
First Step to Independence

Juanxiu arrived at the Forbidden Valley to a warm welcome from the people there. Alchemist Zhou was the first to greet him, "Welcome, Young Master! It is an honor to have you back in our humble valley."

Alchemist Li added, "Indeed, we are grateful for your return. We have been working hard to build a better community for everyone, and your presence will inspire us all."

Ding Gen, had a hint of confidence in his voice, "While we may have met some issues every now and then during your absence, there is nothing to worry about."

Madam Zhang Ai interjected, "There has also been a significant improvement in the trade."

One-Eyed Lily, Mao Wenlin, and Du Hong also expressed their delight to see Juanxiu again.

After a short exchange of greetings, Juanxiu requested a meeting with the key people of the valley. "I have some important matters to discuss with you all. Let us go to the main clan hall."

Meanwhile, Siyi helped the family of Liu Peng and Chang Bao settle into their new home in the valley. "So we are here now. it isn't much, but it's a home. We will help you get settled and make sure you have everything you need," she said with a warm smile.Juanxiu thanked Siyi for the kind gesture and asked her to join the meeting later.

As Juanxiu and the group walked towards the main clan hall, he cannot help but appreciate the changes that happened while he was away. The clan hall had undergone significant renovations and improvements during Juanxiu's absence.

The once dilapidated building had been transformed into a grand structure with new and sturdy walls, gleaming floors, and grand chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. There were new rooms and facilities, including a training hall, a library, and an alchemy laboratory. The courtyard outside was also beautifully landscaped with fountains and gardens.

He was impressed with the transformation and commented on how much it has improved since the last time he saw it. Juanxiu took the opportunity to thank the workers and craftsmen who were responsible for the renovations and announced that he would give them all a bonus for their hard work. He also mentioned that the new facilities would be available for everyone to use and that he hoped it would help in the development of the Forbidden Valley.

As they entered the hall, Alchemist Zhou welcomed Juanxiu with open arms. "It's an honor to have you here, Young Master. How may we be of assistance?" he asked.

Alchemist Li chimed in, "Yes, it's been a long time since we last saw you. We are grateful for your return."

Ding Gen added, "Indeed, we have been looking forward to your arrival. Please tell us how we can be of service."

Madam Zhang Ai and One-Eyed Lily also expressed their warm welcome to Juanxiu. Mao Wenlin and Du Hong stood at the back of the room, silently nodding in agreement.

Juanxiu stood in front of the gathered members of the Forbidden Valley and began to speak. "I have important news to share with all of you," he said. "In a few days, people from the Tiger Quarry will arrive. They will be given a few thousand Li of land to settle on. Liu Peng will manage the new district since they are all blacksmiths and craftsmen, which will be helpful in building structures."

There was a murmur of agreement among the gathered crowd, pleased to hear of the new additions to their community.

Juanxiu continued, "But, there is a more pressing matter that I must inform you about. The Karma Order is aggressively moving, and they are using fragments of the Gods to revive the old Gods that existed during the primordial era. We met two Gods during our travels, Vathar and Rymton. Vathar is temporarily not a problem since the fragment has been extracted from him by the member of the Karma Order, but Rymton is a more pressing issue."

Alchemist Zhou spoke up, "How are we supposed to deal with Rymton?"

Juanxiu replied, "I don't know. We have to improve our power in the shortest possible time to stand against him. Even those who are in the Master Swordsman rank was insignificant against him."

Signs of worries and anxieties are etched on his people's face.

Ding Gen asked, "What about your Uncle Shunyuan? You mentioned that he is a member of the Karma Order."

Juanxiu sighed. "Yes, unfortunately he is. I am still trying to find a way to convince him to abandon the Karma Order and join us in the right path."

Madam Zhang Ai spoke up, "And what of the Shaoying Empire? What did you discover about them?"

Juanxiu's expression darkened as he replied, "The Shaoying Empire has been infiltrated by the Grand Echo Continent. The current crown prince and Queen Regnant are pawns sent by the Grand Echo. It is possible that most of the Master Commanders and Generals are also part of this big scheme."

The people in the meeting were stunned by the news, as the information was far beyond their expectations. One-Eyed Lily spoke up, "How do we deal with this situation?"

Mao Wenlin suggested, "Perhaps we can send some of our people to the Shaoying Empire to gather more information and assess the situation."

Du Hong added, "We need to be careful and not attract too much attention. We do not want to become targets of the Grand Continent. We still lack the power."

The group discussed various options and strategies for dealing with the new information they had received. The meeting was productive, and everyone left feeling a sense of urgency to act and protect their home from the threats that lay beyond their borders.

As the discussion about the external threats that are looming over the valley subsides, Madam Zhang Ai stood up to make her report. She cleared her throat and began to speak with conviction, "I would like to report about our trade with the beast tamers union."

Everyone in the room turned their attention towards her, eager to hear about the new development. Madam Zhang Ai continued, "We have been able to monopolize the market for the pills that nourish the beasts. Although they are only basic pills, they are still in high demand by the beast tamers. Thanks to the knowledge we gained from the Pagoda, we have greatly improved the current pills sold in the market."

Juanxiu listened intently, impressed by the accomplishment. "In just two months, we were able to generate enough revenue to fund the development of our town," Madam Zhang Ai proudly stated.

The members of the meeting erupted in applause, showing their appreciation for the hard work that Madam Zhang Ai and her team have done. Juanxiu stood up and walked over to Madam Zhang Ai, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Madam Zhang Ai, your hard work and dedication to the valley is greatly appreciated. You have contributed greatly to the growth and prosperity of our community. Thank you," Juanxiu said with a smile.

