
Mutant Pasture

編輯: Rainystars

The group quickly returned to the council building.

With Chu Nan's guidance, Jiang Chen came into the meeting room and sat at the head of the table.

Jiang Chen, Chu Nan, Zhao Gang, the ten council members, and fifteen industry representatives attended the meeting.

The meeting first started off with Chu Nan reporting the current work progress of the Sixth Street, and then Zhao Gang reported on the security of the city and the training progress of the Third Division. Following, Zhao Chenwu as the council representative summarized legislations that were passed in the last quarter and stats on Sixth Street's population, production, and economy.

Reporting work was only a formality. The content was all handed to NAC logistics with the logistics head Wang Qin organizing the data into visuals and delivering them to Jiang Chen.