
I See Love In You

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. -The loud house fanfiction- ____________________ You can find 2 extra chapters with 40K words on My kofi account: ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 My patreon account: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links here: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · 漫画同人
30 Chs

12-present to you My Brother Part 3

Chapter 12: Introducing My Brother, Part 3

-Years can pass in a flash, and changes can be big or small. But the essence will always be the same-


In Great Lakes City, in a hospital, a large, muscular young man was fighting for his life. Young fighter and sportive prodigy Mason Garrett London, the great promise of boxing and MMA and the youngest to reach the heavyweight division with a guaranteed place in the UFC Hall of Fame, was now in critical condition; forty-five percent of his body was bandaged and fifty-two percent was in a cast.

The boy arrived at the emergency room near death. The operations that saved his life lasted fifteen hours straight.

The worst is over, but he still has a long way to go, as the damage he sustained left him in a coma.

His worried parents listen to Dr. Larry Marks diagnosis in his office, accompanied by the chief of the police department and Larry's twin brother. Officer Gary Marks

Larry proceeded to read Mason's injuries for the listing:

skull fracture and brain contusion

Nose fracture

partial fracture on the right side of the jaw

right elbow fracture

He lost his upper teeth from the fourth to the seventh, and he also lost the first and second lower teeth.

He sustained severe spinal damage

partial fracture of the left clavicle

partial fracture of the humerus

complete fracture of the scaphoid in the right hand

partial fracture of the left forearm

partial fractures in the left metacarpal

open fractures of the left proximal and middle phalanges

open fracture of the right proximal and middle phalanges

Tendons damage

Open fractures in the fourth rib and remove the right rib

total fracture of the left seventh rib

partial fracture of the sternum

total fracture of the left femur

severe damage to the liver, pancreas, and stomach

The right lung was perforated with a rib fracture and cardiac contusion

The doctor stopped the list of injuries since he saw how Mason's mother was crying and his father was burning with anger. "This is hardly half of his wounds."

Mason's mother cried on her husband's shoulder. "My child. How could they do this to my child?"

Mason's father hit the doctor's desk, breaking it in two. "My son is fighting for his life; he was stronger than me, and yet they left him in pieces. Whoever is responsible for doing this to my son, I want them to be found."

The officer understood the helplessness and anger Mason's parents felt when they saw their son in such bad condition. "Unfortunately, it will be difficult. We have already spoken to his friends, and they said they had seen nothing. Maybe yes, but they are too afraid to speak. When we found them, they seemed to be running from something."

"And what about those who called the ambulance and the police?" Mason's father asked

"I'm afraid there will be no point in interrogating them. Two teenage girls and a little girl were accompanying a blind boy. But don't worry, we will catch those responsible."

Mason's parents leave the hospital, leaving the officer and the doctor behind.

The doctor looked at the police chief worriedly. "Gary. Don't promise the impossible."

The chief of police Gary sighed as he left. "I know, Larry, I know that even if we find the one we're looking for, we can't do anything without bringing in his faction first." Gary looked at the pictures and read Mason's file. This is not done by many people with blunt weapons. One man did it.

Larry watched the file with his brother. "This boy surpassed his father and his trainers, who were world champions in wrestling. Yet his damage was worse than we could imagine. How could someone be this strong?"

"I don't know, Larry... but whatever he is, he must be a fighting beast. And though I know I shouldn't be saying this... he must be the strongest man in the world"

Back to Royal Woods, more specifically the Loud House, at 8:30 a.m. The Loud waited for breakfast to be ready at the large table while Lincoln cooked, wearing a pink apron his father had given him with the phrase I'm a Happy Little Muffin" printed in both plain and braille.

"Who wants heart-shaped chocolate chips on rainbow waffles?" Lincoln asked. The younger sisters confirmed, except for Lucy. "Don't worry, Lucy. Your black pancakes with dark chocolate skulls will be ready in a minute." Lincoln had several bowls of different-colored batter and three waffles. With his remarkable organization, even though he was blind, he could create original culinary works of art that were visually pleasing and satisfying in terms of aroma and flavor.

