
I Have An AI In The Cultivation World

Elan Starwind, born in a secluded village deep within an ancient forest, leads a life far removed from the world of technology he once knew. In his previous life, Elan was Ethan, a brilliant scientist who, along with his wife Riyan, created a groundbreaking AI. Their triumph turned tragic when a catastrophic explosion ended their lives, only for Ethan to awaken as an infant in this new, cultivation world. From an early age, Elan realizes he is different. Embedded within his consciousness is Arion, the sentient AI he and wife created from his past life. Despite the village's isolation and its people's ignorance of cultivation and technology, Elan begins to harness his unique abilities. Using the Arion's vast knowledge, he identifies natural resources, creates smelting furnaces, and crafts advance tools. With patience and ingenuity, Elan forges metal, makes glass, and even generates electricity, gradually constructing sophisticated devices that blend the primitive and the futuristic. Elan's innovations transform his village, bringing new prosperity and security. ----- Hey everyone, just a quick update! I'll be posting one chapter from Monday to Friday. I'm still new to writing cultivation stories, so please go easy on me. I really appreciate all the support and feedback you've given me so far. It means a lot and helps me improve. Let's continue this journey together!

SoLaR89 · 奇幻
54 Chs

Chapter 04: Training

In the heart of the village, a group of children gathered to practice the movements and techniques essential for capturing or killing the wild beasts that roamed beyond their village borders. The air was filled with their determined grunts and the soft thud of their feet on the packed dirt as they diligently moved through their drills. Each child was intensely focused, their expressions serious as they followed the precise instructions given by their mentors.

The children practiced a wide array of movements, ranging from swift, silent steps designed to approach prey unnoticed to powerful, precise strikes meant to incapacitate swiftly and efficiently. They worked in pairs, taking turns playing the roles of predator and prey, honing their reflexes, and learning to anticipate their partner's moves. Some children practiced climbing and navigating through large, makeshift trees, which mimicked the agility needed to move through the dense forest canopy. Others concentrated on ground maneuvers, perfecting their skills in tracking, stalking, and ambushing.

Among these children was Elan, who was now thirteen years old. At this age, children in the village began their formal training, a rite of passage that marked their transition from childhood to young adulthood. For the next year, Elan and his peers would learn and practice the essential skills required for hunting under the watchful eyes of the seasoned hunters. This period of rigorous training was designed to prepare them for the challenges they would face beyond the safety of the village. After mastering these skills, they would be ready to join the experienced hunters on actual hunts, venturing into the wild for the first time.

Leading the training session was Gawin, the right hand of Elan's father and a seasoned hunter renowned throughout the village for his exceptional skill. Gawin stood at the front of the group, his eyes sharp and keenly observant as he watched the children's progress. Despite his stern demeanor, there was a warmth in his approach; he often paused to offer words of encouragement, his deep, resonant voice carrying clearly across the training ground.

"Remember, every movement you make must be purposeful," Gawin instructed, his tone firm yet encouraging. "When you step, feel the ground beneath your feet. Be aware of every twig and leaf. Your enemy is not just the beast you hunt, but also the forest that conceals you both. Learn to use it to your advantage."

As he spoke, Gawin moved among the children, meticulously observing their techniques. He corrected their stances, adjusted their grips, and demonstrated each technique with a fluid ease that came from years of experience. "Your strength lies not only in your muscles but in your mind," he emphasized, his eyes meeting each child's as he spoke. "Outwit your prey, anticipate its moves, be patient, and strike only when the moment is right."

Gawin's guidance was more than just technical; it was about instilling a mindset. He encouraged the children to think strategically, to be mindful of their surroundings, and to understand that the hunt was as much a mental challenge as a physical one. His teachings aimed to make them not only stronger hunters but also wiser individuals, capable of navigating the dangers of the forest with skill and intelligence.

As Gawin moved through the group, he paused in front of Elan, observing him closely as he executed a series of swift, precise movements. Gawin nodded approvingly, acknowledging Elan's potential. "Elan, you show great promise," he said, his voice steady and encouraging. "But remember, strength without control is like a river without banks. Channel your power and focus it. Only then will you truly master the hunt."

Gawin then turned to address the rest of the children, his voice rising to ensure that every child could hear him clearly. "You are the future protectors of our village," he declared, his tone imbued with authority and pride. "The skills you learn now will not only feed us but will also keep us safe. Train hard, trust in yourselves and in each other. Together, we are stronger than any danger that lurks in the forest."

