
The Path of Revelation

I was floating in a white world of nothingness. That white world of nothingness then turned into a field where I see the humans hurt from a battle and a demon standing before them. I try to yell but they couldn't hear me.

"This is the future of the Demon Route.." A voice said. "Should you choose this path, you will be fighting for the Underworld."

I looked around again and saw a different vision where the Demon Princesses were on the ground hurt from battle and a Demon Hunter stepped on Katsuguchi's stomach.

"This is the future of the Human Route. Should you choose this path you'll be fighting for the Human Realm." The same voice said then I appeared back into the white world of nothingness, except this time I see a person in front of me.

"Who are you..?" I asked.

"I am the Ancient Hero. Your journey only begins now, but it won't be an easy journey as you will have to choose the demons or the humans. What path do you wish to walk on?" The Ancient Hero asked.

"I don't want to choose. I want to save both sides from total annihilation. My cousins and my friends. I wish to save both sides!" I said.

"The Path of Revelation. The Path of Truth and Sacrifice. The same path I walked. I understand your wish. If you wish to finally seal the deal, you know where to find me." The Ancient Hero said then began fading away.

"Wait..I have more ques--"

I woke up as water was splashed on my face. I sat up quickly and looked around. I saw Kufka looking at me with a bucket in her hands. I sighed and stood up.

"A normal wake up tactic wasn't good enough for you?" I asked.

"Nope, plus I heard you mumbling in your sleep. Anyway, Li Mailin made some breakfast. Get it while it's still hot." Kufka smiled and walked out the tent.

I got out the tent as water droplets fell to the ground from my hair. I used my flames to evaporate the water on my body and grabbed a plate from the table. I sat down on a chair and began eating.

"Does it taste well?" Li Mailin asked.

"Yeah, tastes great actually." I said and looked at Li Mailin. "Good job on breakfast."

Li Mailin smiled and nodded then the others sat down and ate breakfast as well. We chatted about what we planned to do today. I planned to get the car today. Everyone nodded and in a matter of minutes we finished breakfast and cleaned up. We then made our way back to the Juggernaut. After 20 minutes of travelling on foot, we made it to the garage.

"Hm? Oh you all are back. I finished your car for you. Dad made some extra installments on the car to make it better on and off road." Tatsuya said.

"Ahh, thank you." I smiled and nodded.

"Well since it's in perfect condition, how about you take it for a spin." Tatsuya handed me the keys.

"Uh, I'd rather leave the driving to Li Mailin." I handed the keys to Li Mailin. "We'll be off now! We have a long road ahead of us."

"Right. See you later." Tatsuya nodded and walked off.

We all got in the car and Li Mailin started the car then drove off and pushed the button that put the roof of the car down. I thought about the words the Ancient Hero told me. If I had chosen to side with the Demons, the Human Realm would seize to exist. If I sided with the Humans, the Underworld would perish. I can't choose a side to fight for, so that's why I will fight for both sides. The task would be hard, but if it means bringing peace to the Human Realm and the Underworld then I will do just that.

"Hold on Li Mailin!" Mikoko said and Li Mailin hit the breaks.

"What's the matter?!" Li Mailin looked back at Mikoko.

"I know you feel that Yufumi." Mikoko said.

"Yeah...and it's close." I said then got out of the car.

"Demon Princess...in my sights." A male said and slashed down and I dodged.

He dashed towards me and slashed. I summoned my sword and parried his attack, but still got blown away. I rolled backwards and grunted. I stood up and he was in front of me and went for a kick. Mikoko grabbed his leg and bellowed as her aura surged then she slammed him down. The man got up and red lightning surged around his body.

"Phantom Discharge!" The man bellowed and hit us with a large pulse of electricity.

An explosion happened and I was blown away again and I heard the Ancient Hero's voice in my head.

"There's nothing wrong with retreating from battle." The Ancient Hero said.

"Retreat..? I'm just getting started!" I said and flames surged from my feet and I dashed to the man using the burst for a boost of speed and bellowed then slashed.

"Pathetic." The male said and his body flickered and he dodged then struck my stomach.

My cheeks puffed up and I coughed out blood. I fell to my knees and gasped for air and coughed. I held my stomach and panted.

"Who is this guy..?" Mikoko asked and looked at the man.

"I will rid this world of the demons!" The male said then deflected a bullet. "Mmm..? A human working with demons..?"

"Dad! What the hell are you doing?!" Kufka ran out the car.

"Kufka?!" The male took his mask off and looked at Kufka.

"Dad?!" Mikoko looked at the man. "Wait wait, you're Zain?!"

Zain nodded and looked at them and bowed. Li Mailin walked to Zain quickly then Zain looked up and she slapped him. Zain was shocked.

"What's wrong with you?! Attacking them?! You lost your mind?!" Li Mailin scolded.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know that they were--"

"You didn't bother to ask..? God..you're so annoying." Kufka said. "We are working with Yufumi to stop this war between the humans and demons."

"Does anyone ever ask questions before deciding to attack someone..?" I asked and stood up.

"My apologies...I didn't realize you all were on that path. If there's anything-"

"We're fine." I glared at Zain. "We don't need help, not from you anyway."

I walked back to the car and sat down and slammed the door closed. Shizaki looked down as she was sad that she couldn't help. The others got in the car as well and Li Mailin drove off. Zain sighed and put his mask back on. He looked up and vanished.

"I can't believe he attacked me. Further proof on how bad this world is, I will stop Omusa and destroy his reign over this world! The War will end, I will create peace then maybe mother will finally see the potential in me." I said.

"You still want to earn her approval..?" Mikoko asked.

"Yeah..I want to prove to her that I have what it takes to rule her home when she steps down. I won't disappoint anyone anymore." I said. "That's a promise."

"If that's your goal, to end the war just for her approval--"

"Not that's not all...I want to end it because I don't want to see anyone suffer anymore. I will bring peace because that's my calling. I was destined for this." I said.

"You don't need to carry that burden on your shoulders alone. You have us. We all will help with your goal!" Kufka said.

"Yeah! I promise to get stronger...so I can fight along side you." Shizaki said.

I looked at the scenery and my eyes glowed. I hope to get my answer when we get to the Cave of Leo. I need answers, why me of all people..? Why do I need to carry this mission, aren't I supposed to be a villainess? Well then again I did choose this side...whatever the reason may be, I won't fail the Ancient Hero.