Lincoln has finished making pancakes for his entire family. For the youngest four, a stack of rainbow waffles and Lucy's black pancakes Some normal pancakes for the rest of his family and some pink pancakes with strawberry syrup in the shape of a heart for Leni, which makes Lynn, Luna, and Lucy jealous. Everyone was grateful for their breakfast, but the girl ate it without much encouragement, which was already worrying Lincoln because Leni hadn't spoken to him since he helped catch Robert in the garden.

As Lincoln ate, he felt something climb up his leg and land on his crotch. From the shape of the body and how it was, he deduced that it was Lynn who was sitting in front of him; he knew it was her bare foot. Lynn was caressing Lincoln's pants.

"Hey Lincoln, I have roller derby practice today, and I was wondering if you could join me?" Lynn lowered Lincoln's zipper with part of his underwear, pulled his dick, and started rubbing it.

'Damn it,' Lincoln thought, 'are you half-monkey? How do you do that with your feet?'

"I-l-I don't know Lynn. The girls here might need me."

"Why are you talking so choppy?" Lucy asked

"I'm a little cold, and my sense of touch is more sensitive. Ha ha ha."

Lynn smiled mischievously without being seen, saying, "Excuse me, I dropped my fork. Lily, can you pass it to me?"

"Okay. I'll go, I'll go." Lincoln panicked at the thought that his little sister could see what Lynn was doing to him.

Lynn lifted his pants and zipped them up before Lily saw them. "Thank you, little brother. And thank you, Lily." Lynn finished eating and got up from the table. "Ok Link. Let's go."

Lynn packed her skating gear and donned her usual red tracksuit while Lincoln wrapped up his classic leather jacket, and they headed to the ice rink.

On the way, as they were far from home, Lincoln scolded Lynn for what she had done.

"Are you crazy or what? How can you think of doing this when we are surrounded by our family and also using Lily, just so I agree to accompany you to your practice?"

"Well, I thought I'd threaten you with my bat. But seeing as physical aggression doesn't work on you as much as it used to, I had no choice."

"I would accept if you asked me without touching me."

"Maybe. But it won't be fun."

Lincoln sighed resignedly, and to make the trip more enjoyable, he decided to seek a conversation. "And at what time do you start your practice?"

"Oh, like two and a half hours."

Lincoln stopped upon hearing his sister's reply. "What? In two and a half hours? Why should we leave home early?"

Lynn smiled and hugged Lincoln's arm. "Because there's a hotel about an hour away and I want to do some 'exercise' first."

"Am I your gigolo now or something? And since when have you been so cloying? I remember that romance and lovers weren't your thing."

Lynn remembered when she was thirteen years old. All her friends had boyfriends, and in order not to feel left out, she had to pay a boy with spicy burgers to agree to pretend to be her partner. But she was never interested in that kind of thing. "I don't know? Maybe I was just piqued. I mean, before, I thought I liked Francisco, but I was just dehydrated."

"And how are you so sure that you are not now?"

Lynn squeezes Lincoln's arm. "I just knew. Now let's hurry up; I want to take as much time as possible."

It took half an hour to get to the hotel, and after an hour and thirty minutes in the room plus fifteen minutes to get to the skating rink, Lincoln and Lynn were waiting for the rest of the team at the back door of the arena.

"Yes!. First as always."

"Your practice starts in three hours, right?" Lincoln asked, annoyed.

"Mh. minutes more, minutes less." Lynn hugs and kisses Lincoln. "What if we make use of the time alone?"

"Please Lynn. We just had sex."

"That's not what I meant, you pervert. I meant we'd do some wrestling."

"prevert? You touched me under the table. Fighting? Oh?. I haven't fought for fun in a long time. Yeah, it looks good."

