
I Hacked the Damned System

[Winner in WPC July 2023 Contest!] [Slight Smut - Fast Paced - System] *** Synopsis: It all started as another VRMMORPG, Emberhorn, was released out to the world. With it, came all sorts of adventures such as leveling up your stats, killing monsters as you venture through dungeons, slaying dragons, getting noble ranks, and in other words, living in it. That’s exactly what Adrenoid did. He wasted the rest of his years strapped to the headset as the addict for adventure that he was, doing nothing but playing and coursing through this virtual world’s mysteries and secrets. Thus, Adrenoid had long gone to become a lifeless shut-in without a job, friends, and a girlfriend. This game was the only thing that supported him through these tough times. What he lacked in the real world, he tried to change in the virtual one to the point he’d do anything to have more privilege than the others, including the possibility of cheating. Thus, after dozens of retries and errors, he had finally done it. He had hacked the game’s system which led to its downfall. [Shut-Down Notice: 1 Hour(s) Left.] [Shut-Down Notice: 30 Minutes Left.] [Goodbye!] Adrenoid’s stream of tears was unstoppable as the game he had invested years in to become one of the strongest had met its end. “Huh?” Adrenoid gazed in surprise as his tears pixelated into the air. [Welcome, Player 1!] [Your arrival has been awaited for a long time.] [The Emberhorn will stretch its authority over Planet-B612, also known as Earth, gradually over time.] Adrenoid couldn’t help but gaze slack-jawed at the holographic pop-ups one after another. Especially the editable stats. --Notice-- The Story's beginning will be based on the game, and so will the MC's villain trope also start later on--the world is set on Earth but I'll be making fictional countries, cities, towns, etc.

ItsHashi · 奇幻
153 Chs

Lenticular Selection

[The list of Lenticulars offering their support to you will be shown in a list]


{ [Lenticulars willing to support player-1-B-612:

[The Thunderer of Skies]

[The Lunar Selene]

[Composer of Violin Seasons]

[Salvator of the Ground] }

I couldn't help but frown at the last Lenticular willing to show their support towards me.

{ [The King of War] }

Did that very same Ares really volunteer to support me?

"Wait, wasn't Ares supposed to be banned from the Emberhorn Story-Quests for like a hundred years?!" I yelled out in surprise after recalling the last messages before Ares disappeared.

[The King of War puffs his breath out triumphantly]

[The King of War messages: You don't know my capabilities!]

My shoulders and face drooped as I read the notifications popping up in front of me, "Just what did you do to get excused from the Emberhorn system…?" I trailed off as I went over the list.

The Thunderer of Skies. The only one I can think this modifier represents is Zeus, considering mythological beings exist with the Emberhorn.

I know he might be the strongest on the list, but I don't want to sign a life-long contract with an old man that will probably manipulate me to do the dirty work for him.

Keeping Zeus as an ally would be the greatest choice of all, but I cannot afford the risk of not being able to grow because of the limits he might set for me.

The Lunar Selene. Is this also Selene from Greek mythology? I remember she had to do something with the moon.

Just reading her name I get a melancholic feeling, did she grow to like me during my redemption without the system's grace? I don't know.

Am I going to pick her?

Definitely not.

Composer of Violin Seasons. Was there someone who composed music about seasons with a violin…?

"Think, Adrenoid, think…" I whispered to myself as I took sight of the system window with the corner eye.

I had a hacked system… didn't I? I questioned within myself.

"What if I…" Just click upon the modifier of the said Lenticular and their name shows up…

I double-tapped, pushing my luck.

"Huh?" I breathed as the letters making up the modifier of the said Lenticular glitched as they moved in different motions.

[Antonio Vivaldi]

"Pwhahaha!" A breath of surprise escaped my lips as I laughed out loud.

Antonio Vivaldi, seeing the whole name I definitely know who he is.

He's still remembered for the unique work he had composed on the violin hundreds of years ago.

"I think his work was called Four Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter…" I talked to myself, recalling the day of how amazed I had been when I first heard the work being played.

[Composer of Violin Seasons looks at you in delight for the recognition]

[Composer of Violin has donated: 10 Coins for your acknowledgment of him]


Only ten coins? What's this cheapskate, isn't he known throughout the whole world?

Doesn't the usual trope of 'The higher number of people your story is known to, the stronger you are' have to happen here?

Or maybe he just thinks ten coins for an early Main Story-Quest is enough to entice me.

He does music so I'm not going to choose someone as weak as him. What am I going to do with his blessings, make my enemies sleep?

Yeah, right.

Vivaldi, you gotta go.

Salvator of the Ground… I got no clue who this cocky fucker is, I'll just check his actual name.

[Hapi the King of Fertility]

Hapi? The fuck is Hapi? Happy? I'm happy. Happy that I got the system back. I don't need some rip-off version of happiness to fertilize me or something.

This is definitely a no.

Lastly, we're at The King of War.

This is Ares.

Ares is Zeus's son. There must definitely be friction going on between the two trying to make me choose one or the other.

Based on ancient mythology, Ares was a disobedient kid to Zeus. And that seems to be true considering he's going against his own father to try and make me choose him.

[The King of War is smiling quietly as he watches over Player-1]


That's certainly disturbing.

But, taking things into consideration, out of all these, Ares seems to be the best choice of all.

I don't want to choose Zeus and be stuck under his clever schemes and fate he may choose for me, but I also want to be on his positive side.

So, choosing Ares as my supporter throughout this journey of mine seems like the only right choice.

[The Thunderer of Skies scoffs in mockery at your indecisiveness]

[The Thunderer of Skies says he won't waste any more of his time]

[The Lunar Selene feels bitter]

[Composer of Violin Seasons urges you to choose him]

[Salvator of the Ground promises a number of women whom you can fertilize your family with]

"That's an enticing offer, Mister Salvator, but I'm a man who thinks with my brain, not my dick." I scrunched my nose as I stared up into the sky, where I was feeling the gazes reaching me from.

[Composer of Violin Seasons snorts]

[The Lunar Selene is surprised at your bold words]

"And rather, you seem weak as hell. To the point you use females as bait to get me into your faction." I shrugged.

[The King of War laughs out loud]

[Salvator of the Ground is baffled at your disrespect]

[Salvator of the Ground retracts his offer and support]

[Salvator of the Ground wishes curses upon you]

[Salvator of the Ground says: You've become an enemy of the said faction]

"Fine, fine. You're weak as shit, so I don't gotta worry. I got my boy Ares with me after all." I voiced as I clicked on the confirmation section.

[Do you wish to choose Lenticular: The King of War?]

[(Yes) - (No)]

[Do you wish to choose Lenticular: The King of War?]



[You have officially chosen The King of War as your Supporter]

"Oh…" I breathed in as my body showered in golden motes of mana, feeling the divinity in my skin as I gazed at another notification.

[The King of War lays back in his chair contently]

[The King of War has issued the Lenticular Quest]

[Materialization in the chosen venue of the Lenticular happens in: 00:05 Minutes]

I feel like I've gone through this before.

"That's just five seconds…"

[The King of War smirks in joy]

I hope you've been enjoying the recent chaps which have been a hassle to pump out and wrack my brain for and PLEASE SUPPORT GRAH!

ItsHashicreators' thoughts