
I Love You More Than You Know

Ghost_Sinker · 历史言情
3 Chs

1.Her past life

What you feel when the person you like abandoned you because of other woman.

And that woman is not other than your own twin.

The most person you believe and have in this world since our parents already passed away.

Only leave me and my twin alone.

As the sister and the heir of the Hua Head Clan. You do everything you could so you can protect your important person that is your dear sibling.

The only person you feel never betray you because she was your twin. You have a same blood with her. Have same parents as her.

But what could you expect when everything you do never appreciate by the person you dear?.

When she get her fiance, her childhood friend who fight dead and live with her.

Who promise to married her and die together. Will be wife and husband for two lifetime.

But at the end when they almost get married she hear her twin now is pregnant and the father is her own fiance.

The two person she dear so much betray her. Should she be happy?.

No..... I hate it when there people who betrayed me even they was my dear.

Maybe she will leave them be if only they never plan to overthrown her from her position as the Hua Head Clan.

There thousand hundreds people under her, and they want to force her to dead end and threatening her use her people life?.

Are you kidding me?!.

Now there a knife in front her, hold by her twin with her vicious look and pointed towards her.

Behind her is a lake.

Under her is the bridge behind her castle.

The lake is where when they still child, they play together under their parents protections.

But after their parents dead, she seal this place and no one could get in.

Even herself and her twin.

She seal this lake since her age 13 until now where she was already 20 years old..

And now her use her power to teleport her in this bridge and behind her is a lake where there many monster already take live at here after she seal this place. And in front her is her twin who look at her with hatred.

"After couldn't force me to retreat after threatening me, you use this stupid way to kill me? "

She ask with her cold but calm voice. Even she already in the dead end but she still have her overbearing aura and dignity.

She look calmly at her twin who her face because more ugly because how angry and hate she was with her.

Now... she really confused, with how her twin hate her all this time, how could she doesn't realize it until now?.

is it because how better her twin skill to pretending in front her as a cute and sweet silly sister that she never have the need to on guard when she was with her twin?.

"I hate you! Why you need to get all the things I want even you don't want it! why?!"

And she still dare to asked her that f*cking stupid question?.

"It because I am more better than you. The answer already there. You only need to accept the fact"

She look at her twin small bulging stomach.

she feel her hurting heart.

"How did you get him? "

Don't says I am stupid. I just really want to know how that cold and fierce man sleep and be together with her twin?.

"It's because I love her"


a curse sword stab her when she don't focus with her surrounding.

The man who stabbed her from behind is the man who she f*cking love and want to kill!.

She already at the end of the bridge. Just where did this bastard come from?!.

"You kill my parents. so I hate you"

that what the man says before forcefully push her toward the lake.

She doesn't even have the time to feel regret because couldn't kill that bastard or shock because she has been push into the lake.

She only feel how f*cking hurt the curse sword that still stab her.

That f*cking man cruelly want her soul to stay forever in this lake as this sword as the thing who will detain her.

She slowly fell into the deep of lake with the curse sword viciously tortured her soul and detain her power from leaking and she couldn't even use 000000000.1% of her power.

'I don't want to stay forever in this lake ah! I don't want to be a ghost lake! fucking man! How dare you curse this Grandma to become a ghost water! '