
I got Reincarnated as Yuuya Tenjou in Cheat Musou.

This novel isn't dropped I am just taking a break, I'll be back I promise. [Courtesy/Special Thanks To Nyx Translations] ★ Read Auxiliary Chapters Before Reading The Story ★ This is a [What If] type, SI ‘fan-fic’ and It will be a light-hearted story which will follow canon ‘closely’ and ‘completely’ with added ‘extra’ events but the MC here won't be like Yuuya was and get dragged around or in his Emo phase for the whole story and all. I will ‘try’ to make it as much fun and entertaining as possible, also there will be changes in the characters behaviour as I don't want to make them ‘dumb’ like they are displayed and It will be ‘Harem’ and I will ‘try’ my best to make it not seem forced and make it entertaining. [I am doing this for fun So I won't promise any fixed updates] (The Characters all belong to their rightful owners I don't Own Anything) ★ I am just re-writing it as a [What If] storyline to satisfy and vent out my Frustration on the orignal story, that's it ★ Thank you, Peace!!

Demon_Noah07 · 漫画同人
15 Chs

Chp 8 Benefits.

I am currently in the [Otherworld] house and It's been a week since I killed the [Bloody Orge] and I got to learn and understand many things in that time,

First, I realised that my title and skills have ridiculous effects, specifically the [Otherworlder] and [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time] titles that I got when I first visited the [Otherworld],

[A/N : I will make an Auxiliary Chapter with proper detail later]

First of all, thanks to the [Otherworlder] title, I can level up easily, as compared to the people on this planet and it applies to all the levels; and even skill acquisition and skill levels grow up at a rapid pace as compared to other people because of the title,

Then, the [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time] title was even more insane. I already thought it was amazing when I first read its effects,

In terms of BP alone, per level - the difference between me and normal inhabitants of the 'Otherworld' is a factor of ten, and even for other 'Earthlings' or any other [Otherwolder's] who 'might' visit in future, it's a factor of five.

That alone was ridiculous and that is not accounting for the basic stats increase I get after every [Level Up].

Well, I'm indeed getting stronger because of the Wise Man's house and godly weapons, but I felt that this title was giving me more free bonuses too.

Also, the other title which I hadn't checked before the [Reincarnator] title, turns out it was yet another cheat skill,

[Reincarnator] :: Protects the user previous life memories and keeps them intact, and provides passive 'Psionic' and 'Divine' Resistance and Immunity towards hidden and unknown dangers, and makes the user a 'Psionic Singularity' and removes any kind of 'Limiters' associated to themselves]

Just reading the title description made me surprised but I was satisfied with it though, I wouldn't have asked for anything less even if I had the option to,

Either way, the titles were really fantastic, but the skills themselves are actually effective to use on 'Earth', which is quite helpful.

For example, the [Appraisal] skill lets me easily obtain information on everything, even things such as finding the freshest vegetables available at the supermarket, and the [Language Comprehension] skill lets me read, write, understand and even speak in all languages and I mean it when I say I'm very grateful for those skills,

The other special abilities I asked for though couldn't be Appraised at the moment as they were still 'dormant' and had to be 'Awakened' after meeting the 'conditions' required,

The Title, Skills and 'abilities' aside but the other thing that happened is related to the [Ingredients] that were cultivated in the field.

I've been eating food that increased my stats, but as soon as I reached a certain level, my stats stopped going up, maybe there was a limit to how much they could raise my stats.

To be honest, it was weird from the start that eating would make me stronger, but I didn't really feel bad about it.

So even though it doesn't increase my stats anymore, I continued eating them not only because their taste is better than the ones on the market, but also because they improve my body's 'base' health,

[Example : Digestion, Metabolism, Immunity, Healing,etc.]

Also, a few days ago I updated my documents and Identity information updated and got my new 'IDs'; and opened a bank account but I had to deposit the money slowly with less amounts at regular intervals and spend them accordingly or invest them later to diversify the money,

For now I have only deposited ¥100,000 in my account but they still got suspicious, and started asking questions about the source of money due to which I had to make up a lie and tell them it was my family fund savings and give them excuses, but they did accept the deposit in the end though;

I had bought a new uniform as the new academic year is going to be starting soon and I had to attend and graduate if I wanted the property ownership 'my' grandfather left for me in his will, or even if I wanted to live independently.

