
I 89 I

Y/n's POV 

Finally, much to my dismay, Mrs. Mendeleiev looked up from her phone, narrowing her eyes disapprovingly at Lila. She smiled sheepishly, picking up her necklace and waving it around in a much too dramatic motion to seem casual. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry Mrs. Mendeleiev," Lila gushed, sitting back onto her knees. "Was I supposed to stay under the table?" 

Mrs. Mendeleiev's mouth tugged down in wide disapproval. "Lila, I just told Adrien to stay under his desk. It's like you want detention or something." She wagged a finger, her eyes widening. Her hair stuck out at all angles like it was blow dried by a leaf blower. "This time, I'll let it slide." 

"But I have to get detention?" Adrien protested. "how's that fair?" 

"Life isn't fair, Mr. Agreste," was all she said as she went on her phone again. 

Lila rolled her eyes. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." Her way of provoking Mrs. Mendeleiev was becoming glaringly obvious and if she wanted to stay in the teacher's good books she was failing miserably. 

"Excuse me?" 

"It's just that, due to social construct, the term life might not apply to everyone, because some might choose to differ from the harsh expectations and forcefulness of the justice system in Paris." 

Was I dumb or did none of that make sense? 

Judging by the baffled looks on Adrien, Alya and Marinette's faces—as well as literally everyone in the entire class—no one understood that. 

Except for Chloe, who was currently pretending to understand and agree with everything Lila just said. 

"That makes so much sense, Lila," Chloe made a believably understanding expression, flipping her ponytail around. "Because like, it's totally unfair, to like—you know, make, like, everyone—" 

Mrs. Mendeleiev cut Chloe off immediately. "Everyone stop. Detention Lila. Detention Adrien. For breaking the school rules, you two will both stay behind after school today. Does anyone else want to get detention because I'm ready to deal some out of other people?" 

Oh, what the hell. 

I smirked. "Hey Adrien, are you free after detention to ?" I was well aware that people weren't supposed to know I was dating Adrien. People were supposed to think I was with Cat Noir—but it didn't hurt to...casually flirt once in a while. 

Adrien caught on. He winked. "Depends what you have in mind." 

"I think you know." 

Alya gasped audibly. 

"She did not.." Marinette muttered. 

Chloe balked. 

Lila huffed, rolling her eyes. "Classic." 

Mrs. Mendeleiev put her head down on her desk. "I don't get paid enough." She threw a detention slip at me. 

I took it happily, glad to be intruding on what was going to be Lila and Adrien time. 

"What the hell was that?" Marinette hissed to me after the earthquake drill was over. "I thought you were with Cat Noir?" 

"I am," I said, shrugging. "But you can't tell me that Cat Noir just sits at home all day not going out and talking to people..so why can't I?" 

"True, true," Marinette said lowly. "I wouldn't put it past that whiskered-idiot to flirt with half the girls in this town.." 

Adrien overheard her say this, looking over and pretending to be offended. He grinned, flipping his blonde hair backwards. I did a frantic gesture to try and get him to stop before Marinette turned around. 

She gave me a weird look. "What are you doing with your hand?" 

"Sorry," I said, clearing my throat awkwardly. "Spasm." 

"Okay Dustin," Marinette said, still eyeing me out of the corner of her eye. "So, I'm guessing you don't want our parents to know that you have detention?" 

"Oh god no," I said, huffing. "Tell them I have a school project." 

"A school with Adrien?" Marinette said suggestively. 

"Mari, I love you, but don't say 'project' in that tone ever again."