
The Path of Truth: The Battle To Save Sagittarius Part 1

"Alright team...Since you all proved your worth to join Cipher, I have a mission. The Over Religious Bastards have been spotted at the Sagittarius Temple. Our mission is to save a certain Dark Zodiac who seems to find herself in more trouble than normal.." I said.

"We can't find a proper name for the 'Over Religious Bastards'?" Aria asked.

"Their official name is the Church of Weshina...but I don't like em because they tried to get me to kill Yui so they are the Over Religious Bastards to me. That doesn't matter...Saeris is in danger and we have to save her." I said. "We set out at noon."

"Right." They all said and the meeting ended.

I walked outside after putting on my cloak and grabbing an extra mask from the table. Lionel walked towards me and stopped me.

"Why did you pose as Cipher?" He asked.

"I didn't pose as him...I am him." I looked back at Lionel.

"That simply isn't true. He's dead...you can't be him." Lionel crossed his arms.

"I can confirm that Yufumi and the Ancient Hero are the same person." Leona said in her normal form. "Their Spirits are literally one and the same. She is Steven in a sense."

"But how? Why you of all people?" Lionel asked.

"The reason doesn't concern you. Just know that I have a mission...to save your kind and my kind. You should be rejoicing that I'm going out of my way to do this. We technically only need the 12 Zodiacs to unlock the Realm of Origin. I can't allow the Church of Weshina to kill a single Zodiac or Dark Zodiac. If a Zodiac dies, the Dark Zodiac takes their place. That's why I need all 24 of us." I said and put my mask on. "Whether you work with me or stand against me, that is your choice. If you choose to stand against me, I will kill you myself. I don't need you as I am the Leo."

I walked off and Lionel looked at me then rubbed the back of his head and sighed. He mumbled a bit and followed me. My team was ready to set off as Sephora's team was off on a different mission. We travelled towards the Sagittarius Temple to stop the Church of Weshina.

"Ha! Missed me!" Saeris taunted and dodged a slash from a member of the Church.

"Hmph...You're quite fast. I'll give you props, you're immature, but a well skilled fighter." A man said and his katana shined.

"Immature? I'd say I'm more free willed and animated. My friend Lionel on the other hand is a bit of a party pooper." Saeris said and twirled her bow in a circle and looked at the man.

"Enough chatting. I will eliminate you and carry on with the next." The man said and dashed towards Saeris.

Saeris dodged the man and jumped back and summoned an arrow and drew the arrow with the string and shot it at the sky. The arrow split into a million tiny arrows and rained down at the man. A barrier was summoned around the man and Kyria walked up with an eyepatch on her right eye and summoned her lance.

"Pathetic...can't even defeat one weak Dark Zodiac. I can't stand weaklings.." Kyria said and her dark aura emerged and her lance shined a purplish black color.

"Wowowowow! That's such a cool looking lance! What's it called? What's it made out of?! I need to know! Tell me! Tell me!" Saeris said in awe.

"The Lance of Devastation...An Ultima Relic from an Ancient God from the Underworld named Nir. With this power...I shall kill all Zodiacs in the name of my Goddess, Nymphira!" Kyria glared and looked at Saeris and her Yaoke shined.

"Lance of Devastation? Nir? I must be new to this Relic bushiness. I made my bow myself, The Sharp Shooter. I always hit my targets!" Saeris smiled. "You seem strong so I wanna fight you! I need to hone my skills!"

"You must not understand the weight of the situation you're in. You will die, foul insect. I will rid your kind from existence!" Kyria bellowed and her dark aura surged. She dashed towards Saeris and thrusted her lance then a sword blocked her attack.

Kyria was a bit surprised and looked to her right and I landed on the ground and adjusted my mask. She glared at me and grit her teeth. I stood up and my team appeared behind me.

"You..." Kyria said. "I will kill you!"

"Well this escalated quickly." Azami said.

"Well well...You honestly believe you have what it takes to defeat me..?" I asked and took off my mask. "Maybe you need more than a reality check."

Kyria looked surprised and my Yaoke shined brightly. I smirked and summoned my sword. Kyria giggled and covered her right eye with her hand and laughed. Saeris looked at us confused and wondered what was funny.

"I should've known...Yufumi was Cipher all along. I had thought he had come back to life because I was endangering his precious mother's home." Kyria laughed.

"Well you're not far off. I am Cipher. I am the Ancient Hero...and I am your worst nightmare." I said. Kyria looked at me and her eyes were blank.

"My worst nightmare? You're mistaken, you inbred worm. I will be your worst nightmare...I will kill you over and over again, you will never taste death! You'd be begging to die! Zodiac Scum! I will kill you all!" Kyria laughed and her aura turned darker by the second.

"This isn't normal." Leona said in her spirit form and floated beside me. "She's become corrupted by her desire to kill us. That weapon she's holding also...it's the Lance of Devastation. It's a cursed weapon and an Ultima Relic. If you aren't careful, you can die with from a fatal attack from that weapon."

"Fret not. I will dispose of Kyria quickly." I said.

Kyria summoned knights and the barrier shattered around the man. He looked at us and got in a stance.

"Geralt...Dispose of the others. Yufumi is my target." Kyria bellowed and dashed towards me.

"If you're that eager to lose then I'll be more than happy to put you in your place!" I said and dashed towards Kyria.

We clashed and vanished. Geralt looked at my team and Ginchiyo summoned her sword then looked at Geralt. She closed her eyes and thought about Muneshige.

"Watch over me, my love." Ginchiyo said and purple lightning surged around her.

"I guess it's you and me Tachibana." Darkness said and crossed his arms.

"Do not hold me back, Fallen." Ginchiyo said.