I also bought some other necessary appliances I needed urgently for the house, which was literally everything like everything I needed in a house I had to buy them new because none of them where available at my house,

I only had regular old appliances and furniture available at the house and the only modern appliance at the house was the 'fridge' and 'water heater' and that's it,

I didn't know how 'Yuuya' even lived here without any TV and anything else of that sort, the only thing he had to use for communication was an old 'telephone' and that's it,

Anyway so I ordered and fixed the new appliances and furniture in the house as per my needs and bought everything I needed I postponed buying the phone for now and bought a PC and Laptop collectively with a huge 'discount' instead and got an Internet Connection and paid everything in 'Cash';

I got quite a few stares from the people because of that but my looks saved me from that 'somehow magically', or is this how people say charm works,

Well the reason I used cash is because it was easily accessible at the moment and also because I didn't want to go to the bank multiple times to deposit money and get questioned again or raise suspicions towards me,

I was thinking of learning how to somehow convert the money I had into proper 'white' money because I didn't know how to and postponed it for a while,

[A/N : Suggest me something or I will have to do with bullshit anime logic as an explanation]

Now I have most of the things I need except for regular clothing which I am going to buy later,

I had also started testing things out with my body.

While referring to the book from the bookstore before, I started swinging weapons around properly, and the skill [True Martial Arts] became level two before I knew it,

This also proved the theory I had, as this meant that I only had to train properly to increase a Skill Level, even without hunting monsters and I think that this is also thanks to the [Otherworlder] title, so this only applies to me.... I guess,

Also, at level two of [True Martial Arts], I didn't really feel any big change compared to level one, but I felt that my weapons handling had become slightly sharper.

This again proved another theory I had in my mind about the body transformation I had gone through, and how the [Level Up] System works,

{ When an opponent dies the mana and life force gets collected and injected as pure mana into the victors body and if a major level up occurs, where stats grow more than 100+ points a 'transformation' occurs which makes the whole body density higher and makes the body more compact and 'transforms' their body stated accordingly to the stats }

{ If a person level ups normally they won't feel the changes or pain because the mana and life force directly gets injected into their mana circuit and later transforms the body slowly but because of quick level up the rapid transformations occur }

I had another theory that the 'Titles' effects work on the authority of the 'System' or the 'rules' on which they operate, granting the different amount of BP points and Stats, but I wouldn't yet prove or confirm it so it's still a theory;

As I began to notice more and more things like this, I was actually starting to feel quite depressed. The beginning of the next academic year was approaching.

I have to become a high school student again, it meant I had to face the unpleasant experience again. I have to meet people again pretend to be nice or act to be one of them or I will get distanced by everyone and left alone.

I honestly didn't care about them though, I just wanted to be by myself without any interruption and alone with my books, phone and headphones on.

[A/N : Us Bro Us (╥﹏╥)]

I wish I could just explore the other world instead, but I can't say that.... I guess,

"Sigh… I don't want it."

Even though I said I don't want it, I still need to go to school. I need to graduate at least.

Anyway, today I'm determined to… explore the surroundings of the house in the other world.

It's scary to think that there's still a lot of monsters like Bloody Ogres and Hell Slimes, but my curiosity had overcome my fear.

I would have been scared to go out of the house if it was before but now after my [Level Up] and increase in Stats, I somehow don't feel as scared as I thought I would be, It might be something related to the confidence I have gained after my transformation or something completely different,

"This may be careless, but let's go."

I was completely equipped with the [Bloody War Demon Series] equipment, including the [Blood War Demon's Body Armor] and the [Bloody War Demon's Gauntlet], along with the clothes left by the wise man.

I was still cautious though, so just in case, I also bought [Complete Cure Herb] as this meant I will be completely healed even if I get fatally injured.... I hope.

I took a deep breath as I approached the entrance of the fence which marked the border between the garden where I had killed two monsters before and the outside.

Weapon? Check. Armor? Check. Recovery grass? Check.

"All right."

When I decided to do so, I took a step out and Slowly and Cautiously Step by step, I walked out of my land. And then


I managed to get out safely,

I looked at the surroundings trying to figure out which part of the forest the house was located in but I think it was too deep inside as I couldn't make out a straight direction because of the surroundings, so I decided to explore,

Even if I say to explore the surroundings I still don't remember a proper route to the house so I decided I will only explore at a distance where I can still see the house. Someday, I'll go farther away while considering the house as the mark.