Before Lincoln could react, Lynn had already pounced on him, subduing him with an arm lock. "Now, what are you going to do?"

Lincoln smiled and stood casually with his arm outstretched. Lynn was holding on to him, preventing him from flexing it, but Lincoln rotated his hips, causing Lynn to shake violently. Before she fell to the ground, her brother caught her in an embrace.

"You have never changed. You continue with your sudden attacks." The boy gave her a kiss on the cheek, made her blush, then put his hand in her soft pants and started stimulating her. "But I also learned to launch surprise attacks."

Lynn felt Lincoln's fingers gently massage her lower area. "Hmm. This is not an organizational move. But don't stop." Lynn kissed Lincoln on the lips while enjoying her brother's massage. Fortunately, there was no one other than the teams that were training that day hanging out at the back of the stadium, so they had absolute privacy.

Lincoln's ear twitched involuntarily at a noise. "I think your friends will arrive sooner than expected."

Lynn was sober when she saw that it was true. From the angle they were at, she could see the group of girls approaching; fortunately, they couldn't see them. "Okay, then we'll continue later." Lynn tried to break away, but Lincoln held her tight. "Lincoln, please, they will see us." The boy started to move his fingers faster, which caused Lynn to be very pleased. "Enough." Before the girls arrive, Lynn ejaculates at the hands of Lincoln, who receives all of Lynn's fluid, preventing her from soiling his pants. Lynn was breathing heavily from her orgasm and separated from Lincoln before her friends arrived.

"You are crazy?" Lynn said it angrily.

"I repaid the breakfast debt."

"I didn't make you ejaculate."

"Take it as an added bonus" Lincoln was wiping his hand with a handkerchief he was carrying in his pocket when his ear moved, and in an instant, Lincoln moved his arm as he caught something in the air.

"What happened?" Lynn, confused, asked

"Yeah, just a mosquito. Hey, why don't you go ahead with your friends? I'll pee somewhere nearby."

"There is a bathroom on the track."

"Yes, but I can't take it anymore. I'll be right back." Lincoln went to a remote part. The boy opened his hand and revealed that he had a needle.

Lynn's team has arrived. Forming the team are her best friends Margo, Maddie, Lainey, Nadia, and Polly.

Lainey noticed her friend's red face and ragged breathing. "Are you tired?"

Lynn couldn't figure out why she was upset. "Yeah. I did fifty laps around the block to warm up."

"As usual. classic lynn." Polly patted her on the back. In recent years, the girl has grown, especially in the size of her buttocks, which have become more massive due to the exercises she has done. "Well, I hope you have energy to use on the path."

"I always have energy."

The girls entered the ring. While Lincoln put all his senses on alert. Between his thumb and forefinger, he held a needle.

"damned. Whoever you are, I recommend you get out."

A man about twenty years old emerges from among some trees. He had blonde hair with black streaks. He was wearing a long yellow coat and black pants. The man reached into his pocket and pulled out more needles, which he threw at Lincoln. The white-haired boy threw himself on the ground, avoiding the needles that stuck to the wall.

"Who the hell are you?"

The boy in yellow introduced himself. "My name is Boomer. Boomer Bee. Alias, 'King of the Wasps'. I hear you're one of the candidates to become a Dracoviam fighter from Venomous Industries. But this position is just for me!" Boomer throws more needles, which Lincoln dodges when he hears them approaching, but one of them manages to stick into his left leg.

"What is that?" Lincoln felt how his leg, which had gone numb, felt. "Those needles must have been soaked in the anesthetic. No, impossible; with the amount he draws, he should also be paralyzed."

Boomer throws more needles, which Lincoln dodges by rolling to the ground, while another manages to go into his right shoulder. "Uh!... my shoulder... I can still move my arm, but my shoulder is not responding. This is not anesthesia. Anesthesia numbs the entire limb. These needles only affect the area where they are inserted... Of course... acupuncture."

