
i got reincarnated at the wrong side

a person moving normally on the street was about to be hit by truck-Kun but was able to dodge it as he was sad normally people wouldn't be but this guy is different from the others as he wished to be reincarnated into another world and live his life with his harem

Mohamed_Moonwriter · 武侠
20 Chs

Chapter 16

We got up as usual did the same training got beaten like usual but we are able to get the duel a bit longer now it got longer to a twenty second match and that's a record since the making of this camp since demon always win a prolonged fight our role is to end the match as fast as possible but then at the end something different happened as the captain told us something {we are going to get back the borders and it will be your first act inside of a mission} all of the recruits got hyped up since all we did were training until now but there were two people who didn't got happy from that it's me and Hazem he must have thought of what I have told him and showed him during all the time at the training (I have to report it to them soon) and we left toward our tent after that as all the others were excited from that piece of news I looked at Hazem but then I shook my head we did the usual then playing a little bit of chess Hazem always dominate the field with this game I like it too even though that I barely win as Hazem won another match and they paid the fine of losing but Hazem sighed at the air normally he would laugh at the loser especially if it's me {hey what's wrong with you today you are sad since you heard about us taking over the walls once again} {well you know that two of the alliance are there at this moment they might appear at the same time you know} but khaled didn't look discouraged at all it's the opposite actually {I would wish to see the two of them at the same time I heard that Michael all alone defeated half of the soldiers at the walls and he didn't even took on that life threatening injury he must pay for what he did} {and you think you or any of us can beat him he wasn't playing around there if he on himself can do all that what about another one who is stronger than him} but the smile at the others didn't go down at all {well we also have our hidden weapon} as they looked at me {well I don't care about anyone else other than Michel I will go straight toward him the second I see him coming} {and that's exactly what we want you to do} {can you be sure you can win against him} I shook my head to him straight away {no not at all but I won't let him go away even though he might have already achieved the high level at his skills I will be able to meet up with him with my skills with the sword now} as they cheered me up Hazem smiled a bit but then he looked away (well he might not be here by the time we start the operation I plan to kill all of them except him though) as I looked at all of the soon to be dead people around the two people sitting at their chairs he left the tent with the guards coming to fetch him up as he got his sword and noble clothes on {I'm leaving now} I looked at him {you really are doing whatever is said to you} he chuckled {well I always wanted to marry that girl so her being my spouse is amazing all the time being a soldier and all the harsh training was because of that after all} {so you didn't want to stay with us after all the beds around here aren't even able to be compared to a normal bed at the royal city} he nodded to him as he touched his back {well that's true these beds are more like a wooden ones I think my back will hurt me for few years until I forget it} I extended my hand {we may not see each other every again since I might die at the next battle but until the next time so hide some meat for me the next time we meet I want to eat until I'm full} he laughed at it {well don't worry just focus on surviving} I nodded to him as he left the place {he left already} as the captain was hiding behind a tent with the other recruits with him {well yeah for now so shall we} as all the recruits went on {you said that to get him back right} as I moved beside the captain I nodded to him {yeah he will come back for sure now} the captain looked at the moving carriage {well he have potential so letting him to go away is a waste} as he left to prepare his weapons at the next day we all got our weapons at hand as I saw the blacksmith moving his things I went toward him {hey were you able to make it} he looked at me and nodded with excited face he gave me a small sword that you can see it as a dagger than it's a sword {well as you requested I thought no one is still using these kinds of swords} as I got the handle of the sword {yeah well it's my first time using it} {well then it's as you wanted a separated blades every centimeters but each of them are very sharp that cutting using each of them isn't that much of a problem there are four at each side so eight blades at most within one sword} I nodded to him (now I'm all ready to my grand opening to the humans as both the human Lucifer and the demon Michael) {I have three spares on me so take all of them} I took the other three (I can use that skill now) as we moved away from the camp it's a five days journey at the third day though Hazem came from the back of a horse {you are late} as I said that he went down {you bastard you knew that I will come back} I nodded {welcome back} as I moved forward again he sighed {well I think I just wrote my death wish to die a virgin} as khaled came toward him {well there are women within the expedition so that you know and I think they will agree if it's this handsome face} I moved back and pushed Khaled forward {stop slacking of and move on} he giggled with the others while I saw a girl blushing far to the side {you gotta be kidding me now} as Hazem looked at me with a puzzled look I sighed {you might actually be able to pull it of} that girl will totally agree and she is cute one as well as the hottest girl from the whole camp but no one tried to hit on her without being sent toward the hospital of the camp from being beaten hardly (well she isn't the daughter of the captain for nothing their genes are totally the same) as we moved on Hazem did really tried to hit on some girls but I always dragged him back (I won't let this one guy who is one year younger than me to get lost of his virginity before me) I felt ashamed of doing that but it's the ugly truth of being a virgin is being humiliated by the ones who lost it especially if they are younger than you and I'm sure this one will humiliate me over it forever at the fourth day I was the public enemy of the women at the expedition but the ally of all the virgins around the expedition I looked at the annoyed Hazem in front of me so I smacked his head {don't be sad I'm only standing by your fiancée's side not to let you cheat on her} he looked at me {y-you are just making that up because you don't want me to say I did it first} I smacked him once again {what are you an animal at his marriage season or what stay human you idiot} as I smacked his head a third time {you bastard} as he jumped at me but I punched him as he went on the ground without standing up so I was forced to hold him until we reached the camp he was fast a sleep after he got up I got out of the camp looking at a quiet place to send my message but I was being tailed by a bunch of women coming after I looked at them as I got enough of their playing {if you want something then just come and say it} as they flinched and went out of the bushes {w-why did you stop him from going out to see us do you know how hard is it for us not having a backing} I tilted my head (are those girls insane) {no I know that I didn't have anyone I can rely on since I came to this land and if you have a fiancé would you want him to cheat on you I'm just making sure he isn't doing anything indecent} they looked at themselves {well if he is going out with a noble lady then I think I can let it pass} I was surprised by their acceptance of thinking like that (that never happened at our world or more likely I didn't saw or heard anyone doing that before) {well I don't care what you want I don't feel like to leave him doing that it's for my sake anyway} and I left them they stood at their place without moving but then they jumped at me I was thinking about that happening before though I didn't imagine them really doing it so I was away from them {you really did it I'm surprised the people from this world are really idiots} (I said that out loud) as they heard that they all charged at me with a chain at their hands {we can't let you stop him it's a golden opportunity for us} I looked at them as a wave of my hand went through all of them as they stood still at the sky I looked at them one by one {you are idiots} and I left them flying away as I looked around (there aren't anyone now) as I got a sword at hand and put the letter at it as it flew away {now I'm done for today let's return now} I went back the next day was very tough with the women trying to hit on him I tried to protect this guy's virginity with literally my life but luckily a backup came and helped me out with Hazem getting his enough of them playing around him he refused going out with any of them he regretted it later though as none of them even looked at him anymore {you will pass through it later on so don't be sad} with Khaled consoling him but a smirk was at the end of his mouth (he is happy that he was able to prevent it from happening) well it was him who started it after all but then we were met with the captain for the first time since the first time we set foot at this raid battle {we are near it so stop playing around} we nodded to him as he went back and we looked at our weapons and gear if it needed maintaining but it's all perfect {let the dance start}