I held the [Absolute Spear] as my weapon, and proceeded cautiously while watching my surroundings and activating my skill.

It was the first time I saw the forest's trees up close, but they all had leaves I'd never seen before. There were many flowers amidst a poisonous-looking rainbow of colors, and even flowers that emitted pale light.

Looking at this really drives home the fact that it's a magic fantasy world.

While I was taking in the fantastical sights, I suddenly felt the presence of creatures. The [Presence Detection] skill had detected something. While steadying my breathing, I quietly followed the presence of the creature and caught sight of it.

It was a child-like creature with green skin, dressed in shabby armor, with sharp eyes, an aquiline nose, and some awfully sharp fangs lined up in its mouth. Actually, the Bloody Ogre was more terrible looking than this.

While not being noticed by the creature, I used [Appraisal].

[Goblin Elite]

Level: 120

Magic: 100

Attack: 1500

Defense: 1000

Agility: 1500

Intelligence: 100

Luck: 100

I had already guessed it, it was a goblin. But it wasn't a normal goblin, it was an elite. I guess it was a high class goblin.

I was just going to avoid it after that when suddenly,


Then I accidentally stepped on the tree's branch under my feet and made a sound. When I quickly turned to look back at the goblin──

It had already rushed in my direction blindly with a shabby sword in his hand,

Previously, I would have fallen face down unprepared, but now I could see the movement of the Goblin Elite closely and succeeded in evading it with plenty of room.

The Goblin Elite looked a little surprised by my dodging movement, the tone of its babbling reflecting its emotional state, but it immediately attacked again in order to kill me.

I ducked and brandished the [Absolute Spear] again quickly, but then I remembered about the contents of the book I had bought before,

It did not actually mention how to hold a spear.

At the time, I wondered if I had already made a mistake in getting that book, but as I read on, the objective of the book was apparently to allow the reader to merely adjust their posture such that you can move more easily, with tips such as taking care to push it out while twisting when you thrust. That's the kind of thing that was written there.

Well, you could summarize it as "twist it while you thrust it" so in that sense, I appreciated it as a beginner.

As I looked calmly at the attacking Goblin Elite, I could immediately see that the Goblin Elite was swinging its sword from one side. In other words, the head and lower body were full of gaps. Without overlooking it, I remained calm, using the length of the reach of the spear, twisting it not only with my arms but also with my whole body.

Then, a spiral wind wrapped around the [Absolute Spear], and pierced the Goblin Elite's forehead precisely as intended. It managed to grunt with surprise. While I only pierced the goblin elite's forehead, the spiral wind wrapped around the spear was too powerful, and blew up the Goblin Elite's head. When I pulled the spear back, the Goblin Elite's head had already disappeared.

As its body staggered a few steps on the spot, it sprayed a tremendous amount of blood, before eventually disappearing into light particles.


For the first time, I actually felt the sensation of taking a life through the spear, directly in my hand. But strangely, my mind was calm. In actual fact, it was a miserable sight that I thought would make me want to empty the contents of my stomach onto the ground, but I was fine.

Of course, there was still the feeling that I had taken a life, so I understood the importance of that, but my instincts were saying that if I hadn't killed it, I would have been killed myself, so I felt that my mind and body had naturally adapted.

"The drops are… [Magic Stone: Rank D], [High Grade Demon's Fang], and [High Grade Demon's Skin], huh?"

To be honest, the skin was disgusting, and as one might expect, I had no use for it, so I just threw everything into the [Item Box].

Come to think of it, this was the first time I moved in armor, but my movement wasn't hindered at all. I personally liked it; it was a pretty good armor.

At first though, I wanted to avoid fighting and fight long distance instead, but considering I would eventually have to fight 1v1 someday it was still pretty good to build some experience directly,

"Hmm… It seems my level didn't go up this time."

I didn't level up, but it was good that I was able to practice the movement from that book against a monster. Moving my body in the garden was fine, but getting actual combat experience is a completely different story. Regardless of the contents, I was glad the book was a good purchase.

I decided to continue moving with the positive momentum,

"Alright, should I just continue exploring?"

Since the level between me and the enemy was close, there was no level up, but I regained my mind and resumed the search to check around.

To Be Continued....

I tried to make up an explanation on the [Level Up] and [Title] effects logic somehow, I 'tried' Okay, Well anyway tell me about your thoughts and opinions,

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Thank you, Peace!!

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