
i have ganondorf powers in dxd

my name James and i have ganondorfs power and im in dxd why did the goddess do this to me

jp_cole · 漫画同人
5 Chs

ch 1 the new calamity

James wakes up in a room "were am i" as he gets a headache

James gets up as he see a letter.


dear James we had to send you into the world of dxd but before you scream we gave you ganons powers and school starts in two days we left a book on how to seal you magic to make you look like a normal human".

James"so i have dark magic and malice power" as he starts reading the book.

James"okay this is surprisingly easy to do" as his magic level resembles a normal human.

James goes for a walk and see the date and leaves fast.

James"no ready to fight a fallen".as he trys to make a ball of malice but is barley able to make a small ball"i guess i lack a lot of hate".as he looks in to the mirror as his eyes changed to red and yellow and lizard like.

James"most be what happens when using malice" as he stops as the ball vanish and eyes return to normal.

two day later

James walks to the school.

girls"he hot".


James goes to the student council

Souna "hello you most be are new student".

James"hello im james".

Souna"nice to meet you James here your list of class".

James"thank you" as he take the list and leaves.

Souna"tsubaki what do you think of him"?

tsubaki"he is a normal human but something does seen off about him like there is a dark power in him".

skip to lunch as he is eating a sandwich as he see issei asking about the fallen

James thinks"thinking about her makes me angry i can feel my malice growing".

as the rest of the day goes by

James walks home and puts on a mask and glass so he can go stray hunting

at an abandon house

stray "a puny human haha".

James release his magic as a dark energy surrounds him.

stray"what the" as he takes a few steps back.

James appears in front of the stray and punches him with his dark magic power fist sending him into a wall.

stray"how" as he barley gets out of the wall

James"i wonder what this will turn you into a puppet " as he fires a ball of malice as his eyes glow is seen behind glasses

stray starts screaming as he is being transformed into a malice puppet and vanish back into James as his own malice is add to James.

James"okay so i have a weak malice puppet that can help me fight" as he leaves as a magic circle starts to form.

sona "there was a battle the stray somewhere".

as they start looking for were the stray is not there.

James"i feel tiered i guess making a puppet is harder on my magic but at least my malice larger and i sealed my power again so im going to bed". as he falls asleep.