
I don’t like this

In a post-apocalyptic earth with no other alternative, members of the Defense Force head out in search of a fabled paradise free from monsters, the “Golden Land”!

Foxcloud · 奇幻
1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Prologue (test)

January 1st, 2027

In a small farmstead in the eastern administrative zone, less than 20 miles outside of Hope City, A young man Allen lives with his parents who work as farmers providing food to the city.

"Al?, are you there?, your father needs your help with the plow again, and I'm not strong enough to lift the damn thing."

"Hmm?, yeah ..coming!"

"You're late!"

"Sorry I was doing something…"

"Reading that comic is no excuse, I'm getting old Y'know"

"Yeah, sorry about that"

"Well anyways just help me get this thing up and moving"

"Is it stuck?"

"Yeah, I can't get it out"

With a bit of lifting Allen manages to get the plowshare unstuck.

"Hmph, there we go"

"Mhm, mind grabbing me the seed bucket over by the silo"

"Sure thing"

As Allen reached the Silo he lifts the seeding bucket when he hears a roar…




Allen couldn't believe his eyes, large monsters on the hillside by his families farm, …the fear running down his spine caused minor paralysis.

"Allen, RUN!"


The large monsters rushed from the hill down towards the farm, one immediately busted through a large corner of the farmhouse, another the roof, …and the third one had already made its way to Allen.

With a bead of sweat running down his face Allen freezes up, unable to move his life flashes before his eyes as the monster raises its large fist in the air.


Allen's father cuts the monster across its lower back with a broken off piece of farm equipment.

With a roar and a swing the monster hurl's the farm several feet with a single punch.

As the monster turns Allen sees his opportunity to escape and immediately makes a break for the River towards the city.

*huff* , *huff*

"I think I'm in the clear, …mom, …dad, I'm sorry. I have to make it to Hope City, I have to warn them. That's all I can do now…"

Roughly 5 hours later, Defense Force outer-city headquarters, Commander Blackwing's office.

"Commander Blackwing, I have someone here to see you, a farmer from the exterior, says his family was attacked by monsters…"

"Monsters? Very well, send him in"

"Hello, commander Blackwing sir, my farm was attacked by monsters, they were huge and… and-"

"Welcome young man, please start by telling me your name."

"Right, I'm uh Allen Corrant sir, you might've known my father Ralph Corrant, he was a member of the defense force 3 years ago…"

"Hmm can't say I did, but then again it's not like we all get the chance to intermingle here, now how about you tell me what happened."

"Three monsters attacked our farm while we were working, they were huge with big arms and had four eyes each."

"White muscle with reddish-pink eyes?"

"Yeah!, that's exactly it."

"Mmhm, Yao Guai monsters… pretty rare type, and your parents?"

"Both died sir, my father he uh, he-"

"I understand… it seems your father was an admirable man, it's a shame I didn't get to know him before, I'm sure we would have gotten along."

"Thank you for your kind words, sir."

"I'll send a team to sweep the area, clear out the monsters, and hopefully recover whatever they can."

"Thank you again, sir."

"Don't sweat it, now go tell the Sergeant I said to get you some food and a rest."

"Yes sir."

*48 hours later*

==Allen's POV==

I'm being called into Blackwing's office, I wonder if there's any news for me. Well why else would he call me in?

"Hello Allen, we have news."

"Commander Blackwing."

"The team I sent out to your farmstead found the area disturbed, the farmhouse was destroyed, grain silo toppled, and there were… no signs of any life."

"I see… what about the monsters?"

"We have a scout unit searching for them as we speak, they'll find them sooner or later."


"Yes we'll I imagine your farm is in no shape for repair and I doubt you'd wanna head back there after what happened."

"Yeah but I don't really have anywhere else to go, I don't have any money either."

"Well I may have a solution for both of those problems."

"What do you suggest?"

"Join the Defense Force."

"What?, I couldn't, I'm no soldier, I'm just a farmer, a farmer who-"

"A farmer who what? No one is born a soldier, they become one, and your own father was a member of the defense force, a decorated captain as far as my records can tell."

"He was?"

"Yes, it seems your father wasn't any run of the mill grunt. So what do you say? will you join the Defense Force?"

"Hmm, I mean I don't have any other options so I guess I don't have a choice."

"Good. You'll enter basic training starting tomorrow morning 6:00am sharp, …don't be late."

"Yes sir!"


this is mainly a test chapter intended to garner interest for the finished product of the series.

Volume 1 out soon!

Foxcloudcreators' thoughts