
I Don't Have the Leveling System Like Others, But I Have Cultivation

Leveling System is a gift that some people get. Having it meant being able to have the power that was the result of hunting monsters in the Dungeon, becoming a Hunter. Oliver didn't have the System, making him just live as a human. This wasn't a problem for most people, but when a human had problems with the Hunters, life would become difficult. However, when he despaired of the Leveling System that he couldn't get, he obtained a ring with a space inside, containing ancient books that turned out to be cultivation methods and skills. He couldn't hunt monsters to level up, but he could increase his strength by meditating. The Hunters, they were no match for him.

Dark_Crow1111 · 奇幻
45 Chs

Future High School of Vera

Future High School of Vera!

It's a huge school with almost 50,000 students, not just one building, but over 50 buildings in a huge area.

The reason there are so many buildings is because none of the buildings have two floors.

All students wore the same uniform, which consisted of brown pants or skirts and a white shirt.

The road in front of the school is the most congested area in the morning, filled with school buses or private cars of parents taking their children to school.

Whether it was the elite, the middle class, or the poor, it could be found among the students as this school did not only accept one class.

Beautiful girls of Alice's age with very seductive styles can be seen everywhere.

It was difficult to become famous in this school, one had to be a strong Hunter, or have a very pretty face, or be the child of a certain character.

Of course, being related to one famous student can make a student famous as well. Like Oliver, his name started to rise in this school because he got chocolates from Alice on Valentine's Day, a woman practically all the students knew.

Even when walking towards the school gate, he knew there were quite a few staring at him while having small discussions.

Oliver with his sharp hearing as a cultivator heard what they were saying.

Mostly they were talking about him having been beaten up by Alex to the point that he couldn't come to school one day.

While they were talking about Alex, the man appeared from the school gate.

Only, he didn't look okay. His body was covered in bandages, and he was even sitting in a wheelchair.

This was naturally a shocking sight. People were talking about him beating up Oliver, why did he look like he had just been beaten up while Oliver was already healthy.

Who beat him up?

Alex wasn't actually alone. He was with a 30-year-old man with a rather scary face, Wren.

Of course, everyone knew that he wasn't a student and definitely not a teacher because teachers wore professional clothes, unlike the man whose clothes were a bit messy.

Oliver knitted his brows because Wren was here.

"You can't leave!" As he expected, Wren blocked his way.

"What business do you have with me?" asked Oliver in response, acting as if they had no problem.

"I want you to tell me where the potion is," Wren replied, not mincing words.

Their conversation naturally confused everyone.

Why would a Hunter talk about potions with a mere mortal?

"You shouldn't have asked me in the first place," Oliver replied, shrugging his shoulders.

The meaning of his words was clear, he didn't know in the first place, he just tricked them into running.

"If you didn't know, why did the Monster Boss target you?" Wren gave Oliver a question.

He didn't seem to be easily fooled.

Even though he knew that Oliver was tricking him, something was off.

People started getting more and more confused when they heard that Oliver was targeted by the Monster Boss. Had he gone to the Dungeon?

How could he have gone to the Dungeon?

Did he go as an ordinary human? Or had he become a Hunter?

Wren's question was not difficult for Oliver to answer, he said, "maybe it was because I was the first to arrive that the Monster Boss thought I took the potion, but you see at that time, I didn't bring anything."

"Hmph, you must have used some trick that we didn't know about. Do you think we're fools? We've estimated the number of potions in that Dungeon, there's no way it would just disappear." Alex replied with a cold snort.

Oliver's eyes flickered once at his words.

In the end, they weren't so stupid after all.

However, even if his guess was correct, Oliver casually shook his head.

"I don't care about either of your speculations," he said, looking back and forth between them and stopping at Wren.

"You may be strong, but there are more Hunter's stronger than you here, especially the teachers, they won't let you bother a student," he added.

Wren knitted his brows, giving him a sharp glare.

At the same time, Oliver casually took a slight step to the side.

He had no worries at all. Wren should have known the risks of attacking a student at this school.

Unfortunately, this problem was not solved that easily.

"What if a student is bothering you, and it's me?" A woman said.

