the gods and loved humans so seriously.

And the result of all these deep loves made him choose the path of abolishing gods and alienating humans, because only by doing so can the relationship between the two be maintained.

This is Gilgamesh, the ancient king of Uruk.

After seeing everything about Gilgamesh, Qiye decided to live here in Uruk, because this blond-haired, red-eyed man is actually not the kind of extremely vile man.

Gilgamesh lacks someone who can understand him, as long as there is someone who can understand him, accompany him, and help him, then he will reproduce the tolerance and justice of his childhood.

The Eye of the Age of God revealed by Qiye was only a matter of a few seconds, and soon the colorful rainbow light disappeared. He smiled and nodded at Gilgamesh who was showing a surprised look and took Semiramis, leaving the crowd.

"That man, I can't see through, can't understand..."

After Qiye left, the puzzled Gilgamesh was still watching his back, he couldn't see through Qiye, no matter how focused he was, he looked like an ordinary person.

Although his skin is like top-grade suet white jade, there is no trace of 'mystery' that can attract attention, he is very ordinary.

But how can an ordinary person with a demigod girl by his side be an ordinary person?

"And those strange eyes are not..." Gilgamesh murmured, and turned to face the woman standing behind him, "For the construction of the Temple of Inanna, you go and talk to the chief priest, Siduri. Let's discuss this later, this king has other things to do now."

Ok? Aren't they talking about cuckold? How did it become a discussion about building a temple?

After saying these words, Gilgamesh directly left the woman and asked her to find the chief priest Siduri to discuss, while he walked towards a temple in Uruk.

It is the shrine dedicated to the mother of Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh's mother is a goddess, the omnipotent and omniscient goddess Ninsun, she knows everything, and whenever Gilgamesh has doubts, he will take the initiative to find his mother to let her answer his doubts.

After leaving the howler, Qiye and Semiramis began to wander around the city of Uruk, which was beautiful and huge.

After passing through the residential area near the city wall, there are various pagodas and temples a little further inside. In fact, to put it simply, the center of Uruk City is composed of two huge temple buildings formed by things.

The center of Uruk consists of two giant square towers, which are narrowed step by step. There are winding stairs in the middle and around them. At the top of the giant towers is a holy temple.

"How was this built..." Semiramis raised her head in amazement and looked at the white temple not far away with white translucent luster.

Yes, how did people build such a towering temple tower in this ancient era when there was only labor?

"The air in the age of mythology is filled with a high concentration of magical power. Breathing this kind of air, as long as you don't get 'poisoned' to death, your body can gain strength, so it's not shocking for five or six people to move huge rocks" Qiye looked back from the side, where a 12-year-old boy walked by carrying a cow.

Well, a petite twelve-year-old boy, carrying a burly and strong cow...