
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

DaoistLbwMKl · 都市
370 Chs

I can’t bear it anymore. Others have wronged me.

 As a leader in communications companies, Qualcomm Electronics' large-scale strike immediately attracted worldwide attention.

 Through photos and videos in the media, when workers are happy, they eat, drink and have fun at home. When they are unhappy, they wander around the factory in groups holding flags and loudspeakers.

 The workers who lived in the factory usually worked in front of the machines, but now in order to protest the company's refusal to raise wages, they actually started having fun in the factory with poker and beer. The once prosperous and solemn company seemed to have lost its usual charm. kind of atmosphere.

 At the beginning of this year, the economy just showed some signs of recovery. Many companies ordered a large number of chips from Qualcomm Electronics. The number even more than doubled from the previous year, and the order amount involved reached tens of billions of dollars!

 But after hearing the news, the company couldn't sit still. 7,000 workers stopped working and the entire factory was desolate. What to do with their orders?

 Within a few days, the high-level offices of Qualcomm Electronics became crowded with people coming to urge orders, cancel contracts, and demand compensation. Those shareholders were so frightened that they did not show up for several days.

 If Qualcomm Electronics didn't have some state-owned assets background, I'm afraid the attitude of those partners would have become even more irritable!

 What is surprising is that other companies in the entire Silicon Valley town are still having a good time. Several companies have even expanded production and purchased raw materials on a large scale. Those workers have received double wages and can work hard. He also became extra powerful.

 Qualcomm Electronics is like this, but these companies that originally relied on Qualcomm Electronics for survival are not panicking at all? This puzzled reporters.

 The news quickly spread to China, and no one expressed sympathy for the tragic situation of Qualcomm Electronics except those who bought Qualcomm Electronics stocks.

 The chip sanctions against China started with Qualcomm Electronics!

 How could Chinese netizens pass up this opportunity to beat up a lost dog?

 "Aren't you awesome? Aren't you going to block our country's chip industry? Why can't you even pay wages now?"

 "That guild president named Bolinas is really interesting, Lian Shi and Yuanfang They have all been pulled out. I suspect that there are Chinese people writing his speeches behind his back!"

 "Isn't it too Versailles to starve to death without a salary increase? Their average salary level is almost equivalent to 30,000 Chinese coins!"

 " I always feel that someone is manipulating this matter. If no one instigates him, I will live broadcast and eat five tons of shit!" "The people

 upstairs are cheating on food and drink again, but I will take this bet. I bet ten Tons!"

 "I suddenly had a bold idea. Didn't Boss Zhang arrive in the United States a few days ago? You said..." "

 Fuck! It's scary to think about it. Don't forget, Boss Zhang's silicon Moonlight had conflicts with several shareholders of Qualcomm Electronics. At first, one shareholder of Qualcomm Electronics wanted Silicon Moonlight to continue packaging and testing chips and then sell them to other countries. Sales in mainland China were prohibited, so he was directly driven away by Mr. Zhang. "

 Hello everyone, I am a member of the Silicon Moonlight Labor Union. The shareholder is named Infilit. He once bribed our union president to go on strike to threaten Mr. Zhang, and was later directly fired by Mr. Zhang!"

 ... ....

 Zhang Mengyu's trip to the United States is a very sensitive matter. Many eyes are staring at him. Some people even learned that he recently appeared in Colorado, and Qualcomm Electronics is in Colorado called Silicon Valley. Small town place!

 Putting all the clues together, netizens are almost certain that there must be a shadow of Zhang Mengwu behind the strike!

 "@张枷尊张, to be honest, this was not done by you! I suspect that it was you who spent money to increase the wages of company employees around Qualcomm Electronics." "Be

 more confident upstairs and put the word 'suspect' into two "Remove the word"

 "It's so sad (gan) heart (de) sick (piao) crazy (liang)!"

 "Mr. Zhang, tell me how you did it, I promise not to tell others!"

 "You are all here. What are you talking about? I, Zhang Menglong, am a serious person, how could I do such a thing? (dog head)." Zhang Menglong immediately responded to netizens' questions on Weibo.

 Later, Zhang Menglong also posted a few photos, "I came to the United States to travel, and this is proof!"

 Clicking on Zhang Menglong's photos, netizens instantly burst into laughter.

 "Hahaha, Mr. Zhang, you should at least remove the watermark when posting pictures online. At least 5 people in my circle of friends used this picture as the background!" "

 I knew it when I saw Mr. Zhang post a dog head. It's cool, Mr. Zhang is still cool."


 Foreign media have to say that their sense of smell is still very good, and soon someone publicly issued an interview invitation to Zhang Mengyu on the Internet.

 After all, this is not something that can be brought to the table. Many people thought that Zhang Menglong would remain silent, but they did not expect that he would happily accept the interview!

 There were a large number of media present, and the media had prepared all kinds of questions. They were all eagerly waiting for Zhang Mengyu's arrival.

 The moment Zhang Mengyu appeared, the entire venue suddenly became excited.

 "Please be quiet!" Zhang Mengyu actually brought a loudspeaker from nowhere. This scene made people laugh. The world's richest man looked like a street vendor.

 After a burst of laughter, the media reporters also stopped making noise and looked at what Zhang Mengyu wanted to say.

 "I held this press conference mainly to clarify what happened recently," Zhang Menglong said word for word. "There are recent rumors that I provided the strike funds for Qualcomm Electronics. I would like to clarify that this does not mean that I provided the strike funds for Qualcomm Electronics." It's not a rumor!"

 "Wow!" As soon as he finished speaking, the media at the scene were amazed that Zhang Mengyu actually admitted this in such a public occasion.

 "Mr. Zhang, why are you doing this? Is it true that, as the senior management of Qualcomm Electronics said, you did this in retaliation for Qualcomm Electronics' chip blockade of China?" "No, no, no

 . No, I don't like their broken chips, even if they are given to me for free, I won't take them," Zhang Mengyu said, "I am here to protect the light of righteousness." "That night I was doing

 nothing in the bar. While drinking, I suddenly heard Mr. Bolenas and his friends talking about salary. I was furious at that time. Is this Qualcomm Electronics doing human affairs? They have worked hard for you, and the money you gave them Not as high as the workers around you?"

 "They want to protect their rights, but they are afraid of losing their source of livelihood if they go on strike. I thought at that time, the greater the energy, the greater the responsibility. I can't watch this unfair thing happening around me. Ah, I have to do something! That's why I donated my money generously to help the employees of Qualcomm Electronics fight this just war!"

 "He's farting!" Mo Bai and others who were watching the live interview suddenly felt angry and blood surged. Zhang Mengyu was simply confusing right and wrong with his eloquent words. He was obviously here for revenge, but he elevated himself to a just person. The height of the maintainer.

 "Mr. Zhang, there are all kinds of unfair things happening in the United States. You just supported the strike of Qualcomm Electronics employees. What you said is really unconvincing!" "

 This is a very good question!" Zhang Mengyang said. He was not at all flustered by such sharp questioning, "I, Zhang Menglong, have a very small mind. What I can't bear the most is that others wrongly accuse me. Do you think I am targeting Qualcomm Electronics?" "Okay!

 Then from now on At first, I decided that I would continue to provide strike funds to Qualcomm Electronics workers until the workers voluntarily stop the strike or those of you who slandered me apologize to me!"