
Repaying Kindness with..

"Ha ha ha!"

  "I spent fifty six years, almost half of my life, and I finally entered the Innate Realm! Old Ghost Li, you won't believe that, I Zhu Zhengqi will one day break through!"

  It was near dawn and the sky was almost bright, loud laughter could be heard through out the hilltop villa.

  Zhu Zhengqi flew up and directly blasted through the ceiling of the room leaving behind a large hole about two meters wide, and above the hole about ten meters high a person was suspended in the midair, lined with the rising sun, overlooking everything from the top.

  Feeling the strong prestige of the Old man, Zhu Huawu, Zhu Caiwei and Zhu Jiacheng were all stunned.

  The old man flew up! Holy cow old man flew up!

  Is this the legendary innate Realm?

  However, the Flight was only short lived only for three seconds, Zhu Zhengqi just fluttered in the sky for a while and he felt a sense of powerlessness and he fell down into the room through hole he previously blasted through.



  Both Zhu Huawu and Zhu Caiwei with a worried look, eagerly shouted and rushed towards their grandpa room desperately.

  "It's okay! Grandpa is fine!"

  Zhu Zhengqi as he entered the room first he dusted himself and then open the door with a little smile and said "Grandpa just broke through, I am not used to flying, you don't have to worry, grandpa will soon get the hang of it."

  I used to think that those who are Innate Martial Artist can fly in the air, and they looked very handsome. Who knew that it actually needs so much Blood and Qi.

  He just flew for only two seconds?

  He only floated about 10 meter high, and all the blood and qi in his body was cleaned up, and finally fell to the ground crushing into the bed below.

  "Grandpa, you are so powerful that you can fly!" Zhu Caiwei did not care for the old man's embarrassment, seeing that old man is healthy and the body has restored all the vitality of the past, she rushed to hug her grandfather's arm in a spoiled manner and said: "I also want to fly, grandpa will you teach me?"

  "Well!" Seeing the little eyes of his little granddaughter, Zhu Zhengqi's heart felt refreshed. The embarrassment of moment ago was throw out of the window, and there was a kind smile on his face. "If Little moon Wants to learn, grandfather will naturally teach her personally, but it is very hard to practice martial arts. but i am afraid you will not be able to bear it."

  Zhu Caiwei hesitated, and asked, "Well, if I want to fly like grandfather, how long do I need to practice?"

  Zhu Zhengqi sighed: "It depends on Once chance. Some people are like a god in Luck. like the old man Li from the capital. When he was 40, he stepped into peak of Martial Artist, and then it took only took him ten years he successfully break through the gap between the heaven and humanity and stepped into the innate realm."

  "But your grandfather, I became a Peak Martial Artist a year earlier than Old man Li, but it was only took me until now to make a breakthrough. In my case, I still had to borrow the Luck of my baby granddaughter. Otherwise, Grandpa is afraid that only death dead awaited me today!"

  Zhu Caiwei instantly opened her mouth, but no words came out she thought in her heart 40 years for peak of Martial Artist and then if luck is good 10 years for breaking through to Innate realm totally 50 years of suffering and hard work with low probability of reward. so, She decided that she will use the most cost-effective way to fly, Airplane and helicopter they can fly higher and faster then her grandpa.

  "Then I don't want to practice. I am already twenty-two years old this year. If I practice for a 5 decades then i will become an old woman before I fly!" Zhu Caiwei shook her head in tears. She was not a martial maniac like Zhu Huanan.

  "Well, it's okay if you don't want to practice." Zhu Zhengqi did not feel disappointed. "Now world is a legal society. The significance of practicing martial arts is actually not that great. If you want to keep fit, it is enough to learn a few sets of Tai Chi or Wu Qin Xi[1] "

  Real martial arts in fact nothing but killing. It is not actually aimed at strengthening the body. In many cases, improper training of martial arts will hurt the body than do any good.

  Zhu Zhengqi has lived a long life. He has seen too many warriors who have died due to over consumption of their own blood and qi spirit. There are very few people who have lived long because of martial arts.

  Therefore, for his children and grandchildren whether or not they want to learn martial arts , is their voluntarily choice, Zhu Zhengqi does not insist.

  "Little Moon, That scared fruit you gave to Grandpa is very magical, where did you get it from?"

  Zhu Zhengqi suddenly asked Zheng Chuwei.

  That small tomato-like fruit not only made up for the blood that he lost in the past, but also strengthened his internal organs, and even let him break through the repairs that had plagued him for nearly half a century. letting him Stepping into Innate while regaining new life.

  It's affect were really too good, it's more effective than a legendary panacea. Zhu Zhengqi couldn't help but have curious heart.

