
I got isekai'd then got a supreme cheat, but it's nerfed.

A young man in his early 20, that had just graduated and was having trouble finding a job, ended up signing up for a new gaming project from a big company. Unfortunately, there was an accident and this young man died. Only to then wake up in the cliche white isekai room, after he like a lot of others gets a Supreme cheat, but it's heavily nerfed. Follow his story as he now lives adventures in a new world.

Kiony_Fey · 奇幻
15 Chs

Chapter-1: A deal.

On a day like any other, the blue skies filled with clouds give off a sense of calmness and stability.

The streets are busy with cars going and the honking noise coming from all directions. The same could be said about the people, going back and forth on the sideways and creating the illusion of a crowd in the eyes of onlookers.

In the midst of all the people passing by, there's a young man with long pink hair and deep purple eyes that match his eyebrows. He's wearing a black long-sleeved shirt, grey jeans, and black running shoes.

His expression is a very stale one, as he seems to be dead inside with his purple eyes holding no life to them. He continues to walk with one destination in mind: Booba software.

Booba software is a big gaming company that has recently developed the first full emersion dive VR capsules that now allow gamers to enter video games with a digital body. This technology is going to start a whole new era for the gaming industry, and this young man with pink hair is lucky enough to be one of the beta testers of the first game.

He kept walking for quite a while before coming to a stop right in front of a big building with the icon being a cartoonish character with his eyes coming forward.

"It's hard to believe someone actually named and branded a company over a meme, and still got this much success."(Pink haired young man)

The Pink haired young man said as soon as he reached the front entrance of the building, then proceeded to enter the building, and once inside was met with four people smiling and welcoming him, then one of them approached him and asked.

"Hello sir, good afternoon. We have been waiting for your arrival. I'm Seraf Joel and I'll be in charge of guiding you to the capsules, don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions, also, If you don't mind, could you please tell me your name?"(Booba soft. worker)

The man had a big smile on his face as he said this with his rather strong and greasy voice, the aura around him made it obvious he's being paid to act this way, which isn't something uncommon.

"Good afternoon, No problem, I'm Niel Kross."(Pink haired young man)

The young man with pink hair said introducing himself, his voice is soft but firm, a little high pitched for a man but not high pitched enough for a woman which almost made him sound like a child.

"Oh! You're mister Niel?... That being the case please follow me."(Seraf)

Seraf says with a surprised expression before shaking his head and going back to his big smile, then he turns around to show the way and proceeds to walk towards the elevator.

"Is it that surprising that I'm here?"(Niel)

He asks seeing Seraf's reaction after hearing his name, as he follows Seraf through the classy reception room of their company.

"Hum... No sir, it's just we didn't expect you who lives the farthest, would be the first one to arrive."(Seraf)

Saying this with the same big smile, Seraf then entered the elevator as it opened.

Niel followed and entered the elevator right after, then said nothing else, having received his answer.

The elevator's door closed and Seraf pressed on the 16th floor out of 25.

Some awkward tension built up as none of them tried to talk to each other, making the ride seem even longer than it already is.

The situation did not change until the elevator opened its doors on the 16th floor.

After that, Niel followed Seraf until they reached a room with 14 capsules, 13 of them lined up and another one at the end of the room. The last one seems to have been added much later than the first 13 as if it wasn't initially planned.

"Mister Kross, this is the capsule room, where later on you and the other 13 will be testing Project Origo, mostly known as Origo online."(Seraf)

He said with the same enthusiasm his smile transmits, and at this point, it's hard to tell if he actually cares about the game or if he's just trying to keep his work.

"How is it?"(Niel)

He asked seeing the enthusiasm demonstrated by Seraf.


Confused by the sudden question Seraf could only ask in return.

"The game, Origo online."(Niel)

He said understanding Seraf's confusion.

"Oh! It's amazing! I myself don't know that much, but from what I heard the present has unrealistic expectations for the game, they say he describes and talks about things in the game like if he was there before..."(Seraf)

He happily explained what he knew of the situation to Niel.

