
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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In fact, he is the boss of the company.

The more he learned about Sun Yulei's net worth, the darker Wu Yun's face became. If he had known that Sun Yulei had such an identity, he would have chosen him as this unlucky guy because of his mental illness!

As for whether this unlucky guy is himself or Sun Yulei, it's no longer clear.

"So Mr. Police, you can clearly understand how huge Mr. Sun's assets are," the steward said. "Someone accused Mr. Sun of accepting a bribe of 100,000 yuan. This is simply a joke. I even think it is An insult to Mr. Sun!"

"By the way, Mr. Police, I would like to ask, who filed the lawsuit?"

"Oh, it's the legal department of Nas Holdings. It's suing in the name of the company, not the individual's name," the police officer said.

"Okay," the lawyer directly took out a lawyer's letter, "In addition to defending our client, Mr. Sun, we will also file a lawsuit against Nas Holdings!"

"Ah?" The police officer was stunned for a moment. What is going on? Sun Yulei is obviously the defendant, so why is he suddenly filing a lawsuit against Nas Holdings? "Are you going to file a lawsuit for defamation and defamation?"

After thinking about it, the police officer could probably figure out their intentions. The richer the people, the bigger their tempers! Okay, aren't you asking me to take bribes? Then I will go back and dig it out now and directly sue you for slander and slander!

"No, Mr. Police Officer, you misunderstood. We are not suing for defamation."

"That you..."

"We are now filing a lawsuit against Nas Holdings for insult."

"What? Insult? When did our company insult you?" The legal officer breathed a sigh of relief after trying hard to confirm that he had not said any radical or insulting words during the two days of the meeting with Sun Yulei.

"Mr. Sun is a billionaire. You accuse him of accepting a bribe of 100,000 yuan. Isn't this an insult?" the lawyer said righteously. "If you say he accepted a bribe of 10 million yuan, it is barely justified. 1 million yuan is a slight insult." , 100,000, which is a serious insult, and we will seek justice from the company according to the severity of the insult."

"What kind of monsters are these!" Nas Holding's legal director was immediately shocked. This was the first time in his life that he heard someone say that accepting a bribe of 100,000 yuan was a serious insult!

If there really was such an insult, he hoped that it would be smacked in the face every day, and that it would be endless insults 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

He really wanted such an insult!

Have all the rich people nowadays let themselves go to such an extent?

"This... Yulei, let's discuss this matter in the long run. I always feel that there is something fishy about this matter!" The head of the legal department began to panic. Although this kind of lawsuit sounds ridiculous, even Sun Yulei himself said A lawsuit was filed.

But judging from their current attitude, it is impossible for Sun Yulei to do such a thing. If Sun Yulei is innocent, it may not be difficult to resolve this lawsuit with their family's resources.

But when the time comes, Nas Holdings will be the unlucky one.

If they really lose the lawsuit, I'm afraid it will become a joke to the whole of China!

"Mr. Police Officer, if you feel that these things are not enough to prove Mr. Sun's assets, then I can take you to Mr. Sun's other 27 properties in Jiangnan City, including 12 villas, 14 large flats, and a community.

"No... no need..." The stimulation the police officer received today may have subverted his worldview of more than 20 years. It turns out that in the eyes of rich people, accepting bribes of up to 100,000 yuan is only It can be considered an insult. Their real estate prices are at least double digits in a city, and they even use communities as units.

This is just in Jiangnan City!

Now he believed it, this young man really owned more than half of the pastures, cattle and sheep in NMG!

"Sorry, excuse me," a lawyer suddenly received a call and walked away from the crowd for a few steps, but judging from his increasingly bright smile, he probably had some good news.

"Lawyer Xu, judging from your expression, you must have found some favorable evidence, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang," Lawyer Xu said, "I just conducted a simple investigation on the assets of my client, Mr. Sun, and found out a very interesting thing. Mr. Sun holds 52.9% of the shares of the Nas Group where he works. , In other words, Mr. Sun is the chairman of Nas Group!"

"Ah? Why didn't I know about this?" Sun Yulei couldn't control himself for a moment and jumped up from the sofa.

"Haha, Mr. Sun, I'm afraid you don't know how much assets you have," the lawyer said, "Mr. Sun, I would like to borrow your printer."

"The printer is in the study room on the second floor. I'll take you there." The housekeeper led Lawyer Xu up to the second floor.

Soon, he came down with a stack of thick paper, "These are just copies. Someone will send the official equity certificate and information shortly."

Lawyer Xu said, "Mr. Sun, your father had acquired these shares a few years ago and transferred them to your name. However, because you were still studying at that time, you hired a professional manager to manage the company's affairs."

"My father?"

Sun Yulei glanced at him and saw Zhang's hazy eyes twitching almost to the point of blinking, with a "Dad is very pleased" expression on his face.

"What a thief! Don't forget to take advantage of me now!" You can tell at a glance that this so-called "father" is probably Zhang Mengyu! He can acquire a company like Weibo, and acquiring a Nas Group with a market value of just over US$1 billion is simply a matter of raising his hand.

"So now I think this matter should be very clear!" Lawyer Xu put the stack of documents on the table, "I think as long as he is not a mentally disturbed person, he should not do this to his own company. Is that okay? A person lost 20 million just for 100,000 yuan? This doesn't make sense, does it?"

"But no matter what, it's true that there is an extra 100,000 yuan in his account for no reason, right?" At this time, Wu Yun finally couldn't help but interrupt. If Sun Yulei can't be brought down, this matter may soon be over. Can be traced on him.

I believe that Sun Yulei should have begun to suspect him a long time ago. Although he thought he had done everything perfectly, there was no guarantee that he would leave any clues if he stumbled. If Sun Yulei desperately started investigating, it is very likely that he would Tough luck!

"I remember there should be a crime called the crime of property of unknown origin, right?"

"Is there something wrong with your brain?" Zhang Mengyu asked directly, "Have you ever studied law? Do you know what the crime of unidentified property is? First of all, he is not a public official! Secondly, it must be a huge amount of property that exceeds legal income. , this little change is also called a huge amount of property?"

"Change...he actually called 100,000 yuan change..." Even as the legal director of the Nas Group, it would probably take less than half a year to earn the 100,000 yuan.

"And if you insist on calculating it this way, then I will also investigate you for the crime of unexplained property!"

"Me?" Wu Yun sneered. His benefit payment has not yet been credited to his account. How could he have any large amounts of unidentified property?

"Don't look at me with that expression," Zhang Mengyu said, "There is no large amount of unexplained property now, but there will be in a while!"

"What do you mean?"

At this moment, Wu Yun's phone vibrated.

"Dear customer, your bank account has received 100000000..."

"Mr. Police!" When Wu Yun was still stunned, Zhang Mengyu grabbed Wu Yun's cell phone, "I am now reporting that Wu Yun has obtained a large amount of property of unknown origin!"