
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · 游戏
100 Chs

Chapter 88: Skipping

"Let me help you." Lin Xiaoyu stood up and walked towards the festival.

"This thing can help. Will it leave sequelae?" Lin Jie was puzzled.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because if you think about it, in all the stories about immortality, they are not all about 'meaning but not words'. Isn't it the most stable thing that you can find and understand by yourself?"

Hearing what Lin Jie said, Lin Xiaoyu almost couldn't help laughing.

She explained, "It's just a psychic, not so serious."

"Oh, come on." Lin Jie also got up and opened the door.

Later, the inscrutable rituals such as the clairvoyant method, or arranging the array to find the orifices in Lin Jie's imagination did not occur.

Lin Xiaoyu just took Lin Jie's hand again and put his wisp of spiritual power into the body of Lin Jie.

He began to wander in the body of Lin Jie, helping Lin Jie find the soul.

... so simple?

To tell the truth, Lin Jie is still lost. There is still a big difference between the real cultivator and the fairy in the script.

The first place where Lin Xiaoyu's spiritual power came was the lower abdomen of Lin Jie, which is where the conventional Dantian is located.

Almost 80% of the spiritual orifices of practitioners will be here.

The forest festival is not here.

Lin Xiaoyu was not too surprised about this, but it took more time, so he continued to look for it in other places.

Then the legs, hands and viscera were searched all over.

Still not.

Lin Xiaoyu is not discouraged, and continues to search patiently.


In Lin Jie's brain, he found his soul.

... This is a very rare location.

At the same time, after seeing and feeling the Holy-body, Lin Xiaoyu understood why Lin Jie's congenital Holy-body was changed into a recessive Holy-body before, but only the brain remained Holy-body.

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Because his soul is here.

"It controls the spiritual power of the whole body and injects it into the spiritual orifices," Lin Xiaoyu reminded.

Hearing that Lin Jie nodded slightly, he closed his eyes and followed suit.

Soon, the large amount of Holy-power accumulated in his organs due to the Holy-pill would all head towards the Holy-hole of his brain.

And those gas psychic powers that are thick enough to be almost liquid.

Even more at the moment of reaching the Holy-body It has completely turned into liquid spiritual power!!

Lin Jie also jumped from the second level to the third level.

... can you play like this? It turns out that practitioners can also jump.

Although Lin Jie was prepared for this after testing the quality of Holy-power with Chen Sanmu at that time, when it really happened, he still felt a little strange.

These are the contributions of Lingdan.

Lin Jie understood that the instant fantasy game production brought him more solid confidence.

Lin Xiaoyu, beside him, is behind the scenes.

Just silently withdrew his hand.

... to tell the truth, she was a bit hit

She used to think that she began to practice spiritual power at the age of 6, and it took only 6 years to complete the most time-consuming foundation period of spiritual power from the first peak to the third level.

It is already a very gifted speed, and even her mother Han Jiangxue is full of praise for it.


Lin Jie has been practicing for two months since then?

No, just over a month.

From the Spiritual Conception to the third level, we have passed the foundation period of spiritual power perfectly.

Who won't be hit

Lin Xiaoyu didn't notice the caution of Lin Xiaoyu at the opposite Lin Festival. He felt that his Holy-power had almost been turned into liquid and stored in his Holy-body. Then he asked Lin Xiaoyu:

"What is the next state?"

Hearing that Lin Xiaoyu recovered his other emotions, he seriously replied:

"The fourth level is divided into martial arts. After passing the foundation period of the first three levels of spiritual power, they officially have the ability to use spiritual power to fight. From this level, practitioners begin to be divided into spiritual cultivation and physical cultivation."

"Spiritual cultivation, physical cultivation? Does that mean that spiritual cultivation can converge into thousands of flying swords with spiritual power, while physical cultivation can break the sea and open mountains with physical body..."

Recently, Lin Jie, who has been fantasizing about "The Legend of the Immortal Sword", has become a bit jumpy in his brain circuit.

Lin Xiaoyu looked at the festival strangely and said, "It's not so exaggerated. It's not something that humans can do.

"The main difference between spiritual cultivation and physical cultivation is the way of combat. Spiritual cultivation is controlled by sharpening spiritual power and fighting with spiritual power. After breaking the lock in the later stage, it can hook up the spiritual power of heaven and earth. The main way of attack and killing is actual combat psionics and array arrangement.

"Physical training is to harden oneself. Spiritual power is embedded in every inch of muscle. Later, the lock is broken. It can also harden the body according to the laws of heaven and earth and polish itself into the most powerful weapon for attack and killing.

"But there is not much difference between the two in essence. Both are based on the use of spiritual power.

"And the boundary is not so clear. It is not to say that the physical body of a spiritual person must be powerless, nor is it to say that the spiritual control of a spiritual person must be poor."

Hearing this, Lin Jie asked again: "How about practicing together?"

Lin Xiaoyu said: "Theoretically, that's the saying, but people's energy is limited after all. In addition, no matter what way of practice, after reaching the peak of the fifth level, we must face the existence of spiritual locks.

"Spiritual cultivation is the lock of heaven, and physical cultivation is the lock of earth. It is even more difficult to break a spiritual lock,

Let alone break the lock between heaven and earth.

"It is impossible to break the lock. Without the blessing of the laws of heaven and earth, no matter what way of practice, its power will be greatly reduced.

"So few people choose to practice both spirit and body. Most of them will have one as the main body and the other as a supplement."

But Lin Jie suddenly remembered that the last time Old Man Yan asked Lin Xiaoyu whether he broke the sky lock or the ground lock, and Lin Xiaoyu answered that it was all broken.

So Lin Jie said, "But I remember that you are both spiritual and physical. Are you going to break two locks at the same time?"

Lin Xiaoyu nodded, and UU read www.uukanshu. com and should answer: "Yes, I intend to break two locks at the same time, because I am a genius."

At this, Lin Jie's face was black.

... Well, you Lin Xiaoyu, I don't know who learned such narcissism.

Lin Xiaoyu didn't open for too long. She quickly continued to say:

"In fact, there is a very big benefit to the two locks.

"That is, when you break the lock between heaven and earth at the same time, the law of heaven and earth will reward you, thus giving you a section of the law of heaven and earth that is unique to you, and this section of the law of heaven and earth will become your spiritual power.

"This is actually another way of practice, which is called" Spiritual and Body Double Cultivation "

"What is psionics?"

"It is more like an enhanced version of super power, the most iconic expression of the laws of heaven and earth, and it is your own law of heaven and earth."

"Isn't that the same as those who have super ability, and people can wake up their super ability at once, and the practitioners need to practice hard for a long time and break the two locks at the same time, isn't it too bad?"

Lin Xiaoyu shook his head and said:

"It's not a loss. The ability of a person with super ability to gain super ability is actually an application of the laws of heaven and earth.

"But they are forced to steal the laws of heaven and earth by virtue of dark energy, which will be condemned by heaven, and the more they use, the more they will lose their sense."

"The ability of a psionic master to flexibly use that part of the law of heaven and earth that belongs to him alone is a reward from heaven for the psionic master. It can not only rely on his rapid cultivation, but also has no side effects.

"The combat effectiveness of the same level of psionic masters is absolutely higher than that of ordinary spiritual or physical training, and even those with super powers."