"So, everything considered, the technology we have right now can't handle everything that's planned for the game, but even so, what we have is already more than most MMORPGs do."(Seraf)

Finishing his simple explanation Seraf bowed as if he had just performed in front of a huge audience.

Seeing this Niel, started suspecting that maybe this really is his personality and not just an act to keep his job.

"That's cool and all, but can you give me any specifics?"(Niel)

Niel said after hearing Seraf's explanation.

"No can do man, I definitely lose my job."(Seraf)

"If that's the case forget I even asked, just wanted to get a little heads up."(Niel)

"No problem, if I was in your shoes I'd also be curious. After all, it's not every day you get to be part of a project that will change the whole concept of gaming."(Seraf)

"Believe me, I'm well aware of that. If I wasn't I wouldn't be here."(Niel)

Both of them keep talking to one another for the rest of the time since the others weren't here yet.

After about half an hour of Niel and Seraf talking about video games and how much they changed the others finally arrived.

".... That's why I believe retro is never going to love its place in the gaming world."(Niel)

"I mean, you do have a point, but at this stage are there really that many people still playing retro games?"(Seraf)

Just as Niel was about to answer Seraf's question a voice interrupted their little chat.

"As all of you can see, this is the capsule room where all of you will for the first time experience the marvels of the digital world."

The one saying this was a man in the same uniform as Seraf with a smile that is almost on par with his, and this person came followed by a group of 13 young people, 5 girls and 8 boys who are curiously looking around the room.

"Hey look, there are two other people here."

One of the boys with black hair and green eyes said as he looked at Niel and Seraf.

"Seraf, so what have you been doing here in the capsule room?"

The man who seems to be Seraf's co-worker asked.

"Oh... I was just.... Hum... "(Seraf)

"You weren't slacking off, were you? Cause that would be against the regulations."

"No! I was just... just..."(Seraf)

"He was just explaining to me how the whole digitalization process worked since I had some doubts about its safety."(Niel)

Just as Seraf struggled to explain himself, Niel entered the conversation and immediately covered up for him, after all, he was the reason why Seraf got distracted.

"Is that so?"

The man asked not fully convinced.

"Yes! Sir!"(Seraf)

It seems whoever this man is, he's Seraf's superior or so it seems that way from Niel's perspective.

"Any whom, your mister Kross correct?"

The man asked Niel.

"I guess I am."(Niel)

He said so with a small smile that felt somewhat imposing, the words from his mouth make him seem like he's making fun of the man for even asking the question.

The man didn't take whatever intentions Niel had at heart and just continued.

"So, moving on. All of you can now enter any of the 13 capsules especially prepared and made for the best experience possible, as for you... Mister Kross, the last capsule at the edge of the room will be the one you'll use."

"Oh, so what you're saying is that there's a difference between the capsules they will use and the one I'll use?"(Niel)

As soon as the man finishes speaking Niel says very calmly now not carrying a smile, but instead a very serious and calm expression.

"N-NO! I've never said such a thing! Also you can't just take someone else's place like that!"

"But you implied it, if there really are no differences I'm sure my dear beta test team members wouldn't mind changing places, right?"(Niel)

"I mean..."

While the man was having a hard time trying to come up with an answer for Niel one of the 13 spoke.

"I don't see a problem with that, seeing there are no differences but I also believe there's no reason for you to be this rude, even if you just like us, earned the right to be here. You only got to be here because of a luck game that was played after the actual selection, so what makes you think you deserve the same standards or treatment as us?"

A young man with glasses and vivid red hair said as he looked at Niel with his head high.

"No, no, you misunderstood me. As you should know monkeys don't want to stand on the same tree as gorillas but they want the same bananas... Haha, I'm joking. Anyway you do you, I'll do me."(Niel)

Niel says with no sherd of care in his being, his words sound confident, unbothered and some people could even argue he sounded very sarcastic.

Nobody said anything as Niel walked away towards his capsule, with not a single care for what they might say or think, and Seraf just followed him as he felt awkward to stand next to them after what Just happened.

"Niel?!... Hum... Don't you think you went a little overboard there?"(Seraf)

He whispered to Niel as they walked towards the capsule.

