
I never choose to be hated

After running away from my family with the last belongings of my grandmother, I lost half of my memories and was transported into a fantasy novel, not as the female lead but as the sister of the second male lead. If I remember correctly, this girl is fated to be hated by everyone all her life and die at the age of twenty in the female lead’s place.
 I only have two years beforehand ? Okay, then I’ve made up my mind. Let’s not be anywhere near the main characters and be happy until I can go home. But why do I feel like I’m missing something ?

Rux_Shy · 奇幻言情
2 Chs

Chapter I- The beginning (1)

« Ren! Don't do this! »

« Ren! »

« Has she finally gone mad?! »

« Stop it now! »

Shut up! What is wrong with all of you?!

I might leave as well, I have nothing to do here! If she's not here anymore, then I won't stay, I won't come back!

For how long I am running, I'm out of breath, I can't keep on.

I had a box in my arm, it's heavy, I'm tired, but I can't let them have what inside the box! It's the last thing left from grandma!

« Ren! Come back! Admit everything and you'll be excused! »

« Excused? Pfff.. for what exactly ? I didn't do anything wrong! What should I be excused for? »

I lifted one leg after the other and were standing on the bridge, standing in front of them.

I couldn't stay anymore. The rain was huge, it was so chaotic.

The cars honking, the thunder and the dark sky..

With those idiots dressed like rich kids playing the victim, anyone would find it ridiculous if they were watching this.

« Let me talk to her auntie ! She will certainly listen to me »

Bring in the protagonist of the story! What a pretty girl wearing a Pxdx dress with Txfxnx jewelry's that she bought with her late grandmother's money.

What a generous girl, I want to puke!

« Listen Ren! I understand your grief! I can feel your pains! But you can't go on like this! Think of grandma! Think how she'd feel if she saw you doing this! »

« Grandma.. »

« Yes! Think about it! If she saw you doing this she would surely say-»

I laughed out loud, it was hilarious.

« She'd probably say 'f*** off you little s***!' »

« REN! »

« Don't say my name, it's disgusting coming on from you! »

« Ren! Seriously! Get of the bridge! You'll hurt yourself! Come on! Give me the box! »

Seriously? She's so funny! Did she really ask me to give her the box?

If she was really worried she would've said 'take my hand' and not 'give me the box'!

How hilarious!

« You want to have what? The box? Pffff, if you really want to play the 'perfect kind girl' you shouldn't show your real face so quickly »

« Ren! Stop talking nonsense and give it to me now! »

« So you really want it.. »

« Give me the box, now! »

« Okay.. if that's what you want, then you can have it»

I threw the box at her, it's not like I need it anymore.

Does she think she won the lottery? She look so happy, but I suppose anyone would have reacted the same way if they knew the content of the box.

The moment the box reached her hand, the whole family jumped on her.



« NO! MINE! »


They were pulling out their hair and then started to tore their clothes, what a ridiculous scene.

The police were approaching, I didn't have much time left.


Too bad, look like they found out..

« Where is it? »

« Where is what? »

Look at them, the whole family news as the perfect family of the society with a messy look.

« What a sight »

« Don't play with me! »

« I thought you wanted the box, so I gave it to you ! »

« Police! Nobody move ! »

« REN! Give it now! »


« You're never satisfied, are you? »


« If you want it that much.. »


« Then find it by yourself! »






« YOU B****!! »


Argh.. My head..

What happened..? Ah! That's right !

I was running outside, then there were a bridge, I jumped and… Wait! I'm still alive?!

I suddenly woke up, I couldn't believe it. I was still alive!

But this place.. I've never saw this place before.

Am I being kidnapped ?!

If it was the police, then I'd would be in the hospital, but now, I'm inside a luxurious room with a painting above me and a big sized bedroom.

What the heck did they do? Am I in Europe ?!

Seriously ?!

« Damn my head! »

« Are you okay my lady ? »

« F***! »

« My lady?! »

What a fright! Who was she?! She looked more surprised than I was.

Who wouldn't be surprised having a complete stranger appearing out of nowhere with a funny outfit? Seriously, is that a maid cosplay?!

She had tied brown hair with silver eyes, I've never see an eye color like that.

Behind her were two other people standing, they had the same outfit as the brunette.

The one on the right had short blond hair and orange colored eyes, the other one had pink brown hair and brown eyes.

Let me guess, this is a hidden camera show, right ?

Who put me in this situation.

I just wanted to protect what was in the box from-

« That's right! Where is it?! Did they take it?!»

That's impossible! I can't let them have it!

« My lady, are you alright ? Do you need something ? »

« Where is it?! »

« What do you mean my lady? »

« Stop calling me like that and tell me where did you hide it! »

« Hide what? I'm sorry, I don't follow you my lady, what are you searching for? »

« Dont play with me! You know the- »


« The.. »


« That's.. »


What was it again?

« My lady, are you okay? Should I bring you a glass of water? You must be really tired »

It's impossible..

« My lady? »


I was way too chocked to pay attention to what she was saying.

I started to panic, I didn't know what to do anymore!

What was the thing I had to protect from them?

Wait.. from who exactly ?..

My grandmother was a very kind person.

I remember she had a big library at home, I often came to her house to read some novels and before she passed away, She gave me a box with something inside and asked me to keep what was inside.

The only memories that I have is when I was with my grandmother and all the books I read at her house.

Besides that, it seems like I can't remember anything else.

I can't stay here anymore.

« Let me go »

She was even more surprised than when I woke up. She looked straight at me with a strange gaze.

« My lady, I'm not sure of what you want but, if you're asking to go out I can ask the madam- »

« Are you deaf? I said let me get out of here! »

I stood up on my own and said it again.

« Let me go now! »

« My lady! Be careful you can't do that ! »

I got off the bed and walked to the door then the three lady started to scream.


« What the heck! »

'Why are they screaming ?!´


The door knocked loudly, two big guys came in a hurry as if a killer was here.

They were wearing strange close, like guardians from fairy tales.

« What's goin on ?! »

« The lady! She's walking ! »

Seriously, what? I'm doing what? Of course I'm walking ! Why do they have to scream like that?

'Anyway, I can't waste my time any more! »

« Get out of the way! »

« Be careful my lady! Your legs! »

« What about it- »


My legs were shaking, I can't feel my legs!

« No.. I have to go!.. I can't.. »

« My lady! Are you okay ? »

« Calls the doctor now! »

« Yes sir! »

I couldn't stand. I looked at the door and tried to walk but then I felt.

'My head… I feel dizzy'

« My lady! »

My head started to ring, I couldn't keep it anymore.


« MY LADY! »



Damn it…