
I got Reincarnated as Yuuya Tenjou in Cheat Musou.

This novel isn't dropped I am just taking a break, I'll be back I promise. [Courtesy/Special Thanks To Nyx Translations] ★ Read Auxiliary Chapters Before Reading The Story ★ This is a [What If] type, SI ‘fan-fic’ and It will be a light-hearted story which will follow canon ‘closely’ and ‘completely’ with added ‘extra’ events but the MC here won't be like Yuuya was and get dragged around or in his Emo phase for the whole story and all. I will ‘try’ to make it as much fun and entertaining as possible, also there will be changes in the characters behaviour as I don't want to make them ‘dumb’ like they are displayed and It will be ‘Harem’ and I will ‘try’ my best to make it not seem forced and make it entertaining. [I am doing this for fun So I won't promise any fixed updates] (The Characters all belong to their rightful owners I don't Own Anything) ★ I am just re-writing it as a [What If] storyline to satisfy and vent out my Frustration on the orignal story, that's it ★ Thank you, Peace!!

Demon_Noah07 · 漫画同人
15 Chs

Chp 5 A Good Girl.

After returning to Earth and breaking out of my daze,

I decided to first bring some groceries for the house which I couldn't yesterday since I had no money and now since I have ample of them the first thing I thought about spending them on was food because honestly I was feeling famished right now,

I just went to the otherworld to change clothes and check the Veggies and now I am straight to Level 50 from Level 1 and also a millionaire,

Seriously after going through such a rollercoaster ride of a morning how can the protagonist still be so dense I mean come on seriously,

It's only been a few hours since I woke up and went through so many changes in those few hours and now I am back here again,

Well let me just calm my mind now before anything else,


After finally calming my mind and wearing the mask I bought yesterday, I left the house after locking and went towards the groceries store,

Personally it was such a drag to wear a mask just because I didn't look good, but I just decided to wear them because I didn't want to bother with people's looks of scorn, disdain and contempt towards my face or myself in general,

I mean if this was the real 'normal' world it wouldn't have been a problem but it isn't,

I mean it is just the same as Earth except everything here is overly exaggerated, like when people look at someone 'ugly' in a normal world they behave vastly different then the people here do, even accident victims get looks of contempt from people because they have scars visible on their bodies,

Well thinking all those things I just decided to buy a mask from the convience store when I came to buy food yesterday,

I mean it wasn't like I couldn't have been able to just ignore them but the problem was the [Empathy] skill,

I was still barely controlling the skill right now after awakening it after the sudden level up but well thanks to the boost in my stats that was still somehow manageable right now,

As for my other abilities after checking them with [Appraisal], I got to know that my body already has the abilities I asked for but they were dormant and needed some sort of requirment or conditions to awaken but that was for the active abilities,

Like my [Empathy] skill which was an Auxiliary still which required for me to have a total of 1000 [Int] stats to awaken,

[A/N : Auxiliary is a skill which is both passive and active]

The passive ones although were already awakened and were constantly helping me in improving my body,

Like when I returned to Earth and I suddenly realised that my skill had awakened I almost fell unconcious from the sudden burst of emotions and feelings I felt from people all around the neighborhood but my passive [skills] and [High Int] stats helped control and contain it, but at the same time I was also thankful and relieved that what I had was just the [Empathy] skill and not [Telepathy], Imagine knocking a whole neighborhood unconcious in a single second and possibly even killing them accidentally,

But that relief too was shortlived after I checked the description of the skill,

[Empathy] :: You have awakened the latent innate special ability in your body. You can now understand the feelings and emotions of others clearly. You can evolve the skill further after reaching max proficiency in it.

I felt a mix of emotions reading the skill description, I mean I did ask for [Telepathy] at first because this was a Harem story but after understanding and experiencing the [Empathy] skill I knew it would be more than enough to fulfil the purpose I asked the skill for, So after knowing that it would further evolve in the future I didn't know if I should be happy or not, I mean that was good news but I was just worried of the concequences if I accidentally lost control of it in future,

Well that's for the future, I shouldn't count my eggs before they hatch I guess,

I arrived at the supermarket already while I was thinking about everything,

I entered the store and ordered everything I needed and paid the bill,

While I was paying the bill I didn't know if it was because of the sudden transformation of my body or anything else I could feel the lady at the counter stare at me with curious eyes,

I wondered the reason behind it but dismissed it soon as it was a waste of time and energy,

Thinking so I was on my way return when I thought about going to the convenience store and turned towards it,

But then I saw this happening in broad daylight,

"Hey hey, it's okay, isn't it? Come have tea with us."

"I already said no, I've refused you so many times already! Please, let me go!"