"Nope, I think that was just enough."(Niel)

"Just enough for what?"(Seraf)

"Just enough to piss all of them off."(Niel)

Saying this Niel showed a small smile then went back to his monotone expression.

"You... Are you a troll or something?"(Seraf)

"No, I just don't like when people bluntly lie to me or when they just throw their high horse crap at me."(Niel)

"How are you so casual when you got on the bad side of the content manager?"(Seraf)

"Oh, so that's his position... Not gonna lie I thought he was higher, if that's all then I have no reasons to worry."(Niel)

"What?! You take things too easy!!"(Seraf)

"You remind me of people in school or college, during tests, saying I shouldn't be so relaxed."(Niel)

"Yup, you're a damn troll alright!"(Seraf)

"So much for being trying to relax."(Niel)

"This isn't!... You know what? I give up, you do you. Now let me help you with the capsule."(Seraf)

"That would be very helpful thank you."(Niel)

Seraf then started helping Niel get all set up the capsule.

Niel went inside and Seraf was programming it to start up.

"Good luck man."(Seraf)

Seraf left the room and so did the other man, now inside the room are only the capsules and the people inside of them.

The capsules started glowing and then a mechanical voice started talking to them.

[You have been invited to the world of Origo, are you willing to abandon your current life to life and possibly due as a hero in another world?]

[Yes] or [No]

"This beginning message is a little weird, but I guess it's pretty interesting in terms of emersion."(Niel)

Just as Niel was about to press yes, something unexpected happened as a circle with multiple unknown symbols appeared on the floor and started to glow brighter as its light engulfed everything inside the capsule room.

-In an unknown location-

As the strong light from the mysterious circle disappears a dimly lit room, with bookshelves that seem to never end, has one candle standing on a desk and sitting on a chair, and writing on some paper on the desk is a hooded figure with skeleton hands.

On the other side of this desk sits a young man with pink hair who has his eyes closed.

{Boy, it's about time you wake up.}

The skeleton said with a deep and profound voice that would make even the bravest shake in fear, but its voice seems to not have reached the young man as he kept sleeping.

{I said <Wake up>.}

At that moment the young man immediately opened his eyes, only to stand completely still and in shock with the first thing he saw, his eyes are wide open and he doesn't move at all.

{The shock and even fear are usual in my presence but worry not mortal, I'm known as [the writer] and am a being that resides in a much higher plane than the one you exist in.}

The creature continued writing as it spoke and didn't seem to be talking about the situation at hand with any amount of seriousness.

Niel eventually shook his head and started looking at the being without uttering a word.

{So, as of now you should be dead and meeting [Death] rather than me, but you're a quite special one.}

".... If I'm getting this right? You just said I'm dead and... You're not death?"(Niel)

Niel braced himself to be able to even say these words as his heartbeat got faster.

{No, I said you should be dead but you're not, at least not yet.}

"Then, where... Where am I?"(Niel)

{You're obviously in my office.}


Niel had a deadpan expression hearing this answer, he doesn't know if this is real or someone is just playing very foul tricks on him.

"Oh! This is the game correct!"(Niel)

Niel said remembering how he most likely got in this situation in the first place.

{So this sounds like a game to you, then tell me, does this feel like a game?}

As the [the writer] said that Niel's body started contorting and the sound of his breaking arm could be heard as all of his members got to experience the same one by one.


The screams of pain echoed throughout the room until his members went back to place all on their own, Niel who was now on the floor in absolute pain could still feel the lingering pain of what just happened to him.

{I assume this will suffice, I'm very busy and can't do this for too long, so sit down and let's have a conversation.}

Niel didn't move as his expression is one of pain and agony, as tears fall from his eyes.

{I did it once and I'll do it again if you don't hurry up}

Niel immediately forced himself to get up and sit on the chair again with his eyes still full of tears and his face showing his dissatisfaction with the creature right in front of him.

{Like I was saying, your soul is an exceptional one for a mortal. Usually, mortals only live most of their lives until half of it or so, but you are a mortal that throughout their many reincarnations was able to live their full life most of the time.}

Niel didn't say anything and just sat there listening to this creature talk.

