
V7 Ch 25: Dinner with Allucard.


After the race Sandstorm and Lisa went home.

They saw the Pontiac outside of the apartment, Lisa went up an unlocked the door.

"You ready?" Lisa asks Sandstorm

"Yeah... it's not like I'm meeting your parents... I still need to do that right?" Sandstorm asks

"No they think we are dead." Lisa responds

"Oh yeah.... sorry*mutters quietly*" Sandstorm

Suddenly they hear laughter come from upstairs.

"Yep he's here..." Sandstorm mutters before heading up stairs.

"We are back!" Lisa shouts

"Welcome back!" Shirone says setting the dinner table.

"Fox girl, I could see why, you want me to keep quiet to sir Integra no one in this house is human!" Allucard shouts before going back to his mad laughter.

"So how did you track me here?" Sandstorm asks when suddenly there is movement from her shadow.

"Oh? Interesting to think I wouldn't notice this puppy!" Sandstorm shouts suddenly holding a black shadow dog.

"You... I'm not surprised..."Allucard says as Shirone puts a plate of food in front of Allucard.

"I can't eat human food you know?" Allucard says looking at Shirone.

"Just give it a try." Sandstorm says with a knowing smirk.

Allucard takes a bite then suddenly starts crying he transforms into Dracula.

"It's been so long... I forgot what food tastes like." Dracula says

"It's okay. To be honest when have I last eaten... I don't need to eat, so sometimes I forget." Sandstorm says

"You realize how often me wiz and Petra have to eat right! We have really poor fuel efficiency." Lisa says a bit upset and jealous at Sandstorm.

"Yeah dragons tend to have that." Shirone says going off the knowledge from her massive library.

"How do you get so much food anyway?" Wiz asks looking at Shirone like she is a saint.

"Ah, that's just my inner world I can plant food in it also raise animals too." Shirone replies

"Oh yeah! When you asked for that library I gave you the farm along with it!" Sandstorm says nodding to herself.

"Do you have any clue how long it took to figure out that farm Onee-sama!" Shirone shouts at Sandstorm.

"Sorry... anyway ready to head back to London?" Sandstorm asks

"Yeah sure." Dracula says turning back to Allucard seeming a little brighter.

Grabbing Allucard and teleporting to the Hellsing organization.

"Welcome back Sunaarashi and .... Allucard." Walter says seeing them arrive at the front entrance.

"Yo, Walter I am back from japan!" Allucard says excitedly

Walter looks at Sandstorm with a look asking if there is any major damages.

"Um... how much does an SR-71 blackbird cost?" Sandstorm asks

"You know what, I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that, and it wasn't Allucard." Walter says

"Good idea..." Sandstorm mutters

"I got a gift from my Christmas list so I'm not to upset." Allucard says

Sandstorm holds the hound of Baskerville closer.

"Say Fox girl. He's been so quiet I haven't noticed but can I have the hound of Baskerville back yet?" Allucard asks looking at the girl holding the dog that shrunk it self to her chest.

"You back Allucard and Sunaarashi." Sir Integra says seeing them walk into her office.

"Yes Sir Integra I am back, had another date... who knew this guy would show up." Sandstorm says

"Japan is a lovely country. I should take walks there more often." Allucard says

Sir Integra suddenly begins to feel a cold sweat go down her back.

"Doesn't matter we got a letter from the Vatican. We are meeting them at an art museum." Sir Integra says

"You know I just love art!" Allucard says while Sandstorm has a character from Naruto in her mind for some reason.

"Can I bring a date?" Sandstorm asks

"No it's official business." Sir Integra says sending the two of them away.

"At least they are not fighting each other." Sir Integra mutters