"Likewise." Darkness said and transformed into his Spirit form.

"Members of Cipher, your disobedience against the Goddess is foolish. Stand down now and you shall be spared!" Geralt said.

"Not even the greatest Samurai could stand against me. You will make no difference." Ginchiyo said.

"For you there is no afterlife...only the void." Darkness summoned his sword.

They dashed towards Geralt and Ginchiyo slashed first. Geralt dodged then was hit by Darkness's attack and was pushed back. He grabbed his face and tossed him into the air and Ginchiyo summoned a lightning bolt that spiked Geralt towards the ground and Geralt bounced back up and Darkness's demon hand grabbed his body and his aura drained some of his aura then he dropped Geralt.

"Wow. They make such a good team." Azami said.

"Yeah...they are totally in sync." Paulla said.

Geralt stood up and bellowed and his angel wings emerged from his back. He looked at them and slashed quickly. Darkness pushed Ginchiyo out the way and took the hit. Geralt bellowed and slashed continuously and hit him in the air and flew up then slashed down. Darkness crashed to the ground and slid back then saw spikes of light crashing down at him.

"Hmph. How bothersome." Darkness said and snapped his fingers and the space around him ripples and the spikes of light were sucked into a void and healed him. "You do all of that just for me to counter it like that."

"Feral Smiting!" Geralt bellowed and his sword shined brightly. He slashed down and Ginchiyo put her hand in front of her sword then black and white aura surged into her weapon.

"Rushing Lightning!" Ginchiyo bellowed and slashed four times at Geralt and hitting him all four times and knocked him back. "Raikiri!"

She bellowed and a huge thunderbolt struck Geralt and he crashed to the ground. Her eyes shined a bit and her sword had purple lightning surging around the blade. She had awakened her inner power and Darkness was in awe.

"That is her Kaidan Mode. It activates after she uses her Fury Arts. She's more powerful in this mode." Aria said and dodged a Knight's attack.

"Yeah thanks for the lesson." Azami said and dodged a knight as well.

Geralt stood up and Darkness stabbed his sword through his chest. Geralt groaned and Darkness looked at him.

"I hate Angels already...only a select few I actually work with, but you and your clan piss me off." Darkness took his sword our of his chest and wiped the blood off the sword. "Mission complete. Now we just have to wait for Yufumi."

"Right." Ginchiyo said.

Kyria and I clashed multiple times and she rushed me with attacks, laughing. I blocked her attacks and punched her face and blew her away. I dragged the blade of my sword along the ground and yelled.

"Kagutsuchi!" I bellowed and swung my sword at her and an explosion happened.

She rebounded off the ground and pointed her lance at me. A tiny ball of energy was summoned at the top of the blade and I noticed it.

"Die! Devastation Blast!" Kyria bellowed and a huge purple beam shot at me.

My Omni Flames surged and I shot a blast of my own at hers. Our beams collided and we entered a beam struggle. Her beam kept growing in size and getting more powerful. I tossed my sword in the air and it vanished then I used my other hand to make my move stronger. We both bellowed and another explosion happened and the bridge we fought on collapsed and we began falling. Kyria and I fought in the sky. I dodged all of her attacks and grabbed her face and shot a blast in the air and we crashed to the ground faster. A large dust cloud could be seen by the others from a distance.

"Yufumi.." Uchi floated in the sky in her dragon form.

"I gotta admit...you've gotten stronger for a worm." Kyria said and stood up.

"This ain't even the best I could do, you white haired bastard." I stood up and wiped my lip.

"Then show me your power! I'll have more fun killing you when you're at your best!" Kyria laughed and twirled her lance.

"Your voice annoys me." I said and summoned my gauntlets then threw my cloak off. "Fine you wish to see me at my best, I'll show you what you want to see!"

My hair turned into flames and flames surrounded my body and spiralled around me quickly. Kyria was in awe and her sadistic smirk grew bigger.

"Yes..! Yes! Show me all of your power!" Kyria laughed and her aura grew darker and darker until it was pitch black.

My eyes shined red and Leona and I were syncing perfectly. I growled and yelled as I was Ascending. My flames flashed all the colors quickly and my heart thumped hard.

"What the hell is she doing?" Darkness asked watching my flames flash all the colors of the rainbow.

"Is she ascending or not?" Ginchiyo asked.

"This power...the Seven Auras." Aria said.

I roared until my voice echoed. A bright light shined and I fused my Spirit Form and my Zodiac Form on accident and created the Anima Zodiac Mode. My hair was a deep red color and my aura sparkled then I stopped roaring and relaxed my body then opened my eyes slowly. Kyria looked at me in complete awe. I balled my fist and felt my body was very light and loose. I looked at my aura and it was a blood red due to the fusion of my Spirit and Zodiac Form.

"Whoa! She fused her Spirit and Zodiac Form!" Saeris said in awe. "Can us Zodiac really do that?"

"I think it's only something she can do...the combination of forms to create a completely new form. She's one step closer from achieving a form that surpasses Ascension...a Perfect Form only Steven achieved. That form is called The Form of Origin. Not only was he a Reincarnation of the Original Hero...Yufumi also gained that power." Darkness said.

"A Demon Princess...who is also our savior. Heh...I never thought of the day someone from the Underworld would save our asses like this." Lionel said.

"She's so cool..." Grace said.

I looked at Kyria and she chuckled and got in a stance.

"Even with that form, you are no match for me! Come at me with all you've got!" Kyria said.

"Leona..." I said.

"I am always beside you, My Knight." Leona said.

"Understood.." I nodded then roared and my blood red aura surged and sparkled more then I glared at Kyria. "Kyria...prepare to learn the difference between you and I."