
I Found Myself Buried In The Darkness

Evan was an ordinary man who's given up on life, however, he finds himself in another world as a 5 year old kid whose name is "Damien Maxwell". Follow him as he travel the world and witness the scary yet oh so beautiful world. Witness how his kindness crumble as the past that he wished to forget haunts him once more. Cover isn't mine, please inform me if it's yours and want to take it down.

DaoOfMadness · 奇幻
9 Chs

I'm Fucked.

(Damien's PoV)

Warm... It feels... So warm. As though I'm being embraced by someone. Is this what it feels like to die? If that's the case, i should've ended things earlier.

'Huh? A light?' as I was dozing off with my thoughts, I saw a light flickering at an unknown distance.

'am I... Supposed to go to that place?'

I moved my body towards that light and as I'm getting closer, the light was becoming bigger.



"Young master, are you alright? Are you feeling fine? Are you feeling any pain from you body?"

I opened my eyes slightly and saw a beautiful woman. Her clear brown round eyes that are paired with her similarly brown hair. Her lips that can only be said to be rosy pink coupled with her fair skin which is what most woman wants, I can only think of one thing when looking at her; Innocence.

"Who... Are you?"

The woman seems shocked my question and took a step back and took a deep breath.

"LORD!!! MADAM!!! THE YOUNG MASTER HAS LOST HIS MEMORY!!!" It felt as if my ears were being shouted at in close proximity, I can only do nothing but cover my ears, however, it seems like more problems has appeared. After all, rushed footsteps are coming here.

Thud Thud Thud



A loud voice erupted as the door has been broken. I saw a man with a tall stature, probably around 6'5? His body isn't like a bodybuilder, but you can tell he has more muscles than guys who go to the gym frequently. His red colored eyes are sharp, yet they carry a gentle gaze within them. His silver colored hair seems to be the definition of 'elegance'.

"Lord, the young master asked me who I was, even though I was the one who is by his side all the time"

"Tsk, call the doctor immediately, if that old man isn't here by 5 minutes, I'll drag him down here with his face cracked."

'Uh... Isn't that like, you know? Too much? It's not like I'm going anywhere.'

"Son, do you remember me?"

I shook my head and he looked at me as if he was going to cry. I'm sorry, okay? I don't know who you are and why you're calling me your son. I'm a bonafide 22 year old, you know? Well, you do look old enough to be my father.

"Where the hell is that damned old man?"

My 'father' is walking back and forth, looking impatient. Hell, his lips are bleeding because he's biting them too hard.

"Huhu, You're as impatient as ever, my lord."

A grey haired old man who looks like a snake came through the broken door with a small toolkit in his arms.


After a few minutes of getting checked here and there, he looks like he's done with his checkup.


My father asked the old man what what's wrong in a worried voice.

"Hmm... My Lord, it looks like there's nothing wrong... The young master might've suffered temporary memory lost because he drowned. Other than that, there is nothing wrong with him."

"Haah... I'm relieved... After I promised my wife the protection and safety of the kids after she died, I can't help but panic when things like this keep happening"

'Hoh? Looks like the kid who originally have this body lost his mother at an early age, hmm... But well, is this alright? I mean, what happened to the kid after I took the body?'

I was pondering what might've happened to the young boy, but a warm sensation was enveloping my hand so I took a look at who's hand that's holding mine.

I saw a young girl, perhaps not even 3, she, like her father, had silver hair, but unlike her father that had ruby like eyes, she had an ocean blue eye. The young girl is holding my hand tightly as she bits her lips cutely.

"Do you not remember me as well, big brother?"

'Aw, how cute'

I wondered if such a creature was even supposed to be alive.

"Umm... I'm sorry, but I don't remember you at all, but don't worry, big brother here will remember you soon after I get well, okay?"


She still held my hands tightly, refusing to let go.

"C'mon, young miss, let's not bother your brother and let him rest"


"No buts, young miss, your brother needs to rest, if he doesn't rest, he'll get sick"


Looking at this banter, I no realize how cute this little kid, she seems to be scaling between being with her big brother and letting him rest. Frankly speaking, I don't mind if she's here, but since I took the role of a sick kid, it can't be helped.

After bantering for a little more, she reluctantly left with eyes that are seemed displeased.

"If you need any help, you can slightly shout so this maid can hear you outside. Her name is Melissa, she's your exclusive maid."

"Mm... I'll keep that in mind"

After my father said that, everyone left little by little. After everyone left, I got up from my bed and approached a mirror. For the first time I saw myself.

"Hoh? Black hair that's as beautiful as the night and red eyes that compliments it. Frankly speaking, this boy's face surpassed my past self"

After aknowledging and approving the face, I looked around. After all, I didn't get the chance to look at my sorroundings because I was too preoccupied with the situation and acting like a silent kid.

From the looks of it, it seems I was born in a rich family, but different from modern architecture, this room seems to be modeled to a classical palace I saw from pictures.

"Wait, if I got caught up in a cliché reincarnation scenario, then... Isn't it probable that this place has magic?

After I thought of that, I can only think of one thing;

"I'm royally fucked."