Madam Zhang Ai beamed with pride at the acknowledgement from Juanxiu. She nodded her head, "Thank you, Master Juanxiu. We will continue to do our best to contribute to the development of our town."

During the meeting, Ding Gen stood up and began to report about the progress of the Spiritual Farm. He started by saying that they have successfully grown all ten types of seeds that Juanxiu left them. The spiritual plants have grown rapidly and are now ready to be harvested, resulting in a surplus of supply.

"We have enough supply to last us for several months," Ding Gen said proudly. "And we have started to distribute the excess to our students and disciples to practice in creating pills and potions."

Upon hearing this, Alchemist Zhou voiced out his dissatisfaction. "Precious spiritual herbs should be exclusive only to the Master Alchemist. It is not necessary to distribute them to our students and disciples."

Ding Gen objected, "But this is necessary to nourish the next generation. They need to practice with the real thing to hone their skills and become better alchemists."

Juanxiu intervened and said, "Ding Gen, continue your works as you see fit. Alchemist Zhou, I understand your concerns, but let us not forget that our ultimate goal is to help and develop our people."

Ding Gen nodded in gratitude and sat back down, satisfied that his report has been heard and understood.

Alchemist Li then made his report, informing Juanxiu and the rest of the group that they were planning to build a new Alchemy Union in the Forbidden Valley. Juanxiu didn't seem too concerned about this and gave his permission for Alchemist Li to proceed.

Juanxiu asked, "What do you plan to name the new union?"

Alchemist Zhou suggested, "Heavenly Union."

Alchemist Mao Wenlin interjected, "Are you not afraid that heaven might smite you for using the word 'heavenly'?"

Everyone chuckled at Mao Wenlin's comment, including Alchemist Zhou who replied, "I don't think the heavens would mind."

One-Eyed Lily suggested, "What about the Eternal Union?"

Du Hong offered, "How about the Phoenix Union?"

Madam Zhang Ai then spoke up, "I recommend the name Old Ways, since we have managed to learn the alchemy from the lost eras."

There was a moment of silence as everyone contemplated the name. Then Juanxiu nodded in agreement, "I like that name. Old Ways it is."

Alchemist Zhou, who seemed to still have some reservations, said, "But won't it make people think that we are outdated?"

Madam Zhang Ai replied, "On the contrary, it will make them realize that we have managed to preserve and learn from the old ways, which are often the most effective."

Juanxiu added, "Indeed, we are not just preserving the old ways, but we are also advancing it with new knowledge and techniques. The name Old Ways will symbolize our dedication to both tradition and progress."

With that settled, the group moved on to the next item on the agenda.

" Since we are on the subject of changing names, do you think it's time to change the name of our valley? People will only associate the Forbidden Valley to a barren and poisonous land." One-Eyed Lily suggested.

As One-Eyed Lily finished her report, there was a moment of silence in the meeting hall as everyone pondered on her proposal. Alchemist Zhou was the first one to break the silence, "Changing the name of our beloved Valley is a bold proposal. What name do you have in mind?"

One-Eyed Lily replied, "I was thinking of Valley of Prosperity. It highlights the progress and growth that we've experienced in recent times."

Du Hong spoke up, "I understand what you're saying, but I think Valley of Hope would be a more fitting name. It signifies the hope that we have for the future, and it's a stark contrast to our previous name."

Juanxiu nodded, "I agree with Du Hong. Valley of Hope is a name that inspires hope and positivity. Let's put this to a vote, all in favor of changing the name of the Valley to Valley of Hope?"

The members of the meeting hall all raised their hands in agreement, and Juanxiu smiled, "It's decided then. From now on, we will be known as the Valley of Hope."

As the discussion continued, Juanxiu also shared his plans for a type 6 formation. The alchemists in the meeting were impressed by the idea, and Alchemist Zhou spoke up, "That is a bold plan. Using the Mystic Lake as the core of the formation is a stroke of genius."

Juanxiu thanked Alchemist Zhou for his compliment, and the meeting continued with discussions on how to proceed with the formation. It was a productive meeting, and everyone left feeling positive about the future of the Valley of Hope.

As the meeting came to an end, the group began to exit the town clan hall. Juanxiu took the lead and walked out of the building, his mind already set on his plans for the Type 6 Formation. He walked over to the Mystic Lake, where he stood in silence, gazing at the tranquil waters.

He began to meditate, using his spiritual energy to connect with the energy of the lake. He could feel the energy pulsing through him, the power of the lake a tangible force in his body. He focused his mind, visualizing the formation he planned to create around the valley.

Meanwhile, Madam Zhang Ai and One-Eyed Lily began to discuss the announcement that they would make to the people of the Forbidden Valley about the incoming residents from the Tiger Quarry. They talked about the preparations that would need to be made, the houses that would need to be built, and the new district that would be created.

Ding Gen, Alchemist Li, Alchemist Zhou, and Alchemist Mao Wenlin discussed the development of the New Alchemy Union and the naming of the union. They began to make plans for the construction of the union and the resources they would need.

As the group made their way out of the town clan hall, Du Hong and Liu Peng discussed the upcoming changes and how they could best prepare the people of the valley for the arrival of the newcomers. They talked about the benefits that the new residents would bring, such as their skills in blacksmithing and craftsman, and how they could work together to improve the valley.

Thank you @Onlythree for the support. And apologies for the late update. I have something to take care of yesterday.

Minoaahhcreators' thoughts