
Murano vs Himiya

Murano walked down the street with her hands in her jeans pocket. She stopped and looked back and sensed Himiya. Himiya looked at Murano and looked nervous but tough at the same time. Murano turned around closed her eyes and sighed. She opened them and looked at Himiya.

"What do you want..?" Murano asked.

"I have something to prove. I know what you and Yufumi did...I don't care about that though. Now that war has practically started I am fighting for one reason, but I want to do this so you can acknowledge me once more like you did when we were kids! We were so close! I never wanted to betray you! I know my words aren't enough...so that's why I stand before you." Himiya said and summoned her dual katanas, a fighting style she took after Veronica. "We will have an official Demon Princess Battle."

"I acknowledge you alright...I acknowledge you as my enemy. The one who got my powers taken away. The one who went behind my back. I thought we were childhood friends but that's nothing but a memory now. I have no issue with killing you." Murano said and her aura surged. "You wish to battle, I've waited so long for this moment when you would find the courage to try me in battle. You mean nothing to me."

Himiya glared and dashed towards Murano and yelled. She jumped and summersaulted then slashed down. Murano held her hand out and a force field blew Himiya back and she appeared above Himiya then kicked down and spiked Himiya down. Himiya recovered and dodged Murano's next attack.

"Come on Demon Princess, show me that power you inherited from Veronica! The power that isn't even yours! You're not even a REAL demon! Yet you call yourself a Demon Princess! You disgust me in more ways than one!" Murano said.

Himiya could tell how much pain Murano held in her heart. She was extremely hurt the day Himiya caused Murano to get her powers taken away by Katsuguchi. Himiya stood up and her eyes turned golden and her pink and purple aura surged around her.

"You're right...I am not a real demon...My powers aren't my own...they were a gift from Stella, who I saw as my Guardian until she found me a home. I have something that I want to prove to her, myself, my father...to you. I'm not the weak little girl you all once knew! I'm not the same as I was back then! I know what I did was terrible and I regret every bit of it! But now isn't the time to feel sorry for myself, I'll make you look at me again!" Himiya tapped the vamp of her boot on the ground and exhaled. "Death Blade: Senzu!"

Himiya's body flickered and she vanished then appeared above Murano and her eye were demon like. Murano summoned her daggers and her eyes became demon like and her demon code shined on her left shoulder. They clashed and aura surged and caused a repulsive force of ever that cracked the ground. They vanished and clashed continuously as they were practically even in strength and speed. Himiya landed on the ground and Murano appeared behind her and kicked her away then warped in front of Himiya and went for a stab. Himiya opened her eyes and an aura serpent blew Murano away. Murano crashed into a building and rolled on a table then on the ground.

"Your hatred for me is justified, I know, but why can't you just forgive me?! I know what I did was wrong! I can't forgive myself for what I've done...Just listen for five minutes!" Himiya pleaded.

"I've listened to your lies since you've been in my life, I'm ending that train of lies now!" Murano bellowed and her energy increase and her aura surged more powerfully, destroying the building. She vanished and appeared, grabbing Himiya's face then slammed her head into a building then began running, dragging her head across the building and threw her in the sky.

Himiya grunted and opened one eye and saw a blurry image of Murano and Murano slashed at her multiple times and she grunted and groaned in pain them Murano jabbed her stomach and spiked Himiya to the ground. Murano landed and saw portals open in front of her and dark aura spikes crashed towards her, but didn't hit her. It restrained her movements. Himiya stood up as her jacket was ripped and her aura flashed to a darker aura. She could covered her right eye. Murano grunted and looked at Himiya.

"Why...why do you hold such a hatred..? I hate myself so much for making you feel this way. You are still the one girl I can't get out of my head. I never saw you as just a friend, but as my soulmate. Ever since I met you at the lake..on your birthday..you've been my closest friend. I'm never gonna give up on you! Murano!" Himiya bellowed and uncovered her right eye and her demon code shined from her eye then demon arms emerged from her back and she dashed towards Murano and punched her cheek.

Murano was surprised and was blown back then slid backwards on one knee. Himiya appeared behind her and her demon arms grabbed Murano then tossed her in the air and she jumped up then grabbed her waist and powerbombed her. Murano coughed a bit of blood then stood up and her green eyes glowed and she swept Himiya off her feet. She stood up and backflipped and kicked Himiya down and Himiya coughed and bounced up from the ground. Murano turned and palmed her side and a force of energy burst as the ground broke more and Himiya was blown away.

"I'm never letting..you go Murano!" Himiya got up and panted. "The thing I cherish the most in my life is my love of you! I'd walk through the Heavens and burn eternally for you! I want to make it up to you! You're the only one I truly care for besides Stella! I'll never let you go!"

"Shut up!" Murano appeared in front of Himiya and punched her stomach then slammed her to the ground and got on top of her and began thrashing as Himiya blocked her face. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! JUST SHUT UP!"

Himiya punched back and got Murano off her then stood up and wobbled then as Murano got on a knee to get up, she kicked Murano in the face and caused her to slide on her side. Murano sat up and Himiya got on top of her. Murano put her hand on Himiya's face, but Himiya punched Murano's face and kept punching her face until Murano grabbed her shoulders and head-butted Himiya then kicked her off. Himiya laid on her stomach for a bit then stood up slowly. Murano stood up as well and looked at Himiya with a bloody nose and a missing tooth. She wiped her nose and sniffed and took a deep breath and ran at Himiya. Himiya ran towards Murano.

"Himiya!" Murano bellowed.

"Murano!" Himiya went for a punch and Murano did as well. They punched each other in the face and slid back.

