
i sjsjjehej


6 Chs

CHAPTER 6 -The way of Iron Steel

After the first success against winter, Gab decided to focus his time in training, Dirgo's words sink in his mind that if Gab wants to help the tribe, he needs to be strong to become a leader. Gab knows that being the Leader of 800 people is not an easy task, but if he wants to change the world he needs to build a nation.

Gab is lazing in the river after the long months without taking a bath, He saw rock with weird colors the color looks like rusty metal, Gab examine the rock, rusty rock contains iron he remember his science class before, iron ores, are types of rock and minerals from which we can extract metallic iron. That rocks contain iron vary in color,ranging from rusty red, deep purple, a striking yellow, and dark grey.

Gab decided to postpone his training and make an iron sword because it will add the probability of him winning in the bout.

He looked at the site where he found the rusty rock , he found a lot of rusty rock piled near the river , Gab says to himself that if it was real iron it means he found a potential source of metal.

Gab brings some rocks into the cave, he smashes the rocks using a wooden mace.

Gab smashed the rocks until it transformed into a powder, he stored the powdered rocks in a mud vase that he made, he kept repeating the process until he had enough material to test if the rock had iron.

Gab makes his own Mud kiln for burning the rusty rocks, Gab made air blower using animal fur and skin, carved wood and natural resin. to use the blower a person only needs to push and pull the handle.

the temperature should exceed 1,538 °C to melt the iron, if the rusty rock really has iron content, Gab can make another advancement,Gab feels something off about his surroundings, He feels that some one is tailing and observing him.

Gab put his guard up in case no the one tailing him is hostile.

Gab is holding a knife and shout that he know that some one is observing him,the who is tailing him said that he is just a curious person ,He saw the craftsman of their tribe,The craftsman told Gab that he wanted to help him however he could , Gab tells the old man that he needs a Craftsman in making a sword using metal,

The old Craftsman doesn't know what a metal is,Gab explained what a metal can do.

The Craftsman is very excited and now he want to start making it, after knowing that the metal can be use as a material for making a weapon,Gab look at the craftsman he still saw the image of a former Crazy warrior from the face of craftsman, who would believe that this craftsman defeated more than a hundred enemy by his own before getting his left eye blind.

Gab now has his additional manpower for making a sword.

Gab started to burn the powder , temperature is not enough even though Gab and the old man doubled their strength to hit the target heat, the old man had an idea why not cover the kiln with dried leaves and grasses,

The two of them collect the grass and add additional fuel into the oven, they cover the kiln with thick layers of dried grass and leaves,the grass starts to burn while the grass burning they keep adding additional dried grass to sustain the head in extracting the metal.

Gab peek at the kiln he saw that there is really a metal in the stones, he called the old man and gave him a good view of a metal melting, The old man is looking at it fascinately.

the fire stops they demolished the mud kiln. and they found the metal,the color is black it was still a pig iron (iron they still have impurities and have unbalanced carbon level).

because of the ashes and the dirt that is still covering the rocks, gab looks at it and tells the old man that the metal is still brittle and that the iron still has a lot of impurities they need to remove the impurities.

Gab teaches the old man how the process of removing the impurities in iron is.

*The first step is to submerge the pig iron into the water,

*Then second is to use their hands and fingers to manually remove the dirt and ashes,

*then it's finished

the Old man looks at metal, the color is gray the temperature is cold and it was hard as rock, Gab says that the metal is still pig iron that if they refine it into a steel it will become harder and durable.

Gab told the old man that they need the help of his disciple in making it, But at the same time they still need to hide the fact about the metal, Gab says that it was still in the process of researching and it will last in 5 years until its perfect.and if it was released without additional knowledge.it will become a potential danger for the tribe.

the old man agreed, the old man said to Gab that if he wants to keep it a secret they can't make it in the cave, Gab thinks of a solution to hide the process of making a metal.

Gab wanted to have sword in a bout because in the Grand Bout they can use what ever weapon they bring to fight each,if he use a sword he will have advantage to his opponents especially gab will be only 14 years old after 5 years, he will fight against men 12 to 20 years old. Men 21 years old above can't join the grand bout.

Gab thinks of a solution, The solution that he thinks is to make the craftsman a workshop near the cave.

Gab said to the old man to bring all of his disciples the next day. Gab explains that they need to make a workshop.

( Gab explains what a workshop is and how to make it )

The old man asked why all of them because he thinks that 2 of his disciples is enough, Gab said that if we have 10 people we can make it much faster and you can start your research on the metal.

The old man agrees but he says that the chief must know about it, Gab says it ok he will get his dad's permission outside..

they go to the chiefstain throne in the center of the first floor , Gab and the old Craftsman ask to get the permission secretly because it was confidential but they need to build the workshop near the cave.they go to their own places to take rest early because they need to get tired tomorrow.

tomorrow morning

The old man called his craftsman disciples, Gab explained to them what they will make,Gab told them that they will make a house. The old man explained what the house is and its purposes, and said that they will make it a workshop for the next invention, the new material that will change the world.

Gab taught them the first step, The old man gave his disciples a mold for the brick, Gab told them that they will make the brick from the clay and dry it on the sun, after drying they will put it on the kiln to remove the moisture.

The old Craftsman completely grasps what Gab means by removing the moisture he knows that if the clay is exposed to get it will become hard as rock because he experimented on it before, but he is wondering why they will make a clay stone(bricks), But his desciples are confused they don't know what to do.

Gab teach them what to do they are all exited because it was different from making a weapon, only the old man is happy when making a weapon (battle junkie old man)

after a week they complete the amount of bricks they need to do, Gab explains the next step Gab tells them that this will be easy one.They need to make a wood ash concrete (Wood ash is suitable for use as a filler/partial replacement in high performance cement of cement due to an enhanced "ball bearing" effect given from the spherical shape )

the houses made by tabby still functioning after thousand of years.

The materials in making ash cement are ash,sand,they need materials to collect separately the ash should be dry.and the sand can be stored near the planned house, the tiring part is making

Gab and his company continue working in making a cement cement by burning the dried wood and collecting the ashes in their cave that they use from the winter season.

people agreed to the old man disciples collecting their ashes, they know that the ashes is only trash from their room, they don't know that it can be an important use,they collect more than enough ashes they remove impuritiesof the ashes in the river, they will clean it by submerging the ashes in the water, remove the impurities using the jar made by clay, next step is by turning into solid balls put it in the oven and Cooked it until the moisture is gone. and make now its finished.