
The Path of Truth: Cipher Revealed

Cipher walked down the street of the city followed by Lionel and Grace. Lionel had his hands behind his head and Grace was scrolling through an app on her phone and liking pictures, occasionally showing Lionel. Cipher stopped and sensed some powerful aura and looked in front of him. The people were scared of Cipher because he was associated with the Dark Zodiacs.

"Boss...I don't think they like us very much." Lionel said.

"Who's fault is that?" Cipher asked.

"When you put it that way..." Lionel said.

Cipher looked at the woman in front of her and his cloak flowed in the wind and the woman smirked and twirled her dagger in her hand then caught the handle of the dagger.

"So it's true...You are alive and you've associated yourself with the enemy. You must have some good reason?" The woman asked.

"I owe you no answers, just know what I'm doing will benefit all life around all five Realms." Cipher said.

"Exactly what a villain would say!" The woman dashed towards Cipher and slashed.

Cipher adjusted his mask and looked at the woman then his aura formed a wing and the wing blocked the slash. The woman was shocked and smirked. Cipher looked at her and Darkness appeared and punched down. The woman dodged the attack and jumped back. Darkness looked up and his purple eyes glowed.

"A worthy foe...I am impressed..." The woman said and was about to take off her cloak then another woman, an older woman stopped her.

"Azami...We aren't here to fight. We are here to join there cause." The woman said.

"Well well, if it isn't the Legend herself, Aria." Lionel said and smirked. "Who was to think you were joining us...You must have some motive."

"I have no alternative motive but to help you defeat a threat that could erase all life as we know it. A threat bigger than the Unknown Order. I even brought my most trusted allies." Aria smiled.

"Sup, name's Avani." The woman with green hair and beast armor said.

"My name is Ginchiyo Tachibana. Pleased to meet you." Ginchiyo said.

"I marched towards an interesting beat...by the way my name is Motochika Chosokabe." The male with black and white hair and blue kimono spoke.

"Last but not least my wife and other daughter."

"My name is Uchi, I am pleased to meet you Cipher!" Uchi smiled.

"Hello...I am Paulla. I am working my way up to be like my big sister." Paulla said and looked at Cipher.

Cipher looked at the squad Aria decided to bring and closed his eyes then walked off.

"Follow me." Cipher said.

"With pleasure." Aria nodded.

They followed Cipher to his base and he walked around towards his training field and stood in the middle of the field then looked at Aria and the others. They looked at Cipher and Aria rose an eyebrow. Cipher adjusted his mask.

"If you wish to join my ranks...you will have to prove yourself to me. I won't allow any amateur to join me. We are fighting to kill a Goddess...not just defeat her and make her learn her lesson. We will obliterate her existence. If you still wish to join..." Cipher held his hand out. "Step up past that line."

Aria looked at the line and walked past the line. Azami followed quickly. Ginchiyo looked at Cipher then closed her eyes and walked past the line. Avani walked past the line. Motochika walked past the line. Paulla and Uchi were a bit hesitant, but walked past the line.

"You've chosen your path. There is no turning back...once you choose to walk down this path, you can no longer choose to walk back. Now to prove to me you're no amateur, we will hold mock battles." Cipher said.

"Finally, I've been waiting to punch something!" Azami said.

"You will be battling me. The way I prove if you're ready is if you are able to keep up with me even when I'm at 100%." Cipher said.

"Pick me! Allow me to go first!" Azami said. "I want to be the first to prove myself that I have what it takes!"

Cipher nodded and adjusted his mask then Azami took out her daggers and smirked. She looked at Cipher and got in a stance. Cipher stood there and his cloak flowed in the wind. Azami dashed towards Cipher and slashed quickly. He dodged her attacks and his after images vanished then he palmed her hand to the side and pushed her away with his aura alone.

'That person fights exactly like Steven...What's going on? Is this really him or someone made to be like him?" Darkness thought.

Azami dashed towards Cipher and jumped then slashed down and Cipher dodged, but she caught the side of his mask. He slid back and looked at her.

"She got faster in a short amount of time. Interesting." He said and dashed towards Azami, going on the offensive.

Azami looked surprised and dodged his strike then he shifted his body and placed his hand on Azami's stomach and turned his hand up then she was blown away. Aria caught her and looked at Cipher.

"He's so strong.." Paulla said.

"My turn." Ginchiyo summoned her sword and dashed towards Cipher and slashed as fast as lightning.

