
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · 游戏
100 Chs

Chapter 81: Papaya Milk

In the end, the forest festival did not end.

Before Lin Xiaoyu slept on his stomach for long, he stood up again in a daze.

It seems like the soul went out of the body to wash and wash, then jumped back to bed with a snap and continued to sleep

Seeing this, Lin Jie smiled helplessly, helped her cover the quilt, turned off the light, and then walked out of her room and returned to the computer.

Women are like sleeves, and they must be accompanied by brothers!

Take six pills.

While absorbing spiritual power.

Continue to play games.


After a few days of adaptation.

Lin Jie has gradually become familiar with the life in the Tianzhu Base in Shaocheng.

He has hardly been out of the house these days. He spends most of his time writing game planning books, and his kung fu also pays off. Now he is about to complete it completely.

Lin Xiaoyu is different from before.

Now she basically goes out in the morning and will not come back until four or five in the afternoon.

Every time you come back, once you take off your coat, your close-fitting clothes will be soaked in sweat without exception, and the tiredness of your eyes can't be covered. Obviously, you are carrying out hard training every day.

It is also at this time.

Lin Jiecai realized that:

This little girl is a practitioner at the top of the fifth order.


"Are you going to train later?"

Lin Jie asked Lin Xiaoyu across the table after eating the steamed bun with pork and scallion in Xiaotaimen soup recommended by Chen Sanmu.

Nod. Lin Xiaoyu didn't say anything more. He just drank papaya milk with his head down.


It is worth mentioning that.

Recently, Lin Xiaoyu suddenly changed from "Pure Milk Party" to "Papaya Milk Party".

The pure milk she drank every day was so abandoned by her, and she turned to the embrace of "a bottle of papaya milk every morning and evening".

Look at the papaya on the packing box, which is deliberately painted very round.

Lin Jie couldn't help laughing.

... I can't see how competitive she is.

Somehow silly.

But it's also a good thing.

Lin Jie glanced at the flat airport where he could walk easily.

In fact, he once thought about it more than once: will he be hungry every day when he has children?

It seems that I felt the rude look of Lin Jie.

Lin Xiaoyu immediately raised his head.

Lin Jie was quick in his eyes and hands. He immediately turned his eyes and pointed to the steamed stuffed bun in his hand and said, "Look at the steamed stuffed bun. It's flat and... No, it's big and round."

Lin Xiaoyu's small face turned red.

She stared at Lin Jie angrily for a long time, then drank the papaya milk in one breath and left.

Looking at his back, Lin Jie smiled and shook his head. He finished the big steamed stuffed bun in two or three and returned to his room.

I carefully read the game planning book of "Legend of the Magical Sword" which is almost finished.

After confirming that everything is correct.

Lin Jie knew that it was time to start the next step.

Find the voice.

This is also a time-consuming work.

Lin Jie turned on his mobile phone and naturally intended to go to the sound club. After all, the last cooperation was so happy.

But as soon as he opened it, he saw the message from Wen Bin.

"Brother Jie, why haven't you come back from your elopement with Lin Xiaoyu? I'm bored to death."

"Is Brother Jie there?"

Lin Jie chuckled. Since he lived in Tianzhu Base, he has never been to school again. Old Yan also asked for a long holiday for him.

The next day, Wen Bin immediately bombarded Lin Jie with information through bird chat.

Ask questions, such as where did you go?

Brother Jie, I'm so bored without you.

It has evolved recently. I went there, and I found that Lin Xiaoyu hasn't come for several days. Brother Jie, you won't elope with Lin Xiaoyu, will you? I envy you so much

Lin Jie couldn't really answer him.

Just perfunctory.

After all, when he entered the world of practitioners, he had said goodbye to the ordinary students represented by Wen Bin.

"I'm here, what's the matter?" Lin Jie replied.

Wenbin immediately sent several selfies in succession. Q: "Brother Jie, can you see what changes I have made? Do you feel that I have become handsome recently?"

Look at the picture at the forest node.

Boy, his big head can hardly fit in a photo.

Seeing this slightly funny appearance, Lin Jie couldn't help laughing.

We haven't waited for a reply from Lin Jie.

Wenbin then continued to say, "Oh, I can't see that feeling in this picture, but I have to see it in real life. When will you come back, Brother Jie?"

Lin Jie said, "It should be fast. I'll tell you when I go back."

After that, I changed my contact person.

After finding "Wu Xiaolei", he sent a message to him and said, "Do you have any spare time recently? I have a new project."


Wu Xiaolei recently made a risky decision.

Although it was risky, it was only after he considered it carefully.

That is:

We will transform the sound club from a slightly interested club on campus to a professional dubbing studio.

This is the result of discussion among several of their community students.

Because the pressure of job competition in this society is so great, it is not sure where to work after graduation,

So taking advantage of more free time in college, they plan to hold a group and fight for their dreams.

If you win, you can turn ordinary interests into interests that can eat.

If you lose, you can apply for a job after graduation, and then become a social animal.

At first, they made this decision very hard.

Because there is no money, we need to set up an official studio outside, UU reads www.uukanshu.com, rent, water and electricity, dubbing equipment and so on.

But until the forthright blue star studio directly paid 5w yuan.

He also praised it as a good cooperation experience.

This drove Wu Xiaolei to the dogs, and all of a sudden his self-confidence was boasted.

After all, it's a blue star. The blue star studio that made My World and Final Fantasy.

The praise of the other party is just a top-notch tonic for young people like Wu Xiaolei who still have some doubts about the future!

So Wu Xiaolei resolutely made this decision.

With that 50000 yuan, the studio was soon opened.

Officially began to receive local small dubbing work and large-scale dubbing work on the network.

Although the Voice Service has produced excellent works such as "Final Fantasy", it still has no popularity on the Internet because of no publicity reasons, so it has not received any major work.

However, with excellent dubbing skills, they have grown up in the local market.

Now, many repeat customers have come to their voice club to do some simple dubbing work, such as dubbing a short promotional video, or dubbing a poor children's toy.

[To tell the truth, I have been reading with my Mimi to catch up with the music, switch the source, and read aloud with a lot of timbres, both for Android and Apple.]

For example, what "father's father is mother, father's mother is grandpa" and so on.

Therefore, the operation of the whole vocal society is now in steady progress.

Just then.

Wu Xiaolei received the news from Bluestar Studio again.