

Xu Sheng couldn't help but give a bitter laugh and explained, "Well, everyone, Ning Rongrong indeed is a bit spoiled and willful, but her heart is not that bad!"

Although her current self, yet to mature, is completely different from what she will be in the future!!

Flame noticed the keywords in the sentence, widened her eyes in shock, and exclaimed, "Ning... Ning Rongrong?? Xu Sheng, how long have you known each other that you're already addressing her so intimately? Could it be that she actually came here for you??"

Evil Moon also expressed his doubts, "Xu Sheng, what you're saying does indeed sound suspicious. Who would address someone like that upon first meeting?"

Hulena's face turned an ashen hue, "Xu Sheng, are you telling me you've been lying all along?"

She found such an outcome somewhat hard to accept!!

Xu Sheng was stunned for a moment, then promptly denied it without hesitation, "No, I haven't lied. I truly met Ning Rongrong for the first time. It was just a slip of the tongue earlier!"

Although Evil Moon and the others still held their suspicions, they had no choice but to reluctantly accept this explanation…

Meanwhile, Ning Rongrong also lost interest in those members of the Golden Generation…

She ran to Xu Sheng with a lack of enthusiasm and commanded, "Xu Sheng, these guys are no fun at all, take me somewhere else."

Before Xu Sheng could answer, Hulena sternly rebuked, "Though you are from the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect, this is Pope Hall. There are some places you simply can't go to!"

Upon hearing this, Ning Rongrong immediately got fired up, "I was talking to Xu Sheng. What gives you the right to butt in? And who are you, anyway? What gives you the right to talk to me in that tone!"

Hulena, too, refused to back down, puffing out her chest and saying, "It's precisely because I am the goddess of Pope Hall. Isn't that reason enough??"

Ning Rongrong was momentarily stunned, "The goddess of Pope Hall??"

Seeing her reaction, Hulena thought she had become scared and said with pride, "If you're afraid, then behave a little better, or you won't even know how you'll die!!"

Upon hearing this, Yue Zhengyu couldn't help but inhale sharply, "Hiss, Xie Xie actually fought the Ghost Emperor alone, and he survived. He's that tough?"

If it were me, not using Sacrifice to boost my own strength, surviving ten minutes would be questionable, let alone coming out alive!

Ye Xinglan mused, "Xie Xie's Spatial Soul Skill is very peculiar. Unless it's a strong contender with Spatial Ability, it's very difficult to inflict any effective damage on him. He must have used it to protect Xue Yuntian."

Tang Wulin affirmed this point, "Yes, that must be it. I've experienced Xie Xie's Spatial Soul Skill. It's impossible to track his movements with spiritual power!"

After the Ghost Emperor ascended to godhood, although he transformed Soul Power into Divine Power, his spiritual power didn't get a significant boost!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been disrupted by Gu Yue's spiritual attack during the last battle!

Seeing the situation, Xu Xiaoyan expressed her feelings, "No matter what, it's good that Xie Xie is safe. If he had perished while protecting Xue Yuntian, that would have been too senseless!"

Xu Lizhi also chimed in, "That's for sure. No matter how you look at it, Xie Xie is one of our most important companions. Choosing between him and Xue Yuntian, is there even a question?"

Without Xue Yuntian, the Douling Empire will simply appoint another emperor!

But without Xie Xie, we would lose an important companion!

Only Yuanen Yehui, with a look of concern, said, "But I'm a bit worried about whether the treatment conditions in the Douling Empire will be sufficient to heal Xie Xie!"

Having already lost a loved one once, he did not want to experience that indescribable pain again!

As a Saint Soul Douluo, Ya Li immediately discerned what was in her heart...

She revealed an infectious smile and reassured, "Ye Hui, I understand your worries. It's true that the overall level of Soul Masters in the Douling Empire is weak, but there are many powerful support-class Soul Masters!"

"As long as Xie Xie hasn't suffered a fatal injury, he should be able to fully recover!"

This statement was undoubtedly like giving Yuanen Yehui a tranquilizer, who murmured, "Is... is that so? That's good!"

Cai Yue'er couldn't help coughing lightly, reminding, "Ye Hui, if you're really worried about Xie Xie, you can go to the Douling Empire and bring him back!"

"With the Elders sitting in the Academy, we're not afraid of sudden attacks!"

After all, it's easy to understand such emotions when a loved one has been seriously injured!

Yuan En Zhentian took a deep breath and said seriously, "That's right, Ye Hui, if you want to go, then just go. Leave the Academy to us, and don't feel pressured!"

Lan Muzi also agreed, "Yes, and while you're at it, thank Xie Xie for us. After all... he must have made a great effort to protect Xue Yuntian!"

Tang Yinmeng made a face, "And by the way, I used to think he was a coward, but this time, my opinion of him has completely changed!"

Tang Yuehua pursed her lips and suggested, "Otherwise, shall I inquire with Emperor Xue Ye? He cares so much about Xu Sheng, he might know something."

These words frightened Tang San considerably...

He hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Aunt, let's not. To bother His Majesty the Emperor over such a trivial matter would be making a mountain out of a molehill!"

As for Xue Ye, he had no good feelings at all!!

After all, to think that someone who is the emperor would secretly send specialists to abduct himself was nothing short of shocking!!

Luckily, it was for information about Brother Sheng. If it were with the intent to kill him, he wouldn't have lives enough to spare!

So, it's better not to contact him at all!

Tang Yuehua gently ruffled Tang San's hair and teased, "Xiaosan, I was just joking. Did you really think I would seek out Emperor Xue Ye?"

Xu Xiaoyan lowered her head, murmuring, "Maybe Gu Yue doesn't plan to use the Ten Thousand Beast Platform to control us after all."

"But Wulin, if we really become enemies with Gu Yue in the future, what should we do?"

As long as Gu Yuena doesn't abandon the plan to resurrect soul beasts, it will definitely affect the peace in Soul Land in the future!

And the existence of Shrek Academy is to prevent such things from happening!

This was, without a doubt, touching upon Tang Wulin's blind spot, so he immediately changed the subject, "Xiao Yan, don't think too much for now. At least from what we can see, Gu Yue's resurrection of soul beasts hasn't posed any threat to humanity!"

The former naturally knew he didn't want to continue the topic and tactfully didn't press further, "Sorry, Wulin, for holding you up for so long!"

Tang Wulin shook his head to show it didn't bother him, "It's fine; let's go back. Otherwise, Zheng Yu might get jealous!"

Hearing the slightly heavy tone in Tang Wulin's voice, Cai Yue'er and the other Sea God Pavilion Elders also seemed to sense the gravity of the situation, exchanged glances, and agreed with the suggestion...

Then Ya Li took a deep breath and spoke, "You've just been through a big battle and should rest for a few days, but since the Pavilion Master has spoken, let's take advantage of the moment to convene a Sea God's Pavilion meeting."