Boomer stopped his attack. "You guessed it, I specialize in the art of acupuncture assassination. With just one needle, I can paralyze a part of my opponent's body."

Lincoln grabbed the wall to stand. "Didn't you know that weapons are not allowed in Dracoviam battles?"

Boomer pulled his hands out of his pockets. "That's not a problem." The yellow-haired boy raised his middle and index fingers and attacked Lincoln, stinging him in the left thigh and paralyzing his entire leg. "I can do acupuncture with my fingers." Boomer attacked Lincoln with his fingers, and the white-haired boy ran away to avoid Boomer's attacks, which was hard for him, not only because he was paralyzed in the leg and shoulder but also because every time he rolled the needles, he buried them even more.

Using such strength in his arm and leg that he could still move and propel himself, Lincoln kicked Boomer in the chin, but Boomer took advantage and managed to prick Lincoln behind his right leg, thus paralyzing it. "With my needle, I can only paralyze a part of each limb, but with my fingers, I can paralyze the whole limb."

Lincoln was in trouble. He could only move one arm and his forearm.

"I don't understand what the professor saw in you. You're no big deal." Boomer leans over to look Lincoln in the face. "All I have to do is attack your chest, and your heart will stop. Bye, kid." Boomer was about to kill Lincoln, but when his fingers were only a centimeter from Lincoln's chest, they were stopped by the white-haired man's fist, which twisted Boomer's fingers until they broke. "Oh! Damn it!" Boomer watched the bone stick out from his fingers through his skin. "Son of a bitch. Die." Boomer attacked Lincoln with his other hand, but Lincoln turned, causing Boomer to hit his right shoulder, causing the needle to pop out. "You fooled me, you bastard."

Now Lincoln can move both arms. Using the strength of his torso, he crouched down and grabbed Boomer by the leg, causing him to fall, then rolled over and caught him in submission at the knees. Boomer, in desperation, attacked Lincoln with another flick of his fingers, but in the position they were in, he paralyzed his right leg. Now that he could move his leg. Lincoln changed position and grabbed Boomer by the arm.

"Your biggest mistake was getting tangled up with me." Lincoln stretches and twists Boomer's arm until it breaks, causing the boy to be unable to use acupuncture. Boomer saw his broken fingers and his twisted arm.

"Damn…you…" Boomer growled in rage and started throwing needles left and right. "Die with my most dangerous technique. Hell swarm!" Needles were buried everywhere, passing through wood, concrete, and iron.

Lincoln had hidden behind a garbage can to escape the storm of needles. "Hell, how many of those things do you keep in your pockets?... I have to think fast or he'll leave me as a hedgehog." Lincoln tries to get up, but he can't. He still can't move his left calf or foot. The needles have weakened the trash box, causing a mountain of litter to fall on Lincoln and leave him exposed.

"I won't stop until I kill you!" Boomer counterattacked. Lincoln rolls it into the recycling bin, hoping it will be sturdier than the trash.

"Damn, what am I going to do?" Lincoln started to feel despondent when he noticed something. Because of the constant beating and low vibration of needles sticking everywhere, Lincoln was able to use echolocation and get a clearer mental picture of his surroundings. Lincoln looked around and managed to find a chain hanging outside the container. Lincoln took the chain and stood with the help of his trusty cane, which he folded and dangled from his belt. Lincoln spun the chain, causing the needles to dig and tangle between its links until the attack stopped.

The chain is filled with Boomer needles. The situation is like an old Western movie scenario where, in the final confrontation, the hero and villain stare at each other to see who gets their gun out first. Boomer with his needle or Lincoln with his chain

Boomer quickly puts his hand in his pocket, but before he can take it out, Lincoln winds his chain around it. The needles dig into Boomer's flesh. Lincoln pulled Boomer and spun him around, smashing him into utility poles, walls, bike stations, and trash cans before spinning through the air and slamming him to the ground, creating a crack. He then repeats the same procedure where he spins him, hits everything around him, and then crashes into the wall of an old warehouse, causing him to fall and crush Boomer with debris.