  More than Zhu Zhengqi, Zhu Huawu's looked at Zhu Caiwei's eyes with a very eager eyes then his grandfather, extremely eager.

  Zhu Zhengqi's old physical health only Zhu Huawu is the most clear, Zhu Zhengqi's life force was already exhausted, he was barely breathing on fumes, His grandfather had even signed the will, he was preparing to inject The Medicine tonight.

  If it wasn't for Zhu Caiwei, if she hadn't just come back unannounced. At ten o'clock last night, she would never be able to see the old man again.

  Therefore, Zhu Huawu's heart had the greatest shock of all. This is the real Legendary panacea which can revive a person at the brink of death. If you can find more of these, whether it's for your own or family's use, or exchanged for human sentiment to those who are equally exhausted at dead's door. it will definitely play an invaluable role in the future development of their Zhu family.

  "No more left!" Zhu Caiwei said: "There were four in total. My friend had eaten three before, and he thought I was not bad. Only then he gave this last one to me."

  "What? Your friend has eaten three alone?!"

  Zhu Huawu's mouth hung open, and there was a sharp pain in his heart. This is blasphemy. This is! If all these three spirit fruits were handed over to him, they would have definitely brought more and greater benefits to them.

  "What's wrong, do you want to bite?" Zhu Caiwei was dissatisfied with Zhu Huawu's reaction: "He haven't eaten your things, what are you worried about? If it wasn't for my friend's generosity and left me a special one, grandfather would not be cured!"

  "According to this, people are the great benefactors of Zhu family, Zhu Huawu, I warn you, don't you make trouble for my friend, otherwise I and you are not finished!"

  Zhu Caiwei is very clear about what her big brother is capble of. Now she couldn't help but worry about Yang Fan. Although Yang Fan is not a fuel-efficient lamp, Zhu Caiwei is inexplicably wants to protect him.

  "Well, Little Moon well said." Zhu Zhengqi also warned Zhu Huawu. "You must know the difference between being grateful and ungrateful. Our Zhu family will never repay ones Kindness with ungratefulness!"

  "Furthermore, being able to gain three unique spiritual fruits is also a fortune of others. This kind of thing is mostly fate, and envy is useless."

  Zhu Huawu face hardened, what did he say? He didn't say anything, why are all of them warning him, making him look like a big villain.

  "well" Zhu Zhengqi said, and he suddenly looked at Zhu Caiwei with a smile. "Small moon, grandfather now wants to see this friend."

  "After all, he ate three fruits, If he cannot absorb and refining them in time, the energy hoarding in the body would be more harmful then beneficial becoming a drag. In serious cases, even his vascular meridians have the possibility of being blasted, and there could be other life-threatening worries. "

  "So, it is better to bring him to Grandpa here, let Grandpa help him refine the energy" Zhu Zhengqi said: "Grandpa is now a innate level masters, with just one single hand I can help Him in refining the energy in his body, and it is also repay him for his gift. How do you see it?"

  "This…" Zhu Caiwei hesitated: "Is it really life-threatening matter? No, when we separated, he was healthy as a bull"

  "Naturally it is true, did Grandpa ever lie to you?" Zhu Zhengqi said: "If he is just an ordinary person, it may be too late now to take an action. But if he has learned Martial arts and has a little martial foundation, maybe we won't be late."

  Zhu Caiwei suddenly rushed: "No, no! He has practiced Martial Arts, he is the half apprentice of big brother Zhu Huanan, he should be okay I will call him!"

  Zhu Zhengqi signaled Zhu Huawu with a glance, and Zhu Huawu nodded.

  At this point, Zhu Caiwei has raised her hand to make use of the pink light brain on her wrist and found the contact number of Yang Fan on the virtual screen, and dialed directly.




  After a dozen or so sounds, no one answered. Zhu Caiwei's look became very unsightly. The heart was a little panic. It seemed that her grandfather was right and Yang Fan that stinky fellow might have meet a problem!

  "No, I will go find him!"

  Zhu Caiwei turned to the garage but was stopped by Zhu Huawu. Zhu Huawu said: "It will take too much time to get there by driving, take the helicopter of the big brother! It will only take five minutes to get anywhere in the city."

  Zhu Zhengqi interjected: "I also go with you. If something goes wrong, I can directly treat him. he is also my savior, so, I can't slack off."

  Zhu Caiwei nodded hard and did not notice that her grandfather and big brother seemed to be a bit too enthusiastic about a stranger whom they have never meet before.


[1] Wu Qin Xi – Five Animals Play Qigong (Wu Qin Xi), Qigong- Martial Arts. therefore, Five Animal Martial Arts.

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