
I Got Screwed Over And Reincarnated As The Vampire Queen's Servant.

After years of having a peaceful life 17 year old Hokuto Orechi is unjustly killed for no reason at all, he is then reincarnated into a world of blood shed and endless war.

Quintelight · 奇幻
70 Chs

Volume 2 Chapter 12 : The Connection.

While I made a realization of my new ability Ralia was trying to hide, I turned and looked down at Lirisu who was still below me with a stunningly red flushed face and this made me want to tease her a bit.

I mustered up my courage and said in a confident tone,"~Heeh~ to think a soldier would turn this way after being drank from , you lewd little girl."

After what I just said to her , her face is a mixture of embarrassment and anger ,if I wasn't pinning her arms down she would get her sword and cut me down right here.

She shows me a face that shows she's calm and replies in an emotionless tone that am in awe of, "Krelm, please let me go ,in our kingdom this is considered a law of harassment."

I then notice I have been pinning her for a long time now and let her go and as soon as I do that I receive another gut punch that knocks the wind out of me and then am down and my lights go out.

Lirisu who had been pinned for a long time asked the question while Krelm was passed out," ....How did this weakling manage to hold me down even when I was resisting with all my strength,-- it was the first time someone drank from me and that feeling I got,-- what was it, and that strange connection I got was different from the way I feel about ,---about what , I don't think I know ,but anyway it seems Viret chose wisely ,---this boy is no ordinary vampire."


As I wake up I find myself in my jail cell and it's really dark and scary with only a fire at the end of the door where the guards are, all I do in here is sleep and think about it is how to escape but I came up with the short end of the stick ,----'Tch how infuriating.'

~Huh~ it seems the duel I had with Lirisu all ended in a nightmare I hadn't prepared for , no if I had gone into battle like that I would have been cut down in an instant ,it was arrogant of me to think I could defeat a Raven Blood knight ,but I think I got some valuable intel.

Ralia said we were connected for some reason that didn't matter , she's wise , Gods can't lie so she directed the answer in a way that looked oblivious even to her , ~hmmm~ damn she's crafty , but in a way am amused.

The connection I had with Ralia and just made with Lirisu means I also bit that Godess , but how did I--- , I don't remember, no thinking about it won't help me get out of this cell , no in fact I think it's better am locked up in here.

Its like they say,... 'A lion trapped in a cage becomes more fearsome when let out .'

I think I'll just have to endure enough to strengthen my mental fortitude whether it's another hell ,--i just have to become stronger than them when this training that Viret spoke about becomes more intense.

Just as I thought that ,another realization came to me ,---it seems I have become crazy being stuck in this hell ,--- no to survive you have to become one with it , thats what makes you stronger ~hmmm~ how theoretical of me to bring about that ideology.

As I was monologuing I didn't notice a about five guards who were wearing helmets had opened the door to my cell.

"Sir Krelm you have been summoned to Your Majesty's personal chamber."

As he said that, I could tell the smile I had on my face,~hmmm~---- it seems an opportunity arrived sooner than expected.