
I Got Transported To An RPG But Why Are The NPCs So Lewd? (R-18)

When Jake is invited to playtest a revised version of his favorite MMORPG, Bladecraft Online, he plunges into a realm of fantasy and wonder. It was nonother than Bladecraft’s world that he was so familiar with, but something was off… The NPCs weren’t as he remembered. They weren’t always so lewd, were they? And what’s with his abilities? Why was ground slam replaced with cock slam? ------------------------------------------------------------------ [This novel contains heavy sexual content/hentai] You can expect: Tons of exploration. A harem where no one is left out. Vivid and descriptive smut. A good amount of action. Wacky fight scenes and rather unorthodox smut scenes, lol. A very very very weird novel. Discord: https://discord.gg/ZXqM6DjvXe (Character illustrations and NSFW too!) ------------------------------------------------------------------

gnatrou · 游戏
34 Chs

Street Fighting

The guards suddenly charged forward like wild dogs upon seeing prey escaping their cage—but even in such a short distance, none of them managed to reach him before he dashed in different directions, leading them in circles through town.

At last, they turned to the wall and ran right past the gate. Jake hopped onto the stone wall, gliding down on a handstand with his arms outstretched.

"Whoa... this is going to be a lot harder than I thought."

His face had already become sweaty as he continued to run past a few more guards, who tried to pursue him. Eventually, he stopped when he reached a corner where the streets split off into two directions. He looked around, trying to see if there was anywhere safe for him to go, but the streets were deserted; there weren't even any alleyways.

"Where do you think you're going?" it was Josiah's voice coming from somewhere.

A confident smile formed on Jake's lips, as he loosened up. "To think you'd come straight to me. That's convenient."

He hopped down from the roof, landing right before Jake. "Then bring it on! I'll fight you any day."

They both got into a fighting position, their hands held firmly as if preparing to strike. "Alright, let's see what you can do with that weird, dark aura."

Josiah turned red. "Haha, what an idiot. You don't get it, do you?" He thrust forward with a black fist, aiming directly at Jake's nose. "I'm the one with the advantage here."

Jake saw his chance to strike, dodging the punch as he slammed his fist into Josiah's face, launching him several feet back. "What?"

"Gruuhhh, fuck!" Josiah cried out, spitting some blood from his mouth. "I'll fucking kill you now. I'll end you this very moment!"

Leaning his body back, he prepared to throw a fat haymaker straight at Jake's face. The black aura around his fists increased in density, covering every inch of his hands.

Jake lowered his center of gravity while lifting both of his hands to form a shield around his face as he rolled backward, barely managing to dodge the hit as he sprung back up onto his feet. "You're somehow even more desperate than me. You really want a harem that bad?"

"Shut up!" Josiah growled, attempting to strike again.

Jake evaded this one too, ducking under the punch before striking back at him, but this time, he didn't hit anywhere near his face. He managed to strike the other man's abdomen, sending him reeling backward, unable to breathe for a moment.

"What? Are you hurt?"

Josiah coughed violently, glaring at him with hateful eyes, which had now turned red with fury. He swung his fist once again, this time aiming directly for Jake's nutsack, but he was no longer in the right condition to throw a proper strike.

Jake parried his arm, grabbing Josiah by the neck with his other hand. He lifted him up, slamming his body against the wall. Josiah gasped for air as his head fell back, leaving him dizzy and confused.

"Not so easy when I fight back, huh? You up for round three?"

"Heh... I still have one card left."

A black aura spread out around Josiah, covering every inch of his body, forcing Jake to take a step back. He raised one of his arms, trying to strike him on the head, but Jake deflected it before pushing him away and landing a clean kick on his jaw, sending him flying through the air.

Jake watched him with an icy-cold expression, trying to get a feel of his aura; there were barely any traces of a human being in his body, veiled by his aura. It was almost as if he had become some sort of machine, controlled by someone else's orders.

He reached down and pulled up a few pieces of cobblestone, which he threw at him while jumping backward. Josiah used his aura to protect himself, dodging them effortlessly.

"This is all your fault," he said with a pained voice, his eyes filled with tears of blood as he tried to stand up. "I-If only I had found that sushi recipe earlier... I would have become a prince!"

"What the hell are you talking about? Did you really think a princess would marry someone like you? And even if you had the recipe, you could make it because... nevermind."

Jake dashed forward, thrusting his fist straight at Josiah's stomach.

"Oww..." Josiah fell on his knees, unable to do anything else besides groan in agony as he rolled back and forth. He was done for.

Jake reached down, grabbing him by the hair. "What did you do to yourself? You look a poison type pokémon."

In blazing fury, he clenched Jake's arm with both of his hands, forcing him to release. "I'm not... I'm not gonna lose to someone like you..." He struggled to even speak at this point.

"No... You're done," Jake muttered as he spun him around before thrusting him back against the wall. "I'm done playing games. Time for me to go."

He began to walk away, but he didn't get too far before Josiah suddenly grabbed his leg, tripping him over. Jake tumbled over, landing flat on his back. He tried to get back up, but Josiah managed to climb on top of him before he could do anything else.

"Not yet, Jake. I'll fight you until you beg for me to stop."

He began to strike him in the face over and over, hitting his forehead, jaw, and cheeks while laughing out loud in pure delight. "What a nice feeling!"

Taking a few strikes, Jake gritted his teeth and stopped his rampage. With a mighty hip thrust, he flung him into the air. "My hips are the muscle I've exercised the most after coming to this place!"

Then, he hopped into the air and slammed him deep down in the ground—leaving cracks that ran up multiple buildings—with his signature move, Cock Slam.