
Meet your goddesses

In an endless expanse of darkness we can see a young man that seemed to be dead. He is taller than average with a good "dad body" builds, Black hair, and what appears to be eyes darker than the surrounding abyss.

The large crimson velvet carpet his body is on start emitting soft gold light and it begins to lose its colour. The man stirrers waking up noticing he was sleeping on bright silver velvet carpet the size of which is unknown as its edges are covered by the surrounding darkness.

"Is this heaven or hell or something?" the man speaks in a deep tested voice with a resigned tone that no man his age should have.

Looking around he notices a white marble path leading towards the darkness surrounding him fading into view followed by a golden arrow pointing towards it.

The arrow seems to be emitting a faint aura that the man felt he wanted to be closer to. So he did.

The arrow seems to have a different idea though, as the man got closer, the arrow moved farther. The man continued following the arrow without complaining though. This is caused by the fact that the longer he followed the arrow, the stronger the feeling the aura of warmth and safety it emits became. So he followed, eyes never leaving the arrow, mind in constant calm and body never tiring.

This continued until the man reached the end of the path where the man finally looked somewhere that is not the arrow. This is because the arrow reposition itself to be pointing down to a familiar door which is as plain as the next, if it weren't emitting the same golden arrow aura multiplied by a couple million. Another thing the man noticed is that the endless darkness which surrounded him before is now an endless expanse of white.

As the man passes through the door he sees a room that can only be described as… well… his. And someone is sitting there playing breath of the wild on his switch.

As an avid gamer, his first response was of course to shout at the top of his lungs "MY SAVE FILE".

The young lady that is currently playing, no, RUINING his "current" play through paused the game and turned to look at him with a deadpan expression.

She held her expression against his more panicky one for a moment, and then with an equally deadpan tone told him "you're dead".

"Oh, right" said the man with the same amount of feeling one would show when remembering he forgot to water the plants today. This gave the man the calmness he needed to actually look at the girl and take in and process her looks.

The girl can be summed up to look like earth-chan with green and yellow hair and big boobs. (Earth is not flat)

He then looked towards his desk where sat a woman that looks like one of those xianxia martial artists with the traditional Chinese dress and long black hair tied in a… pony tail bun?

She was playing on his PlayStation Dynasty Warriors 8 that is now paused. (Dynasty Warriors 9 was shit)

The last of the group is a lady resting on my bed, 'is it even MY bed', reading one of my po…*cough* manga books. (It is art)

She has long silver hair and is wearing white long robs with the golden aura feeling coming strongest from her.

Needless to say our male friend is at a loss for words considering this is the first time he has those of the female gender in his room, let alone the fact that the three of them are like a 100/10 beauties.

'It counts if it looks like my room so I'm counting it as a win'

"hehehe" he heard the lady on his bed giggle. It sounded so good he didn't mind the implication that she can read his mind.

"Hi, I'm Tim" he spoke.

"Sup, I'm Gaia" replied the short,"HEY", green haired girl.

"Greetings, I'm Zhang Xiang" said the martial artist.

"Hello, I'm Maria" said the silver haired beauty.


He looked at them expectedly for a moment before cracking.

"Hi, I'm a human mortal" he said with a fake up beat voice.

This earned him a couple of giggles and a chuckle from the now identified Gaia.

"Well, you might have guessed is but I'm Gaia the Mother earth" said the one with the weird hair "oh c'mon"

"I'm what you call a cultivator that has reached the pinnacle of my existence in my world and moved on to the Omni dimension" said Xiang

When he turned to Maria she smiled and said "I'm god"


"Sorry what"

"Sigh, I am god"

"Creator of the universe?"


"Smiter of the wicked?


"Big guy in the sky?"

"Well I'm not a "guy" as you can see, and am not in the sky but in a sub dimension".

our friendly protagonist continued to look at her for a few seconds to the point where she started to squirm.



A bit after the panic attack...

Xiang: "HAHAHA"

Maria: "hahaha"

When Tim shouted in his mental breakdown he had frightened Gaia and caused her to yelp. This caused the other two to descend to full on laughter which took Xiang a couple minutes to contain, but not without a few tears in her eyes.

Tim felt warm hearing them laugh. He decided he liked this feeling. He looked towards Gaia, who is now full on pouting, and thought 'so cute I just want to hug her and pat her head'. This of course was heard by all three and got her to blush and the laughing fit to return full force.

A few moments later…

"Sorry" apologised the young man as he scratched the back of his head as he is now sitting on the bed next to Maria while facing Xiang and Gaia.

Gaia was still blushing while Xiang still giggled every now and then.

"Would you stop giggling Xiang, it's been five minutes".

"Sorry" said Xiang as she giggled "it looks like you have an admirer. Hehehe"

"Who wouldn't admire and fall for any of you. Each one of you can be the goddess of beauty if she wanted and if one of you is then I wouldn't be surprised". Praised Tim

"Damn, ain't he a charmer" said Xiang

"Thank you Tim" added Maria

The fact that both had a hint of a blush didn't go unnoticed by Tim who decided to blurt out "cute…"

His eyes widen at the wide eyed looks he's getting "I said that out loud, didn't I?" the trio of dumbfounded nods he got was enough of an answer.

He just called a god, THE God with a capital G cute.

this is my first time writing at all and english isn't my native language, so go easy on me you bastards. T_T

The dude can go to any universe after next chapter. if you have a suggestion fot worlds of Harem members do tell, im all for it.

my english is not the best but bare with me and if you want to correct me like your grammer nazi urges are telling you to, go ahead. i don't mind

Silver_Callcreators' thoughts