Lincoln threw himself on the floor and sighed with relief. "Where do these bad guys come from?" Lincoln pressed his thumb against his leg to remove the needle, and once it was removed, he was able to regain his mobility. "Damn… when did this city become a lunatic asylum?" Suddenly Lincoln's stomach growled; it was not strange because, because of the effort he put into the fight, he used a lot of energy. As he lay on the ground, opening his arms, he could smell the sweat and the garbage that clung to him. Because of his keen sense of smell, the stench hit him even more strongly. "Damn it!" Lincoln got up and undressed before searching for the stadium entrance.

Inside, Lynn's team finished their training.

"Ah, that was intense, girls." Lynn and her friends were leaving the training ground and heading to the cafeteria to eat and drink before taking a shower when they smelled a strange smell.

"Ehh, what is this pest?" Maddie pinches her nose. "Lynn, did you ever get into the habit of not cleaning your shoes for a few months?"

Which greatly offended the athlete Loud. "Hey, my shoes don't stink that bad." At that moment, Lynn realized that her brother was not there. "Oh. Haven't you seen my brother?"

"brother?" They all said it in unison.

"Yeah, he was out with me, and then…" Lynn noticed that her friends didn't listen to her because they seemed distracted. "Hey, do you pay attention to what I say?" But the girls didn't respond to her; they still had that lost-in-the-blank look. "Let's see, what made them crazy?" Lynn turned around and saw what attracted her friends.

Lincoln walked over to his sister, no one apparently noticing the stench that emanated from the boy. "Hey, Lynn... can you tell me where the shower is in here? I need to clean up urgently."

The girls wake up from their trance when they see that the boy is Lincoln.

"Wait!" Polly said. "Is that Lincoln? Your brother, that you set me up with at 'Hawkins' dance?"

"Is that Polly's voice? Hahahaha, how nice to see you again. Polly, well, instead hearing you again,

A blush was drawn on the skater girl's cheeks.

Lynn pinches her nose while sniffing her brother. "Man, what happened to you? You smell worse than Lana."

"I slipped on a banana peel, and I fell in the trash, okay?"

Lynn had doubts about that story, but she'd rather believe her brother than put up with the stench for a second longer. "Okay, okay, come on, I'll take you. To take a shower."

"But Lynn. We don't have Lincoln clothes here," Lainey pointed out.

Actually, that is not true." Margo answered, and all the girls turned to see her. "Remember last year when that pervert from high school wanted to put cameras in the bathrooms?"

The girls remembered that moment and started laughing.

"Ha-ha-ha, yeah. We found him and beat him up. Then we stripped him naked and made him walk around naked." Nadi clutches her stomach, laughing as she remembers that day.

"So I kept his clothes on like a prize," Margo said, pulling out of her bag the outfit, which consisted of a black T-shirt with a wolf skull on the back and chest. Plus some red shorts.

"Do you take that pervert's clothes everywhere?" Maddie asked?

"Just as a warning. And don't worry, it's laundered."

"Good. I won't be picky." Lincoln takes the clothes, and Lynn escorts him to the shower.

After about fifteen minutes and after Lynn had stopped several bystanders except Lainey, Lincoln emerged in his "new clothes". Then they went to the snack bar in the place, but it was closed because the owner of the restaurant was beaten by a mother after he insulted her weight. So the team and Lincoln had to eat at Burpin Burger.

The place brought back memories for Lincoln, like when he took his sisters in a limo to eat there after winning a contest or when they got stuck in the restaurant after a big snowfall. Fortunately, after the expansion of the city, they now had better equipment so that this would not happen again.

In three years of absence during the economic boom, Burpin Burger has gone from a humble local hamburger joint to a fully fledged franchise with more than 2,000 locations nationwide.

The smell of fried potatoes, hot bread, roast beef, and sweet milkshakes filled Lincoln's nostrils, making his mouth water with nostalgia.