{You might wonder what this means, it simply means that you, throughout those many lives accumulated soul energy that most mortals don't. When it comes to reincarnation the defining factors are the strength of your soul and how long it could rest in a mortal vessel to get stronger.}

It went on and Niel started to get some interest in what he's being told.

{So the more full mortal lifetimes you live the higher the chances you will get reincarnated, so you who lived almost all of your full-time in all of your reincarnations are an unusual variable, and your soul is unusually strong for a mortal, you have a grade 8 soul, two grades away from being a demi-God soul and 3 grades away from being a divine or God soul.}

Hearing this Niel was very surprised and even started ignoring the fact he doesn't like this creature.

"So you're saying I can become a God?"(Niel)

{No, I'm saying you could have a soul capable of such. The fact your soul is high grade for a mortal doesn't make you necessarily stronger, it just means you have more potential to grow beyond what you are, and since your soul grade is pretty high your growth would also be faster. I would say you could look at your soul grade as your potential, it basically tells you what you can become for now.}

Niel nodded hearing what the creature said.

{If it was otherwise you would be a superhuman or whatever was it that humans called it.}

"I see, but why are you telling me all of this? What do you want from me??"(Niel)

{As I said before, you're a very special case, and something like this hasn't happened in a very long time, so I want to make a deal with you. I will give you the tools you need to grow and obtain a divine soul, and once you reach that level, you will repay my favor by getting some tasks done for me.}

"You say that quite nonchalantly, you must be very powerful yourself."(Niel)

Niel said, now very interested in whoever this creature is.

{Well, yes. Souls are first divided into stages before we get to the grades, there are mortal stage souls like yours, divine stage souls like your typical gods, immortal stage souls for some creatures beyond gods, Phantasia stage souls for beings beyond imagination, and infinity stage souls for being beyond existence itself.}

"And which stage would you be in?"(Niel)

{That is something you'll have to find out for yourself, now back to our deal, do you accept?}

The creature that hadn't stopped writing for a single moment since the young man got here, extended its free hand towards the young man.

"Wait! How do I even become stronger like you said?"(Niel)

{Oh right, I almost didn't explain everything to you. Like mentioned before, you are supposed to be dead because while you were in your world a summoning ritual to a different world happened, but you were too slow and didn't accept the invitation to this other world so you died in the process of transportation, or at least you should have but I sensed you and decided you could be useful.}

"So, I died in that isekai cliche? What a disappointment. In that case, what would happen to me after I agreed or disagreed to make the deal with you?"(Niel)

Niel rolled hid eyes hearing about his own death, rather than scared or worried he looks disappointed.

{Very simple, if you disagree, I'll just send you to the world that summoned you since I think it's a good place for you to grow, but you wouldn't have my tools and would most likely die at the hands of some monster. While if you agree I will still send you there but with my tools to help you.}

"So, regardless of my choice, I get to live?"(Niel)

{I don't like wasting potential so, yes.}

The creature waved its free hand as it said so still writing and not even looking at Niel throughout all of this.

"What exactly are your tools?"(Niel)

{Very simply, I'll give you the chance to pick one of the multiple special abilities I have at my disposal and an extra surprise present.}

"Can I see the list of special abilities?"(Niel)

{Only if you accept my deal.}

"At least tell me what kind of tasks I'll have to do once I reach the divine grade."(Niel)

Niel asked seeing that his best choice might be to accept this mysterious creature's deal.

{If you reach the divine grade, I'll ask you to exterminate some pests and collect some data.}

"Why don't you do it yourself?"(Niel)

{It's against the rules of the multiverse, as a higher stage being I can't interfere directly with certain matters of lower stages.}

"So you're at least Immortal stage? Interesting."(Niel)

Niel said with a smug as he got some information he wanted from this creature.

{The deal, Yes or No?}

The creature once again extended its skeleton hand towards Niel, blue flames on its hand burning strongly but emitting no heat.

"I hope I don't regret this!... "(Niel)

I don't know, this is kinda sus.

Hope you're enjoying it.

Thanks for reading.

Kiony_Feycreators' thoughts