
I hope I never lose you

Lyra moves away from her home for a change. A place where the memories doesn't hunt her , or a place that finally gives her hope. She is excited for her college but what happens when she meets her childhood crush after six years apart and falls in love with him this time.

shortcke · 青春言情
97 Chs

20 It's Liam

Lyra?   Are you awake? ______ Cole

Hello???___________ Cole

Goodnight Adrain😴😴_______ cole

What's wrong with you?  It's 1 and why are you still awake_______ Lyra

I could ask you the same, you know_______ Cole

Well I took a nap in the afternoon  so I am not sleepy_________ Lyra

I thought you said you  were busy,  Isn't that why you cancel your date with Lem ?? ________  Cole

Who's Lem??_______ Lyra

The guy who asks you out dummy???_____ Cole

Haha,  It's Liam genius _________ Lyra

Whatever,  anyway  do you want to hang out tomorrow? ? _______ Cole

Can't _______ Lyra

Why not??  Busy again?  You wound me. I thought you have time for me_____ Cole

Is Cole Anderson flirting ? ? ______ Lyra

Honey, you'll fall for me hard If I flirt with you _______ Cole

Tsk ,  go to sleep______Lyra

Awwww is little Lyra blushing?_____ Cole

Shut up !!! Don't be such an annoying being_____ Lyra

Admit it,  you love me_____ Cole

Oh please, I don't do love_____ Lyra

Keep telling yourself that_____ Cole

You don't know me,  Sherlock_____  Lyra

I know  enough _____ Cole

Sure sure _______ Lyra

Let's play a game____ Cole

Go away I am gonna sleep____ Lyra

Come on it will be fun_______  Cole

I need my beauty sleep______ Lyra

How many hours will you sleep a day? Come on, I am bored _____ Cole

Ahhh 12 ??____ Lyra

Jesus!!   Don't be such a pig_____ Cole

Unlike you, we humans need sleep to work _____ Lyra

Nope. Humans only need 8 hours to sleep?______ Cole

Says Who??? _____ Lyra

FACT , dummy _____ Cole

Nope. I have never come across such nonsense,   _____  Lyra

Stubborn ass______ Cole

Nobody insults my ass______ Lyra

Don't get so worked up over your ass_____ Cole

Okay Okay stop talking about my ass______ Lyra

Good. So you up for the game ??   Preeety please______ Cole

Okay only because you say Please _______  Lyra

Alright.  We say all the Mean things we have done and we rate it. The highest rate wins. _______ Cole

I mean how do we play,  It's only the two of us, of course, I'll rate myself a 10 and I'll win every round _____ Lyra

No cheating ______ Cole

No promises _______ Lyra

Come on ______ Cole

Alright alright but what's the catch ???______  Lyra

Hmmm If I win I get a kiss. what do want?? _____ Cole

  Whoa whoa nobody gets a kiss______ Lyra

But you kiss me  just 4 hours ago_______ Cole

That is for giving me a piggy ride,  and that will be the first and the last______ Lyra

Nope. I'll get it again  when I win the game _______ Cole

Who says you'll win??_____ Lyra

I just know______ Cole

Don't get ahead of yourself ______ Lyra

Ohh just wait I'll win ______ Cole

Alright alright. Let's begin _____ Lyra

I'll go first,  I have spit on my friend's pudding ______ Cole

Ewww,  that's bad enough I'll rate you a 4______ Lyra

Hey! I said no cheating be honest______ Cole

Alright alright I give you 6______ Lyra

That's more like it _________ Cole

I'll go next,  I have blown my nose in my sis shirt _______  Lyra

That's mean you, bad girl,  I'll give you 6 too______ Cole

No way 6???  _____ Lyra

It's very fair,  accept it_____ Cole

Hush,  I'll win this for sure______ Lyra

Alright. I have burnt my dad's journal because I am mad at him ______ Cole

That's so mean I'll give you 10_____ Lyra

Nono I mean 8_______ Lyra

I take the first vote, hence10____Cole

Jerk!!  I rip off the head of my sister doll_____ Lyra

Why are you such a bitch ?  I'll give you 9____ Cole

Not fair,  I destroy my sis doll that's mean enough to give me 10.

______ Lyra

Nope,  9 is the last ______ Cole

Cheater,  you go next ______ Lyra

It's not cheating,  I am being generous,   I  dye my sis hair green _____  Cole

That's not bad,  I give you 3_____  Lyra

Now, you just want  to win ____  Cole

I am being honest _____ Lyra

Whatever this game is  kinda boring but for the record, I win______ Cole

It's you who suggest playing in the first place,  and you didn't win. _______ Lyra

Just know that I win _____ Cole

What are you doing tomorrow? ?? _____ Lyra

I have to go meet someone______  Cole

Who?________ Lyra

Curious are we???______ Cole

You wish ________ Lyra

I'll be gone the whole day_____ Cole

Have fun ______ Lyra

I don't think I'll have fun_____ Cole

Why not?_______ Lyra

You ask many questions_______ Cole

You don't have to answer you know______ Lyra

I am just kidding,   I don't like the person _____ Cole

Okay,  cole what will you do after college? ? ____ Lyra

I'll be taking over my dad's position _____  Cole

That's cool_____  Lyra

I hope!!! What about you?? _____ Cole

Professor _____  Lyra

Whoa!!!  You'll be one hot proffesor____ Cole

.... _____ lyra

Its true though____Cole

Shut it,  go to sleep_____  Lyra

Not sleepy______  Cole

Well I am _____ Lyra

Alright then sleep ____ Cole

Okay _____ Lyra

Goodnight,  and Lyra thanks for the note,  ____  Cole