Her voice was beautiful and charming, very comfortable to listen to.

A group of people came out of the school gate. Their appearance made many people take a step back even though most of the people in the group were women.

Only, Leo was also there, standing slightly behind the woman who spoke.

The woman had a very striking appearance due to her beauty and style.

She had bright blonde hair in a high ponytail. Just looking at her hair was enough to make people mesmerized.

Her figure was tall with a pair of very white and slender long legs. Her legs are particularly striking because of her very short skirt.

She seemed to have a rather revealing feminine style. Even the top two buttons of her shirt are open so a bit of her breast cleavage is visible. Plus, the bottom of her shirt is tied, not tucked into her skirt like other female students.

To say that she was glamorous would be an understatement. Her left hand wore a fancy watch while her right hand was full of jeweled gold bracelets. She also wore a small diamond necklace with a striking red color and a pair of long silver earrings.

Of course, her face is extremely beautiful, leaving no room for criticism. Her lips were bright red with a crescent-like curved shape and her blue eyes seemed to glow intermittently.

If Alice was standing next to her, perhaps the attention would be drawn to her more often.

It wasn't that she was prettier than Alice, but she was indeed more striking.

Oliver knitted his eyebrows when he saw the woman, wondering why she was also involved.

This is a serious problem. That woman is so arrogant, dealing with her is like dealing with the biggest problem in this school.

Her name was Victoria. She was a Hunter, but not a very strong one like Alice.

This was because her skills were more like support plus that she wasn't the type of woman who had combat spirit. To increase her level, she was usually helped by others.

And it wasn't hard for her because the reason for people's fear of her was because of her father, the man who held the title of the Galaxy King.

He was one of the strongest Hunters in Europe and the world.

As far as Oliver knew, Leo's father had once been a follower of that man.

Perhaps Leo was using a sneaky trick to influence Victoria because he alone couldn't bother Oliver.

Victoria continued to step forward, heading towards Oliver.

"Let's catch him for a while, he'll definitely talk after some torture," she said again, so relaxed when she talked about torturing others.

Wren who was near Oliver nodded lightly.

He lunged lightly forward with a hand trying to grab Oliver's hand.

Of course, he was very fast even for a Hunter due to his fairly high level.

However, the current Oliver was not easily bullied.

A light similar to wind in a solid state emanated from his body while his legs moved backwards.

It looked slow, but as it turned out, Wren only managed to grab a shadow that soon disappeared.

The man's eyes widened as he had never imagined a speed that could cast a shadow.

Was this the speed of light?

When he looked forward, he found that Oliver was standing about 10 meters away from him.

Oliver was also very surprised by his speed. He spontaneously stared at his own body.

'It seems right, this skill allows me to be very fast no matter my power level. The drawback is that because my strength is low, my energy is drained in large amounts. I can't use this skill as much as I like because of the lack of energy,' Oliver thought.

That was how the skill was described.

With it, he could be faster than people whose levels were much higher than his.

It was just that, since he was still weak, his range in using the skill couldn't be too far. He needed to have a high cultivation to use it without restrictions.

Overall, he would only be unstoppable if the enemy was still fairly equal to him.

"What is this speed?" While the ordinary students were astonished that Oliver had become a Hunter, the Hunters wondered about his skills.

They felt it was too unimaginable. And how could Oliver already seem strong? His aura was like he was already at Level 10 and above.

Leo's expression became very gloomy now because he was the most unhappy about this.

Oliver could be considered his love rival, but if he became a Hunter, and his strength seemed unique, their rivalry became difficult because if he was just an ordinary human, he could look at him as an ant.

"One day of being a Hunter and you're already strong enough to fight with a Monster Boss. And now you're showing an interesting skill. Oliver, it seems that you have just experienced something extraordinary." Victoria spoke again in her charming voice.

She smiled until her upper lip lifted, revealing a row of white teeth.

At all times, she displayed her dangerous charm.

Oliver frowned as he finally knew why this woman was involved. It seemed that she already knew his story in that Dungeon, and that made her attracted to him.

"What do you want?" Oliver asked her in response to her words.