
A Battle Before The Real Battle[10]

" I have been waiting for you, Yamauchi-kun"

"Me too, Horikita"

I was confronted by Horikita on my way to the class.

I would have contacted her first, if she didn't come to me, so it's all good.

This is part two of the epilogue, because there are still many more parts, that wouldn't make any sense, if not given a context or an explanation of how did they happen.

Well, keeping that aside, I have to address the issue at hand right now.

There might be two conclusions that could be drawn from the result of the rechecking.

The first one is, of course, it is legitimate, and Sakura Airi was indeed the one who got the highest number of criticism votes.

And the second one is that, the ballot papers were changed prior to the rechecking, which is actually the case here.

However, the second one is a little hard to believe, because, no matter who you are, altering something like the data of a previous special exam, is next to impossible, even for the chairman.

Because, it's a government school, not a privately owned one.

The employees here are veterans in their field, who have been serving the government for years.

I am also surprised by how the fuck was Tsukishiro able to pull off this.

So, a normal student of class 1C would never believe the second conclusion.

That means, invariably, the first conclusion would be the final verdict for the students of class 1C.

Observing that she has been silent for a few seconds now, I decided to speak up, diverting from the current issue.

"Did you get the ten events that class 1A prepared for the special exam?" I asked her.

"Huh? Oh…yeah. Most of them are heavily focused on academics though."

I see. That was to be expected, since they know that athletics is class C's forte.

So, most of their events would be relying on pure academic skills, which is their speciality.

The surroundings turned silent once again.

As it was after school hours, not a single soul was to be found on that floor.

The only sound that was reverberating was that of club students.

Horikita was still silent.

I don't know if she was feeling hesitant to say something or she had nothing to say.

However, there was a doubt in my mind that I decided to clear first.

"Why did you decide to expel me?" I asked her with a firm voice.

It's a complicated question.

"I have already told the reason many a times. Because you had betrayed the class once. And, a class with a traitor can never reach class A. That's the reason. I took action for the betterment of our class."

She replied, however, her tone was soft and polite, unlike the usual cold one.

"Then what about Kushida?"

At my retort, she wore a shocked expression, which was unusual as well.

Usually, if someone reveals some secrets of her like this, she would not waver and neither deny nor confirm the accusation.

However, now, her expression clearly states that she is surprised.

Hence, I continued.

"Don't worry about it. I won't tell anyone about what Kushida did. But, you know about her nature very well. She can be considered as a traitor by common standards too. So why are you trying to co-operate with her, while I am getting a different treatment?"

Horikita sighed heavily as if deciding to tell me her real reason.

I don't really understand people.

So, I don't know why she went that far just to expel me.

The only thing I can do is guessing.

And according to my guess, there might be two reasons.

The first reason is a simple one.

That is, she was influenced by a third party.

Or manipulated would be the correct term.

The biggest influences on Horikita are her brother and Ayanokouji.

If she was simply manipulated then, it would be most probably Ayanokouji, because if it were to be successful, then he would have been able to get rid of his enemy, Tsukishiro.

But the second reason is in a bit broader sense.

"Our class right now is in complete disarray."

Horikita replied to my question finally, and it seems like my second guess was correct.

"Disarray?" I asked, feigning confusion.

"According to the rechecking, Sakura-san really got the highest number of criticism votes. But, when I asked everyone in front of the whole class, only 3 students admitted that they had casted their criticism votes for Sakura-san."

She paused for a second before continuing.

"That means, a majority of students are lying. It has caused an immense amount of distrust to sprout at the center of our class. No one can trust each other now. Students who were friends just a few moments ago, are now keeping their distance. The trust and unity, I had built inside our class for the past year, has been shattered to pieces."

Now I understand her change in voice.

She is feeling completely defeated.

"I don't really hold any grudge against you, Yamauchi-kun. The moment you confessed your betrayal in front of the whole class, your value in my eyes has gone up. But, it was necessary for me, as the class leader, to avoid a situation that our class is facing right now. The trust that has been broken once, can never be restored to its original state. I don't know how you knew about Kushida-san's betrayal, but if things wouldn't have turned out like they did, I would have tried to cooperate with you too."

What she is telling me right now, very well might be a lie.

But, the situation of class 1C that she described, is undeniably the truth.

This class has gone back to the condition when the students joined first in this school and knew nothing.

Hirata has yet to recover from his trauma.

Horikita is feeling hopelessness.