He blocked them with the gauntlets he summoned and grabbed Ginchiyo's arm and flipped her over his shoulder then kicked her back as she was still in the air. Ginchiyo grunted and rebounded off the ground. She dashed towards him again and faked a slash then slashed upwards and he barely dodged. Ginchiyo was able to chip a piece off his mask and he saw the piece fall to the ground. He looked at Ginchiyo and took his cloak off.

"I understand your strength now. Let's see you handle this!" Cipher bellowed and his hair slowly turned into flames. "LEONA!"

He roared and awakened his Zodiac Power and transformed into his Zodiac Mode. Darkness was in awe as he watched. Cipher dashed towards Ginchiyo and palmed her stomach and pushed her back. He summoned his sword and slashed then she blocked it, but was pushed to the side.

"Let the lesson begin." Cipher said and balled his fist then shot a fireball at Ginchiyo and slashed, blowing her away.

Ginchiyo grunted as she fell on her back and her sword vanished. Cipher looked back and Aria looked at him and smirked.

"You're no Unknown...but I can see that your power exceeds my expectations. How about you take me on now." Aria said.

"As you wish, hero of Genten.." Cipher said and adjusted his mask.

Aria summoned her lance and sword then dashed towards Cipher and slashed at him. Cipher blocked the attack and dodged a slash then Aria kicked him away. He slid back then saw her gone. She appeared behind him and red aura surged from her eyes. She slashed and released a blade beam, hitting Cipher and he was blown into the sky. She tossed her sword in the air and turned her lance to the flat side and her sword began falling as well as Cipher. Her eye sparked at the katana was perfectly horizontal.

"Sword Technique: Shining Bullet!" She bellowed and swung at the katana like she was playing baseball. She hit the handle and the sword flew towards Cipher.

He opened his eyes and bellowed and his flames created a barrier then deflected the sword and Aria dashed then caught it. He landed on the ground and Aria bellowed. She slashed and hit the barrier, causing it to shatter. He grunted and stumbled back then Aria slashed down and Cipher groaned and slid back. His mask cracked straight down the middle.

"What the.." Darkness watched.

The mask fell in two and revealed a female's face...my face. I looked at Aria and my Yaoke shined brightly and she smirked. Darkness was surprised and was in disbelief...the entire field was.

"Wait...Cipher isn't a he..?" Grace asked.

"You're telling me this loser could stand up against three Genten Legends?! I fought her and destroyed her! Where did she get that power from?!" Lionel said.

"So it's true...he is dead." Darkness said.

I looked at Aria and my flames flashed white. Aria twirled her katana and pointed it at me.

"You're impressive for what you're worth, Cipher...but you can never stand where I am...not right now at least." Aria said.

"That's what you think...I still won't let anyone join my ranks!" I bellowed and my flames spiralled around me quickly.

Everyone watched in awe. Lionel was surprised the most and I let out a roar and Leona's roar was heard as well.

"Leona and I are the strongest team to ever exist!" I bellowed and closed my eyes then my flames surged to the sky. My hair turned white and my flames vanished. I opened my eyes then looked at Aria.

"Heh...reminds me of a battle I had with Stella. Yet you aren't on her level...but I can sense a Goddess like power within you." Aria said and her seven auras flashed around her body then her aura turned white. "Yufumi...I sense great potential in you. Let this be your lesson..."

Aria transformed into Seven Sage Mode then her aura sparkled. This was her God Mode. Aria pointed up and I looked up then saw her in the sky. She shot a powerful blast at me, my body moved on its own and dodged the blast. She landed and slashed. My body moved and slashed as well. Our blades clashed and a shockwave was produced along with high winds.

"This power.." Darkness said and watched.

"Yufumi is actually holding her own against someone like Aria?" Lionel said.

Aria broke the clash and palmed my chest and my spirit exited my body. She got in a stance and a symbol appeared in front of her.

"Spirit Breaker!" Aria bellowed and slashed releasing a powerful blade beam that hit both me and my spirit then it exploded.

My spirit entered my body again as I crashed into the wall of my base. I coughed and turned normal then fell to my knees and placed my hands on the ground. My Ascended Form took too much energy from my body. My body felt so tense afterwards. Cipher was able to combine all his forms into one...I can't even handle my Ascended Form. I looked up at Aria and fighting her when she wasn't holding back is actually scary. I can't imagine what she's like if this wasn't just a mock battle. She looked at me and smiled then turned normal.

"With training...you can be like Cipher and not have to use his name to boost your own influence. With enough power and knowledge you'll have enough authority to create an army." Aria nodded.

"Right.." I said and looked at the ground to catch my breath. I looked at the broken mask on the ground and closed my eyes.