
I Hated you

Alex Lockwood isn't like every 22 year old,he doesn't have many friend just one for now,he doesn't have to hear his mom nag to him(because he moved a month after graduation)about the way he looks and what he does in other words he has a care free life,and to add to it Alex is a loner and loves it and his very supportive father.What would Alex do if he ran into one of his old classmates,will they have more than friendship? Will he ever get over his "hate" for Hunter after 4 years? Find out if you ship them?? SMUT WARNING?

Bri2121 · LGBT+
5 Chs




2 years later a lot has changed the group became use to my presence in the house and I got to learn everyone's backstory as to how they ended up meeting hunter.

Mia's ex boyfriend was into gambling and one day he put himself in a hole so he offered up Mia, Mia is an extremely beautiful woman but she's also smart. She had a future ahead of her she was in her second year of college when it all went down hill for her. She was walking home at night and got kidnapped by the gang her ex owed money. They used her body and abused her this all happened for a year straight until there was an invasion of another gang killing the gang that held her hostage all Mia could think about was 'Is this how I meet my end'.

But god had more plans for her after all the firing ceased yelling could be heard far away and soon she began to hear shoes walking on the cold concrete floor approaching her limp body they stop directly in front of her face she was scared but she knew not to give the satisfaction of seeing her tremble in fear.

She then felt a hand move her hair from her face only to see a intimidating looking man making her shy away from him "It's okay I won't hurt you" he said

"How can I be sure you won't hurt me once I let my guard down" I said with a weak voice

"I can't force you to believe me but if u want to you can witness it "

"hah I don't want to be involved with men anymore" I said with pure hatred lacing my voice as I remained curled up on the floor protecting myself

"That's understandable but you need serious help" he said with worry

"Tell...me...some...I...don't...know" my voice died out due to server bleeding


Days later

I woke up to a bright light and the smell of medicine and cleaning product insulting my nose, a nurse walks in with a clipboard and iv drips.

"It's good to see you up Ms.Hernandez " the nurse said sweetly

"If you don't mind me asking how long was I in here " I asked confused of my surroundings

"About a three days"

"How can I pay off the hospital bill?" I asked a bit stressed already

"Oh don't worry about that, that's been taken care of."

"By who?"

"Mr.King I thought you knew him"

"No I don't, but can I leave freely now"

"As soon as you get a bowel movement then yes you can go"

"Okay" I said with a sigh


later that same day

I checked myself out of the hospital and made myself to my apartment that I share with my friend. I arrive at the door and ring the doorbell and it soon opens and my friend looked happy but also guilty

"Hey I came to pick up my stuff you still got it." I asked casually

"Yes I was worried sick about you what happened"

"I don't really feel comfortable talking about it right now "

"Okay here you go" her friend said passing her a bag full of her stuff having a faint frown on her face

"Are you sure you don't wanna stay here" Her friend asked

"Yea i'm sure plus I have enough money to rent a small place and get back up on my own."

"okay be safe but before you leave can I get a hug"

"You're still the same" I said but not long into the hug her bedroom door opens and out walk the ex that made her life a living hell

out of rage Mia pushed her friend off her and charged at her ex tackling him to the floor and punching him over and over again until she got pulled off by her friend

"How could you do this to me!!"

"I didn't do anything to you left him I picked what was left" Her friend said defending her ex

"I already knew you two were screwing each other!!" I said enraged

"Then why are you upset!"

"Because he used me to pay off his debt I was taken advantage of over and over again so yea I have every reason to be upset!" I said looking at the woman as if she grew a second head

" He did that to you he would never do that to me so can you please go"

"Fine have a wonderful life." I said picking up my bag and storming out the apartment slamming the door behind me


two months later

I found a place and I've been paranoid but happy and content with my lifestyle most consisting of working to earn a living but one night on my break I got a knock at my front door, opening it up a bit with the lock still on the door I asked "what can I do for you at this time"

"Don't tell me you forgot the guy who saved you" a deep voice said with false sadness

"You're that king guy right?" I asked boldly

"Yea that me I didn't formally get to introduce myself my name is Hunter King."

"Thanks and my name is Mia Hernandez"

"Nice to meet you Mia"

"Same back at you"

"I wanted to ask if you want to work for me" He asked with confidence

"what kinda work we talking about" I asked suspiciously

"Dangerous but good pay"

"How dangerous?" I asked a little intrigued by the offer

"Very to the point you'll have to have a gun."

"On one condition." I said seriously

"And what will that be?" Asked eyebrows furrowed together

"No use of my body against my will"

"I would never I swear on my life"

"Okay then you got yourself a deal Mr.King if you break that swear you're dead."

"Good to know in a week tops I'll have my men out here helping you so get ready he said turning around and walking down the staircase" Unbothered by the woman's threat to his life