
Chapter 3026: Not Trying Hard Enough_1

Worship Hall!

There sat Tang San on the ground, completely absorbed in meditation, the Soul Power Aura emitted by his body visibly growing at an eye-catching speed...

As Ghost Panther Douluo watched this scene with his arms crossed, he spoke in a tone of surprise, "This Tang San, it seems, is not so incompetent after all, he's been diligently practicing ever since he joined the Martial Soul Hall!"

Xiao Long Douluo, too, casually chimed in, "Mm, to be able to maintain such a cultivation speed in the hands of Magic Bear, his talent is indeed exceptional. I admit I underestimated the kid!"

To be honest, it's already good enough that Tang San's soul power rank didn't fall under Magic Bear's intentional difficulties!

Basically, there was no confidence in him whatsoever!

Hearing these mocking words, Moxiong Douluo furrowed his brows and retorted discontentedly, "Xiao Long, what do you mean by that? What does maintaining this cultivation speed in my hands mean??"

"Without me, how could Tang San's strength have improved so rapidly!!"

Xiao Long Douluo, as if hearing a joke, teased, "Come on, you really think we don't know what you've done to Tang San? Those actions can't even be counted as guidance, they're just venting your inner dissatisfaction!"

"Guess what would happen if the Grand Elder knew about these things, do you think you'd come out unscathed?"

Moxiong Douluo clenched his fists, his gaze towards the former carrying a hint of murderous intent, "Xiao Long, it seems like you are deliberately picking a fight, do you really think I wouldn't dare to make a move against you??"

Xiao Long Douluo made a gesture of disdain, "Make a move? So, you are indeed a brute who only likes fighting!"

The Grand Elder has clearly forbidden guest elders from slaying each other!

Otherwise, I would have made my move long ago, why would it be his turn?

Qianjun Douluo, who had been silent all along, couldn't help but speak up to stop, "Xiao Long, that's enough!"

If this goes on, I'm afraid Magic Bear won't care about the rules of the Worship Hall!

Hearing his words, Xiao Long Douluo just clicked his tongue and turned his head away...

Only then did Qianjun Douluo look towards Moxiong Douluo, reminding him earnestly, "Magic Bear, we will not tell the Grand Elder about this matter, but you should occasionally take your mentoring seriously!"

"Otherwise, if the Grand Elder investigates, I fear you won't get off lightly!"

Moxiong Douluo, however, was completely uninterested in this approach, interrupting impatiently, "Enough, how I conduct myself is none of your business!"

This Qian Jun is playing the good guy, who doesn't know he's best friends with Xiao Long!

Qianjun Douluo's expression soured a bit, "Since you do not appreciate the advice, then let it be, after all, it's not us who will be punished if the Grand Elder decides to inquire!"

Having said that, he left with the others, leaving behind a Moxiong Douluo seething with rage...

Taking a deep breath, he marched over to Tang San...

And suddenly kicked out...

Without any warning, Tang San was sent flying like a cannonball, and the intense pain brought him out of his meditative state...

Hurriedly covering his abdomen, Tang San gritted his teeth and said, "Magic... Bear Worship, why... why did you kick me??"

Thankfully, I was not in the middle of a breakthrough, otherwise, it would have been in vain!

Moxiong Douluo looked down at him from high above, sneering, "Why? Tang San, has your little brain shrunk? Choose a place crowded with people for cultivating?"

"If someone bore malice toward you, you'd be dead already!"

Upon hearing this, Tang San was first taken aback, but soon he understood the meaning behind the other's words...

He immediately bowed with his hands clasped and said, "Thank you for the lesson, Bear Worship; it is Tang San who has been ignorant!"

Seeing this, the mood of the former became inexplicably a little lighter, "Heh..."

This kid, if it weren't for the Grand Elder's orders, would be quite suitable as a sandbag to vent my anger on!

"I'm in a good mood today. Tell me, have you encountered any difficulties in your cultivation?"

At these words, Tang San spoke anxiously, "Bear Worship, under your guidance, my combat abilities have indeed improved significantly."

"However, my cultivation speed has slowed down compared to before. Please enlighten me!"

Moxiong Douluo raised an eyebrow and thought to himself, "Guidance? He must be referring to the times I beat him up, right?"

But how would I know if his Soul Power Cultivation speed has changed?

Whatever, I'll just brush him off with some random excuse. After all, the kid's talent is truly not weak — let him cultivate on his own!!

With that thought, he coughed softly and spoke in a hushed tone, "Ahem... Tang San, the reason why your cultivation speed has slowed is because you have been too slack lately. If you put all your efforts into cultivation, the speed will naturally increase!!"

"All in all, it's because you're not working hard enough!"

Tang San's eyes still brimmed with confusion, "But, Moxiong Douluo, except for the time I spend eating and sleeping, I'm almost always cultivating, yet the speed has not increased!"

This statement made Moxiong Douluo suddenly lose his temper...

He would not allow this kid to question him!!

He shouted angrily, "Tang San, you still think about sleeping? Who allowed you to sleep? You should be using this time for meditation!"

"If you don't even have this level of awareness, then you are nothing but a complete waste!"

Tang San swallowed hard and then fiercely slapped himself...

Damn it, Moxiong Douluo is right, how can I still think about sleeping!

The most important task right now is to work hard on cultivation, to become stronger!!

Sleep should not be happening to me at all at this time!!

With this thought, he immediately stood up, didn't say a word, and left the place, determined to find a spot free from disturbance to fully devote himself to cultivation!

Watching him go, Moxiong Douluo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Phew... I didn't expect to actually fool him, but is this kid's brain not working well? How could he even believe such talk!"

However, just then, a cold voice came from behind...

"Moxiong, aren't you going a bit too far?"

"What I do, do I need you..."

Moxiong Douluo turned around angrily, but upon seeing who it was, he choked back what he was about to say...

Quite embarrassed, he said, "Se... Second brother."

Gold Crocodile Douluo looked at him directly, "Hmm? What were you about to say just now?"

Moxiong Douluo's head swayed wildly, "No... nothing, I thought it was Xiao Long that guy!"

Immediately after, he changed the topic, "So, uh, what brings you here, second brother??"

Gold Crocodile Douluo withdrew his gaze, "Of course, I am here on the Grand Elder's orders to see if you have seriously been instructing Tang San!"

Moxiong Douluo replied somewhat guiltily, "This... of course, how dare I not follow the Grand Elder's orders!"

Little did he know, Gold Crocodile Douluo's next words scared him so much that he broke out in goosebumps...

"Is that so? But what I just witnessed doesn't seem to be the case."