
auther note

hey guys

I hope you like the story so far and f you really like this book or your interested in it make sure to leave comment how you feel!

It would make me fix mistakes or ma,e more chapters for you guys I'll be writing more and more of this book

This has been a fun week of writing this book and I'll continue to write until the very end !

So all you wonderful readers i want you to remember this quote if your feeling down or if you feel like some ones better then you

"Life is beautiful as long as there's someone who genuinely loves and cares about you. So, in tough times when you feel like giving up, remember that I'm always there for you.

And this one two ofc

"Support is always available." "And if today, all you did was hold yourself together, I'm proud of you." "Don't forget that I will always stand by your side. I'll always support your life, what you do, what you eat, the people you love.