The restaurant was more than two floors high, since the income was so great that they were able to make changes and were thus able to get twenty times as many customers as they used to get three years ago. It is unfortunate that no one knows that the proximate cause of this financial expansion has just entered.

The girls and the blind boy ordered burgers and sat down at a table on the first floor to enjoy the view. At least those who can do it.

Between the laughter and the plans shared by the girls, Polly was the only one who remained silent while eating the hamburger, but she did not take her eyes off the fifteen-year-old boy. It was unbelievable how much he had changed; although three years is not a short time, it wasn't enough for him to become this handsome. She wanted to seek conversation with Lincoln; after all, they were practically friends, though they did not exchange many words after the casual greeting when she went to his house.

"And Lincoln, tell me. How did you become blind?"

The moment of joy between the friends is interrupted by Polly's question. The girls, paying attention to Lincoln's reply, noticed that although they had long known from Lynn about Lincoln's condition, she never told them how it turned out this way, and whenever they asked her, she changed the subject. Either it was a sensitive family matter or she didn't say anything.

Lincoln is left holding a hamburger halfway to his mouth. He knew that his family had not told anyone about his accident, but it was already something that aroused a lot of curiosity, and he knew that sooner or later he would have to say it.

"The gas pipe in my house was in bad condition and exploded when I was walking by it. The blow to my head caused a lot of damage, and I lost my sight."

Lincoln's explanation shocks the girls, except Lynn. She knew Lincoln would defend Lisa from everything.

"Yes, you sure had some bad luck." Maddy said, dipping a cold potato into the ketchup.

Those last two words seem to have been said in slow motion and make Lincoln's mind burn, which causes him to squeeze the soda glass, causing it to explode and splash all over the girls and himself, which frightens the girls. "I'm sorry... I'll go get some more tissues and another bottle..."

The girls looked at Lynn, not understanding Lincoln's reaction. She only told them that these words were a sensitive matter for him, and not just for Lincoln but for his entire family and especially for her. Fortunately, they reconsidered the next day after returning from the beach; otherwise, the situation could have involved police officers and social workers.

It was a dark chapter that should not have existed in the lives of the Loud family. It took a month of apologies, conversations, and material bribes to restore the child's trust. But the boy refused the latter. Because he just wanted to know that his family loved and respected him as much as anyone else in it. Lincoln's big heart was finally able to find forgiveness for his sisters and parents.

This was one of the few things that Lynn envied about Lincoln at the time. Even though he was wrong and selfish, which of his sisters wouldn't? Especially one as competitive and proud as Lynn.

The dozens of awards in her display case confirmed it, but there was one thing she could not achieve with all the training or all the luck in the world, and that was the patience and humility that Lincoln possessed.

If you lose, you go crazy, but if he loses, he just gets up and keeps holding his head up high, and the few times he wins, he won't let it go to his head. This was added to by the fact that she had never acted like an older sister in her seventeen years of life. Not even when Luan left home and became the alpha sister.

Of course, in the past, she would play with Lincoln, but that was always her game and her rules. And when Lucy was born, the role of elder sibling was now compatible with Lincoln's, and so it was until Lily's birth, and in retrospect, it appears that he was her elder brother, always taking care not to harm her and enduring her sudden attacks. All without losing his smile.

Perhaps that will he showed was adding to the guilt she felt for unfairly blaming him, which eventually made her fall in love with him.

With the help of his cane, Lincoln finds the dispenser, grabs some napkins, and heads downstairs to order another soda.

A group of three teenagers carry their trays to their table, one of whom is distracted by looking at the back of a group of four girls, causing him to trip and fall to the floor with his friends as Lincoln passes by.

Lincoln kept his cane behind him so he could help the boys.

"Are you guys okay?" Lincoln asked to extend his hand.

One of the group members is the first to fall. It was Troy, a blond boy with slicked back hair. The boy looked at Lincoln angrily.

