
Chapter 206 Honorable Meng Jian

With the top ten[10] strongest prince level existences in the lower world of Gu Gongy selected, the host official of the tournament, martial emperor Cheng gave thirty[30] minutes free time to the participating cultivators.

"More than three[3] dark horses have been born in this year's Genius Gathering Tournament, beating the record of two[2] dark horses thirty[30] years ago,"

"Seems like this era won't be as peaceful as other eras with all these geniuses ready to step into the leading positions in their respective forces," a martial emperor in the emperor level area said as he spoke to his friend beside him.

"This era can only be peaceful if an unrivalled genius arises and place every other force under his suppression," his friend said as he took note of every martial prince existence who stepped into the list of the top ten[10] strongest prince level existence in the lower world of Gu Gongy.