Himiya wobbled towards Murano as her demon arms slowly crumbled away and struck Murano's stomach. Murano coughed blood and stumbled back then gave Himiya a right hook. They were trading blow from blow then Murano punched Himiya's face and caused her to fall back.

[Flashback 10 years ago]

"It's not fair! It's not fair! Why do you act like you're better than me?!" Himiya whined and was weakly punching Murano's chest.

"Because I am." Murano flicked Himiya's forehead and smiled. "You're not even a full demon, from what I know you're a hybrid."

"Not true I'm a demon! Papa says so! He said I'll be as strong as you Stella one day!" Himiya puffed her cheeks.

"He's lying, no one can ever reach her power. Especially when she has Nigh-Omnipot... whatever it's called...and we haven't seen her full power." Murano said.

"Well still, I will grow even stronger than you!" Himiya looked at Murano with a smile.

"Whatever." Murano smiled.

[Flash Forward 5 years later]

"Murano! Murano!" Himiya ran to her and Murano balled her fists then turned around and grabbed Himiya's shirt and glared.

"I hate you so much! You betrayed me! You caused my powers to be taken away you bastard! I hate you so much!" Murano looked at Himiya's face with tears.

"I-- I wanted to save my sister.." Himiya said.

"Your sister's been dead for years! She doesn't exist anymore! When will you learn that the humans killed her?! When will you realize that reality?!" Murano pushed Himiya down.

"I...I do realize it...I can't forget how lifeless her body was that day.." Himiya sniffled and tears came down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry.."

Murano shook her head and walked off, leaving Himiya alone on the ground. Himiya hugged her knees and sobbed softly, knowing she ruined her friendship with Murano.

[End of Flashback]

Himiya and Murano slowly walked towards each other. Himiya tried to punch Murano and fell. She got up slowly and Murano weakly struck Himiya's chest. Himiya pushed Murano off and they both swung weakly. Himiya tapped Murano's forehead with her fist and Murano weakly hit Himiya's cheek. They both fell on their knees.

"I know you carry so much hate for me in your heart...I can't express enough how sorry I am...you literally mean the world to me. You mean everything to me.." Himiya said.

"I don't care..!" Murano snapped her fingers and drained the remainder of the power Himiya had. "Now say...goodbye!"

Murano twirled her dagger and went for a fatal blow, but Himiya pushed her arm away and uppercutted Murano with all the power she could muster and Murano flew up and crashed into a building. Himiya coughed and her hair covered her eyes. She used the bench to support herself to stand. Murano grunted and bellowed.

"Why won't you understand?! I don't want to see your face because I hate the fact I couldn't help you when I knew you were suffering?! I hate myself as well because I wanted to help and didn't know how! You were clinging on to me more than normal and I knew and yet I ignored the suffering because all you did was smile! I hated the fact I blamed you for my powers going missing!" Murano yelled and panted. "Forget it...I'm ending this shit now!"

"Murano...she still wants to fight...I'll have to end this battle with one move.." Himiya summoned her dual katanas and her aura appeared weakly.

Murano's aura appeared weakly as well and she flew towards Himiya. Himiya flew up to Murano. They both bellowed and have their all to their last move of the battle.

"Spacial Ripper!" Murano slashed.

Himiya blocked the attack and flew towards the building and placed her feet on the building and flew towards Murano again. Murano landed and looked at Himiya. She saw a faint figure of a spirit with Himiya. It was Veronica. Veronica placed her hand on Himiya's back and Himiya's aura grew three times the size of her original aura.

"Azure!" Himiya slashed and Murano blocked the attack. Himiya kicked off Murano's arm and made Murano stumble back. "Six Demons!"

"I won't lose to you!" Murano bellowed.

"Shangri-La!" Himiya bellowed and sent six serpents at Murano and they struck her one by one. Himiya spun and came down towards Murano then slash through her and her aura vanished then she coughed up blood.

Murano fell on her knees and fell on her side. Himiya dropped her swords and they vanished then she fell on her knees and on her side. Himiya rolled on her back and looked at the sky. It was sunset already...they were fighting for hours. Murano rolled on her back and looked at the sky.

"Why...? Why did you always hold onto me..? Why? I've said I hated you so many times...I said I wanted you dead in the past..so why? Why can't you just leave me alone..?" Murano asked.

"Because I learned that anything that can be fixed deserved a shot to be fixed...I...I couldn't just leave our bond the way it was...I couldn't. I love you Murano. I always have and will no matter what. I cherish what we had in the past and I want to move forward from the past...that's why I wanted to fight, to end this argument of silence we had." Himiya turned her head towards Murano.

Murano turned her head slightly then Himiya noticed a tear rolling down her cheek. Murano still cared about Himiya a lot, but couldn't face her and tell her how bad she felt not being able to help her. She turned that hatred for herself into hatred for Himiya and tried to push her away. She's never had a soul care for her the way Himiya did.

"I'm sorry.." Murano whispered.

"What?" Himiya asked.

"I'm sorry okay?!" Murano sniffed and looked at Himiya. "I want to start over...go back to the way things were. Get my powers back.."

"I want to go back to the way things were also...I'll help you get your powers back..." Himiya said.

"Murano?! Himiya?!" Yui ran up and saw them injured on the ground and saw the destruction of the neighborhood. "Who did this?!"

"We..did this actually." Himiya said.

"Yeah...we got into a bit of a fight." Murano said.

"What?! Let...Let me heal you two now and escape before the Demon Hunters come!" Yui said and summoned her grimoire then healed Murano and Himiya.

Suzumi stood beside Yui and was half asleep, conserving energy. Murano and Himiya looked at each other then smiled. They've finally met the middle ground and created peace between them. Murano finally forgave herself and Himiya and was finally ready to move ahead. They closed their eyes and allowed Yui to fully heal them.