

Yes, Yang Fan is fishing.

  Using the Blood intensity radiating out of the body as a bait, like the smell of a Delicious BBQ, seducing the monsters with smell, hehe! luring those monsters who are extremely sensitive to the blood intensity to take the initiative to appear out in open.

  In West chu City, the demon hunting team in the city often used such a method to catch the low-level monsters hidden in the city and then kill them.

  This trick has been tried and tested, but it only works for the monsters under the second level, their intelligence quotient has not yet fully developed and all their activities are based on instinct and are slaves to their desire. Their desire for blood food can almost be described as addiction madness. As long as they encounter the blood of the higher order, they no longer care about danger, they will swarm and rush to eat. since high order blood is their path to faster evolution

  In general, as long as their luck is not too bad, if there is no high-level monster passing by, the demon hunting team's fishing action can always provide a great success.

  Now, Yang Fan is also using this trick, saving him the time to deliberately search for preys, as long as he releases some of his blood power with the process of running, those low-level monsters will automatically find him.

  At this period, the spiritual concentration in Rongcheng city or the world is not high and spiritual concentration is far from the conditions required for all the beasts to activate their bloodline to advance and develop. Whether it is a monster or a demon plant, almost every monster is trying to break through First Grade except for some special cases, this is the main reason Yang Fan is so unscrupulously releasing his blood intensity on the street, he don't have to worry about attracting some high-level monsters.

  "Okay, lets began here!"

  Yang Fan led the dozen frenzy monsters behind him to a isolated corner of a nearby park, then stopped and saw the little monster that were hunger mad. His face showed excitement.

  "You successfully killed a monster that has not entered the Grade, your spiritual will has improved, intensity of blood +1."

  "You successfully killed a monster that has not entered the Grade, your spiritual will has improved, spiritual will +1, blood intensity +2."


  After a while, the beautiful lawn was now blood soaked filled with dead animal corpses, a total of eighteen corpses, which brought Yang Fan +3 spiritual will and +35 blood intensity.

  Yang Fan feet that his strength has been greatly enhanced and His blood intensity should have exceeded 50 units. He only needs another wave of such hunting. His repairs will be equal to the repair of waste wood Yang Fan in other timeline. Reaching the level of Second level Martial Artist.

  In this way he can not only kill the hidden dangers of the Man-Eating pets, but also improve his own cultivation and at the same time avoid the dealing with his insomnia, This plan is worth praising.

  However, Yang Fan is not happy.

  He just strolled around in a residential area near the community and fished out 18 hidden monsters that were not fully awakened. He is now conceived that the whole city or the whole world such a monster will only be in unimaginable number, scary.

  Yang Fan has just noticed seriously. Among the 18 Man-Eating beasts, only two are stray dogs without the owner. The remaining 16 necks are all wearing pet collars, clean and beautiful mini pet clothes.

  Obviously, these are domestic pets, usually hidden by the side of their respective owners, once they are completely awakened it will be genocide, such a picture, Yang Fan simply can not imagine.

  There is a saying in the West Chu City that has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even child who has yet to learn walk and talk will be warned again and again by the adults around him.

  "Any animal, even a donkey, a flea, a kitten, a puppy, or even a tortoise caterpillar, as long as it is a monster and can absorb the spiritual power between the heavens and the earth, it will definitely morph into a Man-Eating monster. So, kids, if you see any animal do not hesitate just kill it! Kill it and become a avenger, kill it don't you take pity to it. Don't wait until teeth of the monster have reached the neck of you and your loved ones, so kill it before you began to regret it. "

  This is the experience and lessons that generations of human beings have learn with the cost of their blood and it is worth passing down to every human being.

  Yang Fan was deeply impressed by this. He had seen the bloody scene of the demon beast.This is a bitter hatred between races and it can not be forgotten until one side is utterly finished.

  Therefore, people in West Chu City never have pets. In the city, no matter who they are, as long as they find a living animal, they will kill them in the quickest way. In spite of this, there are always beasts in the West Chu City and they are persistent.

  The Rongcheng city has developed rapidly in recent years and the resident population is close to eight million. Among the eight million people, even if only one percent of them have pets in their homes, that is a lot of Monsters.

  In addition to these domestic pets, there are two large zoos in Rongcheng city, hundreds of pet stores, and insects and snake, ants hidden in sewer garbage dumps.

  A medium sized city like Rongcheng has these many ticking bombs waiting to explode any minute now. There are nearly a thousand cities of different sizes in the world, and their situation is similar or worse.

  If these animals are not eliminated but completely neglected by humans then when all these animals evolve into man-eating monsters, then the end of mankind is not far away.

  "Fortunately, there are only some domestic pets that are showing signs of awakening. Otherwise, even if it is me, i can only chose to escape!"

  As for why domestic pets are more likely to wake up? Yang Fan knows why, but he knows that It is simply unrealistic to completely eliminate all the domestic pets in the entire city let alone the world.

  No one would believe his words before they saw the genocide of the man-eating monster. Just like what happened at the police station, people would only regard him as a neuropathy with abnormal mental state, a dog-killing demon with a perverted hobby.

  In fact, the pets he killed this evening will also bring trouble his way. Yang Fan believe that tomorrow, the owner who finds his own pets missing will inevitably report to the police. The police in the nearby community will soon be involved in the investigation.

  After all, nearly half of the sixteen pets are expensive breeds worth more than 10,000 yuan, and each one is worthy of the police investigation.

  Yang Fan pulled brim of his hat. He was deliberately avoiding the surveillance cameras on the roadside. if the police wanted to find perpetrator. It is not going to be easy. after all with Yang Fans level of the martial arts. surveillance cameras simply can't catch him.

  Yang Fan's night run continued. Harvesting did not stop.

  Yang Fan kept releasing his body's spiritual blood, and walked alone in the stillness of the night. Behind him, there will always be some pets with red eyes.

  An hour later, the strength of the blood in Yang Fan broke through 80 units, and he was successfully upgraded to the second level of Martial Artist, and his strength had been further improved.

  Two hours later, Yang Fan completed the last wave of harvesting, and the blood intensity finally stopped at the position of 120 units, only few step's away from the third level of Martial Artist.

  However, at this time, the sky was bright, the early city cleaners had begun to work on the roadside, Yang Fan had to stop his harvesting operation, and quietly returned to his rental house.

  This night, he killed more than a hundred monsters, and his strength has doubled, his night run was quite rewarding.


Hello people,

Let the leveling being…

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