"Hey! Why don't you watch where you're going?"

"Hey, calm down; it wasn't my fault that you stumbled."

"shut it!" Troy pushes Lincoln again. "Look at my food! Look at it! Who's going to pay me for that? Ho? Ha? Tell me! Ha? Hmmm?" Troy pushes Lincoln between every sentence he says. "I'll tell you who. It's you!" Troy gave him another push, causing Lincoln to fall to the ground.

People watched the scene, but no one did anything. The white-haired boy got up, straightened his pants, and stood in front of Troy, saying five simple words. "I won't pay you anything, you idiot."

The boys were speechless; no one had ever spoken to them like that before. A tall man with a big afro was standing in front of Lincoln. His name was Mark. "Who the hell do you think you are? Don't you know who we are? Big Boss Chandler's gang."

Another boy with brown hair and a ponytail grabs Lincoln by the collar of his shirt. "This guy needs us to teach him manners. Don't you think so, boss?"

"You're right, Ralph." Troy snapped his fingers at Ralph and Mark to grab Lincoln by each arm and lead him outside.

Behind the restaurant, the boys throw Lincoln to the ground and take the opportunity to kick him. Lincoln was in an embryonic position, covering himself from the blows, when Troy snapped his fingers again, thus stopping his followers.

"Get up," Troy commanded. "Since I was the one you offended, it is only fair that I should be the one to put you in your place."

Lincoln got up with relative ease. After the beatings he'd been through since returning to the Royal Woods, some of the teens kicks were nothing.

Troy took a fighting stance. "You have bad luck meeting me, old man. Not only am I the captain of the fifth squad of the Adventurers Gang, I'm also a black belt in judo and captain of the high school judo team."

"Show him who's boss, Boss."

Lincoln smiled when he heard Troy's martial arts.

The white man slowly approached the blond boy.

"Is he approaching him?" Mark asked in surprise. No one in tournaments attacked Troy first, knowing what awaited them.

"I see you want to die faster than expected. Well, come close, and I will grant your wish." Troy was preparing himself for the possibility that any movement the boy made could subdue him, choke him, or break a limb.

Lincoln throws a straight punch at Troy, but Troy uses his knowledge of judo to immobilize and bend Lincoln's arm. The blond boy was preparing to throw Lincoln to the ground when the impossible happened. Lincoln twisted his foot, unbalancing Troy, allowing the blind boy to release his arm and grab Troy by the shirt, lifting him into the air. Troy couldn't believe what was happening; they had never done this kind of move to him before, but he knew it. "This move...is...judo" Halfway between nothing and the ground, Troy manages to ask a question. "Do you also do judo?" Troy stamps it on the ground as he listens to Lincoln's response.

"I'm a second Dan black belt," Lincoln replied.

"What?" The three boys yelled in unison.

"He is two levels above the boss!" Ralph yelled.

Lincoln did not give Troy enough time to get up because the white-haired man stomped on the blond's face, breaking his nose and leaving him unconscious.

Mark and Ralph trembled with fear, but they couldn't stand by and do nothing. Mark grabbed a pipe that was on the ground and ran towards Lincoln. "damn you!"

Lincoln manages to stop Mark by grabbing the pipe and snatching it from Mark's hands before punching him in the stomach, leaving the tall boy holding his stomach to the ground. Only Ralph remains. He wasn't as strong as Troy or as tall as Mark, so he did the sensible thing. He helps Mark, and between them, they put Troy's arm around his shoulders and take him away.

Lincoln puts his clothes back together and heads into the restaurant, unaware that he has an unwelcoming crowd.

Upstairs at the restaurant, Lincoln arrives with napkins and soda for everyone.

"You're finally here, Lincoln. Why did you take so long?" Lynn questioned him.

"A veteran talks to a cashier about how he killed fifty Germans."

