
Chapter 659: Dance of the Pheasant

The golden silky crown feathers looked like delicate satin, exuding a luxurious and dignified aura.

The Red-bellied Pheasant took a few light steps forward, and its flowing long tail emerged from behind the rock.

The tail feathers were a mix of brown and yellow, with intricate patterns.

As it walked, its tail feathers rhythmically swayed up and down with each step, resembling a majestic and heroic general from a Peking opera, striding confidently on the stage. The flags behind fluttered in the wind, creating a dignified and impressive sight.

In fact, the ornamental feathers on the hats of military officials in Peking opera were made from pheasant tail feathers. For example, in the past, characters like Zhou Yu, Lu Bu, and Sun Wukong adorned themselves with the feathers of silver pheasants.

This particular Red-bellied Pheasant wasn't afraid of the visitors. Even when it noticed them observing, it continued its activities calmly.

It lightly jumped off the rock, lowered its head to peck at the gray-black sandy ground.

With each peck, the orange-yellow shawl-like feathers behind its head swayed and fluttered, revealing the green scales underneath, complemented by the shiny crown, the vibrant red chest, and the enchanting appearance.

After scratching the sand with its claws, it changed direction, presenting its backside to them.

The circular blue feathers on its wings appeared black in the shade, but under the sunlight, they reflected a metallic sheen, resembling the deep blue color of the sea, shining brightly.

Suddenly, it raised its head, glanced around, and then lightly pushed off the ground, fluttering its feathers and wings gracefully to take flight.

During flight, its tail feathers, longer than its body, hung below like the tail of a kite, elegantly unfurling and undulating like waves, forming several arcs.

Under the radiant golden morning sunlight, its feathers sparkled and shone, resembling a magnificent and colorful flame soaring into the sky!

The visitors couldn't help but exclaim in awe!

Yumiko couldn't contain her excitement. "Wow, it's so beautiful!"

She quickly took out her camera and snapped a few photos!

Watching the Red-bellied Pheasant fly to a tree trunk and perch to rest, Liu Wei sighed, "It's truly beautiful!"

Such a magnificent bird—it was hard to believe it existed in reality.

In terms of magnificence, perhaps only the green peacock could rival it.

Actually, the colorful and vibrant Golden Parrot was also quite beautiful!

But this type of pheasant seemed to better suit the aesthetic preferences of the Chinese people, with its graceful and elegant posture, resembling a moving traditional Chinese painting.

Looking at the informative display board nearby...

The Red-bellied Pheasant, also known as the Golden Pheasant, is a rare and unique bird species native to China. It is classified as a second-level protected animal in the country, with its core habitat in the Qinling Mountains of southern Gansu and Shaanxi provinces. It is widely distributed in the Yangtze River basin, and the city of Baoji is named after its abundant population of Red-bellied Pheasants.

The beautiful feathers of the bird have made it a target for excessive hunting. People have used its specimens as decorations or plucked its feathers to create handicrafts. In the 1960s, the Department of Animal Husbandry purchased 6,000-8,000 Red-bellied Pheasant skins, leading to a sharp decline in the population.

While artificial breeding has become more advanced, making it a common sight in various zoos as an ornamental bird, the wild population still requires urgent protection.

A fun and informative display board with the title: "Do you know the meaning of 'dressed up like a bird and beast'?"

"Dressed up like a bird and beast" refers to people who appear well-dressed and refined on the outside but have corrupt morals and behave like animals.

Thinking along these lines, Liu Wei continued reading.

In fact, the idiom "dressed up like a bird and beast" originated from the attire of officials during the Ming Dynasty!

At that time, to match the emperor's dragon robes, the officials' clothing was adorned with birds and beasts. Civil officials symbolized intelligence and keen thinking, so they wore attire featuring birds, while military officials represented strength and valor, so their attire featured fierce beasts.

Different ranks of officials had different embroidered patterns. First-rank civil officials had cranes embroidered on their attire, second-rank officials had Red-bellied Pheasants, and third-rank officials had peacocks. This highlighted the high status of the Red-bellied Pheasant.

For military officials, first and second-rank officials had lions, and third-rank officials had tigers embroidered on their attire.

Therefore, the phrase "dressed up like a bird and beast" originally praised the officials' attire, which could display their status and be envied by others. It gradually evolved into its current meaning.

"I see! That's enlightening."

There was another display board introducing the relationship between the Red-bellied Pheasant and the national bird.

The Red-crowned Crane, Red-bellied Pheasant, Green Peacock, and Crested Ibis were all strong candidates for the national bird title! In the first round of voting, most people chose the Red-crowned Crane.

However, when it was about to be reported to the State Council, an expert pointed out that the scientific name of the Red-crowned Crane was "Japanese Crane," which seemed inappropriate.

Although the Red-crowned Crane originated from China, the earliest ornithologists named it based on a specimen provided by Japan. This was a missed opportunity during the Qing Dynasty's isolationist policy, which was regrettable.

The Red-bellied Pheasant also received high praise because it was the prototype of the phoenix in mythology. Moreover, the shape of China on the map resembles a rooster, and the Red-bellied Pheasant even appeared as China's representative bird during the National Games, expressing the enthusiasm and blessings of the Chinese people.

The display board concluded with a question: "If you were to choose a national bird, which one would you choose?"

Liu Wei was torn. All the options seemed excellent! It was truly a difficult decision.

After the Red-bellied Pheasant flew to a tree and began preening its feathers, Yumiko couldn't help but laugh out loud, eagerly anticipating the rest of their zoo adventure.

The environment was beautifully arranged, showcasing the charm of the animals completely.

After admiring for a while, they continued to stroll through the Pheasant Forest along the bamboo-lined path.

Turning a corner, they saw a White-bellied Pheasant standing on a tree branch, its long black and white tail feathers hanging down.

The White-bellied Pheasant was slightly larger in size compared to the Red-bellied Pheasant! Its shoulder feathers, belly, and long tail feathers were primarily white, with prominent black markings on the edges, resembling black and white fans or auspicious clouds.

The wing feathers were blue, while the chest and back shimmered with metallic green feathers.

Compared to the vibrant and majestic Red-bellied Pheasant, the White-bellied Pheasant exuded a delicate and graceful charm.