

"Have you ever found yourself in a dream and wished it was real"

Sometimes I wish am in another world where my fantasies are real. Where my parents are still alive,where I could receive warm hugs from my mom and dad but there is no thing as fantasies.

This is reality. St Louis high school are finally on holiday and am heading to my grandma's cottage beside the country country side. It is in Cornelia .I haven't heard from her since my my parents death. She's the only relative am familiar with. she's my mothers mom and am aware this is really hard for her to take in but such is life we got to keep going going. I have arrived in front of the cottage .its quite big and very cozy and the view is beautiful. I remember when my my parents and I always go on picnics because of the view.

Back to the present my grandma is standing in front of the cottage. Her face gloomy,sad and pale it looks like she hasn't slept in days and have been crying. Its been a month since the accident. After the bus dropped me and my bags .I came close to hug and greet my grandma but she took a step backward . I was shocked because of her behavior. Grandma always hugged me when I always come here . I watched my grandma enter the cottage. I soon followed her with my bags and enter my own room to settle in and arrange my stuffs.my room was just how I left it .it was simple everything arranges and kept in order . I looked at my bed and I remembered when my mom and I would play games laugh and gist on the bed .Ugh... It feels like

yesterday . After the memory replay I cried, I cried so much and for the first time in 3 weeks I mourned my parents I let it all out I scream and asked why .Why did it have to be me . I didn't know how long I cried but after that I washed up and wore a plain baggy trousers and a top and went straight to the kitchen to help my grandma with lunch when I got to to the kitchen she just said "Go to the dinning room don't worry I will serve the food" and I replied "Okay".I got to the dinning room and sat on the chair until she served the food she was seated and a few minutes we ate in silence .The food was quite delicious she cooked spaghetti and pasta. I waited until she was done eating and tried to start a conversation with her I said " today is quite lovely isn't it grandma "she just nods . Then I continued " I know you miss mom but you know she's not going to come back right? Its better and easy to move on , crying isn't going to help or solve it they are gone " my eyes were beginning to water and i said "After this lunch am going to pack mom and dad's things in boxes and keep them in the attic if you want to help you can join me " She stood up and shouted"your not going to touch or carry my daughter's stuff away!!!"wow so this is how its going to be I replied "you know she's not the only one whose gone dad is gone too. Grandma please understand am also grieving but things needs to. Be done..." She came close to me we stood face to face and she slapped me and she came closer to my face and said"Listen Isabel or whatever you call yourself ,I said you won't touch her belongings and that's final"I nodded and went into my room and shut the door so hard and cried .The grandma I knew won't lay a finger on me, she was so friendly and warm .I went to the attic after crying and I checked the time 2:30 pm I went there so I could clear and make some space for dad's things since touching my mom's stuff is a NO. I got there it was so dust and I started packing , cleaning and mopping. I found a mirror which appeared broken and I stared at my reflection I looked broke if possible I looked traumatised my appearance was pretty bad .My hair looked so unkept ,my eyes swollen because of crying . Am always neat but after my parents death everything changed , my blonde hair was a mess I found a brush beside the mirror and brushed my hair my appearance improved. I am average in height ,in school I really had no friends I was a lone wolf minding my own business and stuff . I recently got noticed when I turned 17 . My facial features just glowed .I have big eye , a small nose and a petit pink lips. Every time I walked by. Some students compliment me saying "l look pretty " I said "thank you most times" . when the most sassy and popular girls asked if I wanted to join their cling I rejected their offer and it didn't take up to a week they showed their true colours they did horrible things like tearing and pouring drinks on my books and throwing food at me during lunch. But I don't care , I stared at my reflection once more and admired my big brown eyes and it reminded me that my dad always said I looked like my mom. Lost in thought something shiny caught my eye behind the storage board I picked it up it looked like a crystal bal I grabbed a napkin and stared at it it looked so cute . l found a sofa which was so comfortable and I sat there admiring the ball and before I knew what was happening I was lost in my mind as if the ball had a mind of its own I was sure I was awake the ball glowed in my hands and taking me to another world an unknown world.

The next thing I knew I am in a garden on the floor dressed in a beautiful yellow medieval gown and yikes am wearing a corset its so tight. And I touched my hair am wearing a tiara . then I touched my face and look here am bleeding above my eye brows. But I then realized this wasn't grandma cottage

" where am I, is this real, is this really reality? "

Then I heard someone shouting "princess Isabel where are you" .A woman found me , she looked like 32 and I asked "who are you" she smiled saying" am your maid your highness and oh my your bleeding it seems like you hit your head but don't worry I will treat your wound and before I forget your highness am Helen"I must be dreaming I have a maid No this can't be real the maid continued "your highness please get up you will ruin your dress and I need to get you ready for the ball" and she smiled OK now I was curious what's so special about the ball we helped me get up and a felt dizzy. We got to the room Helen said was mine and it looked so large and pretty. And a thought crossed my mind and I asked Helen "where are my parents" and her happy face paled and she replied"oh your highness they are long gone " a tear escaped my eyes even in thus world I don't have parents. Then Helen smiled at me and said" but it was 12 years ago be happy princess,and smile it brings out your dimples" and I smiled she made my hair packed it and decorated it with roses and made me change my gown which I tried convincing her there was nothing wrong with it but she made this statement "my lady the dress is not befitting for the ceremony" so she dressed me in a beautiful and long red dress but before I forget I wore corset and I am already suffocating she made it too tight and she powdered my face and after that she escorted me to the ball room .it is so wonderful foods , drinks and everything looked in other a man announced my arrival and everyone bowed when I was escorted to my seat in the middle of the room I was compliment because of my gown and beauty I replied saying "thank you " it took up to 15 minutes a man , A king because he wore a crown his arrival was announced him and his son the king was clearly in his late 40s his son in his early 20s the son resembled the father but more handsome and had sharp and angular features he had black hair and a long pointed nose everyone bowed I too bowed the ladies seated at my right giggled and smiles at the prince . I heard from them that his Prince Michael. Oh I know that type I haven't dated a guy before but I know a player when I see one his tricks won't work on me the father was seated at my left with his son and they all dinned and drank and danced happily the music was wonderful. I didn't drink anything or ate any food because I didn't want to. A little time passed the king raised a glass and every where was silent and said " Today is a beautiful day and today my late friends daughter is turning 17 and I wish her a beautiful life and more wisdom and more beauty " everyone cheered and raised their glasses and he continued "I would like to also announce a very important information, Prince Michael and princess Isabel's engagement " before I knew hat was happening the son grabbed my fingers and placed a Beautiful ring with a diamond in the center the prince kissed my head and smiled and looked on his finger and he has wore his own ring the people applauded what!!! This can't be happening I was speechless ,the ladies seated at my right eyed me and I looked at the prince he smirked I ant marry who I just met ,I can't marry a just I don't know the king also said "lets wish them a happy marriage life and a many beautiful heir May God bless their union and bless the kingdom of Dalia "everyone clapped and laugh now I know am in a kingdom called Dalia .And am certain my face is red, I saw Michael smiling ,jerk I immediately excused my self.