It seemed a big lie to the sporty girl, but when they had all finished eating, they saw at the exit how the cashier had bored from an old man to death and delayed his talk of how he had killed fifty Germans, thus confirming Lincoln's story.

On the way to the Loud house, only Polly, Lynn, and Lincoln are left.

Polly approaches Lynn to ask her something about her brother.

"Hey Lynn… Do you know if your brother has a girlfriend?"

This question caused Lynn to startle. "What is this question about?" Polly was one of Lynn's best friends, and she would never hate her, but Lincoln was hers alone.

Polly blushed and replied. "Well, the other day at Sadie Hawkins dance, the truth is I really liked meeting him; I guess I was too hard on him. He didn't even ask for those dates; he just wanted to see the four of us happy. I guess I'd like to give him a chance to get to know each other better."

Lynn started to feel a little alienated from her friend. But she couldn't tell either. As much as she loved Lincoln, she knew their relationship could not have been possible, at least not in public. As much as it hurts, she had to share Lincoln to save face. "Well, no… he doesn't have... I think so…"

"Cool. So, is it okay if I go out with your brother?"

Lynn felt like she was suffocating because of a big, thick lump going down her throat. This was her pride, which she had to swallow. "Absolutely no problem," she said through clenched teeth; luckily, Polly didn't notice.

They were silent the rest of the way until they reached Polly's house. "Alright. See you next week, Lynn"

"Bye Polly. Take care of yourself."

"Bye Lincoln"

"We'll hear each other later, Polly"

The teens laughed at the joke, though Lynn had to laugh really hard. Polly hugged Lincoln, which made Lynn jealous.

On the way to Loud's house, the siblings chatted.

"That Polly; she hasn't changed a bit since the dance." Lincoln is very happy to be hanging out with one of the girls from his childhood again. But on the other hand, Lynn was boiling with jealousy.

"Well, she wants to go out with you! As a girlfriend. Let that be clear to you."

Lynn's statement was noticeably aggressive. "Lynn, you know what we have can't be. Sooner or later, I have to go out with other girls."

Lynn pushes Lincoln against a tree and puts her arms on either side of his head. "I already knew it. I'm going to have to share. But remember, you're mine, too."

"What?" Confuse the boy. Without further ado, Lynn dropped the biggest bomb.

"Polly is a good friend, and she's open minded; I'll see if I can include her in the relationship."

"Including who? What?… Lynn, are you even listening to yourself?"

Lynn silenced Lincoln with a kiss that lasted about ten seconds. I've got you another girlfriend, but when we do have sex, I'll be first and Polly second." Lynn realized Lincoln and was back on her way.

For his part, Lincoln was dumbfounded.

"I just realized I'm building a HAREM!!!"

In the Loud house, Lincoln's new clothes raised many questions, but no one denied that the boy looked very good. After Lynn went up to her room, Lincoln was heading downstairs when he heard a voice calling his name. This voice was unmistakable. was his grandfather.

"Hey Lincoln. Come here, Grandma, and I want to talk to you."

Lincoln obeyed and sat down on the sofa. All the girls were in their rooms, so only their parents and grandparents occupied them.

Myrtle noticed he had come; Lincoln was about to go downstairs, and the older woman did not want to be left with suspicion and asked.

"Why were you heading to the cellar?"

"I stay there to sleep because there is no place in my sisters rooms."

"But didn't you stay with Luna and Luan?" Myrtle asked, and Albert hugged Lincoln by the shoulder with a warm smile.

"The boy is fifteen and needs his privacy. Indeed. That's what we wanted to talk to you about, Lincoln."

"About what, Pop Pop?"

This time, it was Rita who spoke. "Son. I know that ever since you were a child, you had to live in circumstances that weren't right for your development. But seeing how these years have progressed... I guess it literally took a blast for me to realize that this house was never meant for you..."

His mother's words confused the boy. "Mom? What are you trying to say? You... you don't want me in the house anymore?"

Soon, the parents denied this. This time, it was the father's turn to speak.