
I Gain a New Ability Every Day (Rewrite in Progress......)

Getting a new ability every day, I’m really awesome. [Ability to acquire: Mind Power] [Ability to acquire: Immortal body] [Ability to acquire: Body multiplier] [Ability to acquire: Body of Steel] 【 Acquire ability…】 Villains: “For Gao Teng’s ability, we have formulated a careful battle plan, and we will definitely be able to kill him!” In the hands of… “Huh? It’s an ability I haven’t seen before!” “Don’t panic, we all know his weaknesses, and he will die today!” “Huh? How come you still have an ability you haven’t seen before?” “Don’t… don’t panic! We still have a chance!” “No! How can he have so many abilities, this is impossible!!” ... This is not my novel, I am only translating the real author name is Lord Tauren. And also, cover image is also not mine.

Rex_Zatch · 作品衍生
53 Chs

Chapter 1: You are in the most danger from our class

Chapter 1 You are the most dangerous in our class

"Hello, Gao Teng, during the few days you were recuperating at home, another boy in our school was murdered. When he was found, his body and his head were gone. I heard that all the men killed were handsome boys. You are in the most danger from our class. "

Gao Teng heard someone talking from the phone in a daze, he opened his eyes and found himself lying on the bed in an extremely unfamiliar room.

What's the situation?

Where am I?

While In doubt, a lot of unfamiliar memories emerged in his mind, and he actually traveled to a fantasy world with superpowers!

But the original owner of the body with the same name was an ordinary person without the ability to awaken.

Because of his infirmity, he recuperates at home.

As a result, there was a murder in the school, and two students have already been killed!

"If you hadn't awakened your abilities before becoming an adult, the possibility of awakening your abilities in the future is very slim. In such a dangerous world, I'm an ordinary person, no matter how I look at it, I am going to be miserable."

Gao Teng sighed deeply, his face full of sorrow.

"Hello, Gao Teng are you listening, the murderers are committing crimes outside the school, you must protect yourself."

The girl on the phone suddenly said a word, Gao Teng suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes fell on the screen, and he found that it was a number that was not saved in the address book.

"By the way, how did you know who I am? We never exchanged cell phone numbers or anything. I was too shy to talk to you when I was at school. "

Speaking of this, the girl's tone became very strange, as if suppressing her inner excitement.

Gao Teng frowned, feeling that things were not that simple.

"You think it's weird, don't you? Want to know why I have your contact information? "

The girl suddenly laughed, and the laughter was extremely eerie.

"Because… I'm that perverted killer."

This cheerful voice actually came from outside the living room door, Gao Teng sat up from the bed suddenly, sweating profusely.

Half is scared, half is because he is too weak now.

The physical fitness of the original owner is outrageous weak.

"Classmate Gao Teng, we will meet soon, hahaha..."

In the frantic laughter, the door was smashed by a sharp blade, and the broken wood flew around.

"Classmate Gao Teng, where are you? Are you in the bedroom?"

The girl stood on tiptoe, lifted the skirt, and appeared outside the bedroom by spinning and jumping.

She looked at Gao Teng with a big smile on her fat face.

Gao Teng looked at this face, his scalp was numb, and he was now weak and had no ability to resist.

Suddenly, a metallic sound rang out in his ears.

[You have acquired the ability: Mind Power (Telekinesis)]

[You can also check the other's comprehensive strength ranking of those who are Awakened their powers]

Gao Teng was instantly excited!

Goldfinger is here!

At this moment, an indescribable magical power surged out of his body.

He is no longer an ordinary person, but an ability person who has awakened superpowers!

Gao Teng was no longer in a panic, and his whole person became calm.

He looked at the girl's flawed face, and the memory of this person automatically emerged in his mind.

"I remember you, you are Feng Min."

"You remember me?!"

Feng Min was so excited, her cheeks flushed morbidly, and she couldn't help but take a few steps toward Gao Teng.

"Hey, Gao Teng, shall we be friends? I really, really like you! "

"Sorry, No, you are too ugly."

Gao Teng and coldly refused.

Feng Min's face instantly stiffened, her eyes darkened, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Why? Why do you all reject me? What's wrong with me? "

"You are so ugly."


"Not only are you ugly, you are also vicious at heart. Those guys don't want to be friends with you, so you kill them and keep their heads as collectibles. I have never seen such a disgusting person as you, it just makes me want to vomit! "


Feng Min shouted with a savage face, she glared at Gao Teng fiercely, "Since you hate me, then go to hell!"

Her right arm instantly turned into a sharp blade, slashing straight toward his tall neck.

Gao Teng did not panic at all, and the ferocious shock wave burst out wildly.

Feng Min seemed to have been hit by a high-speed train, and flew out like a kite with a broken line, slammed into the wall heavily, and spat out blood.

"How... how is that possible?" Feng Min's face was full of incredulity, "You are also… you have powers like me?"

Gao Teng smiled slightly, "Otherwise why do you think I am so calm?"

He can also see Feng Min's specific strength, and a string of information is displayed above her head, just like Dragon Ball's combat strength detection.

D-Class No. 64538. And she is the 64520th of the D class, and her strength is so strong.

Although the comprehensive strength rankings are not necessarily reliable, they can be used as a reference.

"You chose the wrong person, I'm not someone you can kill casually."

After finishing speaking, the objects in the room vibrated violently, and then, like being pulled by an invisible force, they all shot toward Feng Min.

Feng Min swallowed the blood dripping from her mouth, hurriedly waved her sharp-edged arm, and chopped up tables, chairs, lamps, fans…all kinds of items.

These sharp fragments floated up again, pouring down on her like rain.

Feng Min only awakened her abilities not long ago, and she was very unskilled in the use of her abilities. She was unable to cope with Gao Teng's onslaught, and her whole body was tied because of the all dodging and defending.

"Why are you so cruel to me?"

Feng Min's eyes were full of sadness, her body shook a few times and fell to the ground.

Seeing that she was not moving, Gao Teng was not at ease. He squeezed out the last trace of energy in his body, manipulated a sharp shard, and shot it into Feng Min's brain.

"It is finally over."

Gao Teng fell heavily, his eyes blackened.

It only took more than ten seconds of his ability, and he couldn't hold it any longer.

"I didn't expect that, I thought that it was an hour, but it turns out to be no more than ten seconds. I no longer call myself that fierce hero."

With tall hands covering his face, a sad atmosphere enveloped the entire room.

"You are still in the mood to joke about yourself."

A lazy voice suddenly sounded in the room.

Gao Teng tightened his body and looked at this casually dressed stranger.

A loose white T-shirt, big baggy pants, and slippers, looking like an ordinary middle-aged man.

However, the information displayed above his head is the 50th in the B class.

"I work in the Security Bureau."

The man showed his ID and his name was Xue Dong.

"I live near here, I heard fighting, I came to have a look."

Xue Dong yawned, fumbled for a while in his pocket, took out a crumpled cigarette, held it in his mouth, and lit it with his flaming index finger before continuing, "Tell me, what was going on here?"

"Is such that…"

Gao Teng told the story in detail.

After listening, Xue Dong only expressed his thoughts and said listlessly: "You are lucky, you have awakened your ability at the most critical time."

"Yes, the goddess of luck often favors good-looking people, otherwise my little life will be lost."

Hearing this, Xue Dong showed a surprised expression, "Is there such a thing? No wonder I am so lucky. "

(end of this chapter)


Lord Tauren: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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