"Don't say that, darling'~"

A girl about the same age as me was caught up and getting harrassed by a group of men that really stood out. The convenience store I went to was in a residential area after all, and there were a lot of people walking by. To think that they would harass a girl out in the open in broad daylight like this, and right in front of a convenience store, on top of that…

The girl didn't like it, and tried to get away from the men, but they persistently surrounded her. When I looked around, there were people in the area, but everyone pretended not to see them. Finally, one of the men grabbed her arm.

"Hey, come on, let's go."

"It's okay, nothing bad's gonna happen."

"I don't wanna! Let go of me, please!"

I was already getting tired watching them, but I managed to calm myself,

"Excuse me!"


The men all turned to look at me. Their collective gaze was sharp, and it was clear they were already looking down on me.

To be honest, I was feeling furious, I could clearly feel the emotions they were emiting and even without a skill I could clearly see their intensions from their expressions,

I wouldn't just watch it happen and let them fulfill their intensions when I have the ability to stop it,

Because of that, I spoke up without even thinking when I saw this happening,

But then one of the people in the group looked at me and said

"What is it, fat-ass? Do you have business with us or something? Huh?!"

I almost cursed hearing the word again, but kept it under control for now, I mean if it was just yesterday I wouldn't have bothered to retort at his comment but now no way,

'Is this guy blind, or maybe that is just how typical villains talk',

"No, but I don't think the girl wants to go with any of you."

They almost growled in offense. They ignored the girl and were now surrounding me instead.

"You trying to make fun of us,? You bastard."

"No, I don't need to you guys already are clowns as it is"

"What did you say, you asshole!?"

Yelled one the men as he dashed at my direction, the remaining group following soon after,

"Don't mess with us… you son of a bitch!"

"You fucking asshole!"

"Die, you fucker!"

The whole group ran towards me and tried attacking me while cursing out typical cliche villain lines while I was just dodging and deflecting them making them fall on each other,

I was just thinking about how not to cause a major injury on them and deal with them properly while dodging their attacks,

When suddenly one of them yelled looking back,

"Hey, run the police are coming!"

"What!?, you gotta be kidding!"

"Someone reported us, let's scram!"

Apparently, someone reported them to the police, and those men quickly fled the scene.

Jeez, I didn't get to deal with them properly like I planned, But thinking about it again, it's their good luck I guess, right now I don't know how to control my strength completely after suddenly increasing them in the morning but well I will do something about it later on I guess,

While I was thinking the girl who was being harassed earlier came running over and brought me of out of my monologue.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere, I can call the ambulance right away if you want…!"

"It-it's okay, it's okay… I am alright, I am completely fine… I don't need an ambulance…"


"No, really it's okay, you can calm down now, I am completely fine and unscathed right now, look the police are here"

I was moved by the girl being so worried about the other person while just getting out of such a situation,


"It's really okay now… rather than that, you were getting harassed, weren't you? Please be more careful from now on."

I don't really know what I'm saying, but I got my distance from the girl who was worried about me. She just got attacked by a man, so she shouldn't want to be by a man's side, right now and I think that would be a natural course of action given the situation.

Well, it doesn't matter anymore as the police came rushing over while I was thinking. The police officers were two women and one man, so the girl might be relieved with this, I hope

"We just got a report…"

"Ah, I was surrounded by a group of men, and this person helped me when I was in trouble!…"

The girl explained to the police in detail that I was the only one who intervened, so it didn't seem to matter that much. It was like a weird story that I was the only one to help out of all the people in the market. After a short series of questions, the police officer apparently decided to send the girl home. Then they turned to me.

"We can send you home, as well. Where do you live?"

"No-no, it's okay… I'll go home by myself, I came here to get groceries…"

I said as I showed him the groceries bag I was carrying,

"I see… well then, please be more careful."

When the police officers started to take the girl with them, she suddenly turned to me and bowed her head.

"Thank you for your help this time!"

"Huh? Ah, no, don't worry about it… I couldn't have just let it happen and leave, after all, anyone in my place would have done the same"

"That's not true at all ! In fact, you were the only one tried saving me while everyone else was ignoring it, Thank you very much for that. I'll be sure to repay you for this."

"Please, don't mind it… Well then, I'll take my leave…"

I don't usually talk much to people, but I managed to somehow say that much at least, and cut off the conversation to part ways with her.

In the first place, I rarely talked to women, except for the ones I know or the ones who know me and when I do, it's just a bunch of bickering or straight to topic conversations not much of any small talks that I could remember about,

But that girl, even if maybe she was only being polite, was worried about me, even though she was the one getting harrassed just now and I was the one totally fine,

'I thought she was a good girl…a girl with a good personality

....ah, a girl like that deserves to be happy.'

Thinking like that I left, I then stopped at the convenience store again on my way back, before finally going back home.

To Be Continued....

So I noticed that because I rushed the chapter a bit, it came out sloppily, well I changed that and yeah I did copy the same scenario as it happened but you will get it why I did that in the coming chapter, Thankyou for your feedback though.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Thank you, Peace!!

Demon_Noah07creators' thoughts