His words resonated with the children, imparting a sense of purpose and responsibility. Gawin's emphasis on teamwork and mutual trust highlighted the importance of unity in their training. 

The children responded with renewed determination, pushing themselves as they continued with their training. As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the training ground, Gawin called for a break. The children, exhausted and sweaty, collapsed onto the ground, breathing heavily from their exertions. Some of them began to grumble, expressing their discomfort and the aches in their bodies.

Gawin, overhearing their complaints, addressed them firmly, his voice carrying a tone of authority and concern. "This training is for your own future," he began, his gaze sweeping over the group. "If we don't train you now, what will become of you when you grow up? Will you just eat and sleep all day?"

The children immediately fell silent, absorbing the weight of his words. Gawin's statement struck a chord, making them realize the importance of their training and the responsibilities that lay ahead.

Elan lay on the ground, feeling exhausted and in pain, but he did not utter a single complaint. Instead, he felt a sense of pride in this new experience, one unlike anything he had encountered in his past life. As a scientist in his previous existence, Elan had grown accustomed to mental exertion and long hours spent in the lab. The concepts of physical pain and rigorous training were foreign to him. Now, however, he found the challenges he faced both demanding and invigorating, providing a new perspective on life.

Elan recognized that this training was crucial not just for survival but for the preservation of their way of life. He looked around at his peers, who were also recovering from the intense training session. He understood their complaints but hoped they would come to see the value in their efforts. To him, this new life, with all its challenges and opportunities, was a precious gift. Elan was determined to make the most of it and embrace the lessons it offered.

After a ten-minute break, Gawin called the children to gather and fall in line. He had something important to convey before concluding the day's training. "Listen up, everyone," Gawin began, his voice resonating with authority and encouragement. "You have three more months of training before you begin your first hunt. These final three months are crucial. You must give it everything you have. Show us what you've learned, and push yourselves to improve even more."

The children listened intently, their earlier complaints forgotten in the face of Gawin's earnest words. The significance of the upcoming hunts weighed on them, instilling a sense of urgency. 

Gawin continued, "At the end of the last month, we will reward the most skilled and dedicated among you with a special weapon. This weapon is not just a tool; it is a symbol of your hard work and your commitment to our village. It will be given to the one who shows the greatest improvement, the one who embodies the spirit of a true hunter."

A ripple of excitement buzzed through the group. The prospect of earning a special weapon ignited a fire in their hearts, filling them with renewed determination. The children exchanged determined glances, each one silently vowing to strive harder and prove their worth.

Gawin's voice took on a tone of challenge and encouragement as he continued, "This is your chance to prove yourselves. No more complaints, no more holding back. Work hard, learn everything you can, and show us your true potential. I believe in each one of you. You have the strength and the courage to become great hunters."

His words resonated deeply with the children, inspiring them to push beyond their limits. The promise of recognition and the symbolic significance of the special weapon added an extra layer of motivation.

The children, energized by Gawin's speech, responded with a unified promise. "We will work hard! No more complaints!" they shouted, their voices resonating with excitement and determination.

Elan, in particular, felt a surge of competitive spirit ignite within him. In his past life, he had always strived to excel, not out of a desire for personal glory but because he wanted to ensure that no one ever questioned his capabilities. Elan was driven by a deep-seated need to be reliable and competent. He wanted people to trust in him and rely on his skills and judgment without hesitation.

His drive to excel wasn't about being the best for the sake of recognition; it was about proving his worth and competence. Elan sought to be someone others could count on, someone who could be depended upon in times of need.

This desire to earn the trust and confidence of those around him was a guiding force in his life. As he listened to Gawin's words, Elan felt even more motivated to rise to the challenge and demonstrate his dedication and abilities. The thought of becoming a skilled hunter—someone who could protect and provide for the village—resonated deeply with him. He was determined to show that he was capable, not just to others but to himself as well.

As he surveyed his fellow trainees and friends, he saw the same fire and determination burning in their eyes. They, too, were motivated to excel, each of them eager to demonstrate their skills and potential. Among them were his three best friends, who stood with serious expressions, mentally preparing themselves for the challenges ahead. 

A smile spread across Elan's face as he observed the focused determination of his friends and fellow trainees. With a quiet resolve, he muttered under his breath, "Bring it on!"