"The only good thing that came out was Sakura-san's video message. I wouldn't ask you any question about how you managed to get that. I am simply happy for her and Hasebe-san too. This might have been the break for her to overcome her mental barrier."

This pen drive thing was a bait too, of course.

I simply told one of the staff of that mall, who works in that cafe, to relay the information that I bought a pen drive recently from that store, if anyone comes asking for me.

In fact, Horikita was master baited there.

"Well that's all I wanted to say. And, I want to apologize to you for my actions."

She bowed deeply.

Honestly speaking, I don't really feel anything about this incident.

If Horikita is speaking the truth, then it was definitely not her fault.

As the class leader, it was her duty to protect the trust that has been built over the year among students.

And, as a result of my meddling, that trust has been completely destroyed.

It would be impossible to even imagine winning a special exam, with the condition class 1C is right now., let alone moving up to class A.

However, as I told before, I don't really feel anything about it, neither guilt, nor regret.

Because, my topmost priority is my own survival, and nothing else.

But, there is a thing that has been bugging me from the start.

I am an adult.

24 years old to be exact.

I have experienced life more than these immature teenagers.

I have failed, and failed, and failed, many a times, that I have forgotten any memory of my success.

That's right.

I was a failure of a person.

But, even if I have failed so many times, the path to success is still unclear to me.

Therefore, there is this thing I have been wanting to do.

And, in my opinion, a failure would be a better fit for this role.

'I want to give some kind of advice.'

That's the thing I want to do.

Because, a failure of a person like me knows exactly what not to do in life.

As Horikita was about to leave, I stopped her.

"Horikita, give me your number."

"Eh?", She was surprised from my sudden approach.

"Actually, as punishment, I am suspended from classes for a week. So, I can't really attend any type of planning for the year-end special exam. That's why, I need your number. You know, for sending the event details and stuff."

She was dumbfounded by my sudden proposal.

"Why though?" She asked me.

"Why? Because I am the commander? And, if our class loses then I am gonna be expelled?" I replied hysterically.

"That's not a problem, is it? You can just take sick leave on that day, and we would have to appoint Ayanokouji-kun as the commander, since he has a protection point."

Actually, that was my last resort.

If nothing shall go my way, then, I would have just taken sick leave on that day, forcing for a substitute commander.

Hence, here comes the advice.

"Horikita, here is a deal for you."

"A deal?"

This incident was just an illustration of how I could have been expelled.

If Horikita really puts her mind into it, there are simply too many ways to expel me, because she still has the position of the class leader.

Hence, I want to get rid of this troublesome affair right now.

Thus, I replied.

"Yes, here is the deal. You, or any one from class 1C would never try to sabotage me or expel me. In return I would help you to reach class A. That's all."

This proposal put her in a thought process.

There is no string attached, and it's just an agreement for truce.

I would help her, and in return she would never harm me.

In fact, if a situation like the in-class voting appears again, she would stand for me.

The rest depends on her decision now.

"I don't think this class has any hope for reaching class A." She replied.

It was clear that the strain of leading a fractured class had taken its toll on her.

However, I would not try to soothe her by saying hollow things like "Don't give up yet, let's try again."

"It's true that this class has no hope for moving up right now. And, I am not even telling you to believe in me. The only thing I am asking for is a contract of co-operation. Take this as however you want, but let me say it. The only one you can fully believe is yourself, not anyone else."

At my reply, she stared at me for a long time.

When you are down in the dumps, certain words hit a lot more than those empty words of inspiration.

I don't know if Horikita would ever recover from this slump, but the only thing I could decipher was the usual glint in her eyes that I had imagined in her when I was reading the novel, reappeared now.

"Let me give you my contact number first."

She replied, by showing me her phone.

I saved it, and she spoke again.

"About that contract, I accept it, because I have no further intention of doing that."

"Got it."

"Moreover, are you sure about being the commander? You can bail out any time, you know."

"No, let me see this through for once."

"Well, if you say so. I would send you the details later. And, there is a class group created for this special exam. Do you want me to add you in it?"

"That won't be necessary. Just send me an overview of the conversation."

After that, Horikita left.

I picked up my bag, and started walking towards the dorms.

With this incident over, the preparations for year-end special exam would start in full swing.

Isn't there a cool line for this kind of situations, where a major event is gonna start?

"I sense a storm brewing."

These words left my mouth, unfortunately, there was no one to hear it.

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