Kris didn't call after that, and Sira felt very triggered by that, she knew that even if she waited more he was never going to be back therefore she just chose her piece of mind for a few more days before she came to the village.
Sira didn't know what was inside of his mind at that moment, she didn't know that giving herself a break from everything was considered too risky for her new plans .
Because in those days she was away from her responsibilities, Kris thought that she was following in her sister's footsteps.
He thought that she was never coming back therefore he didn't want to pressure her and call for her again.
He just chose to ignore all the excuses that she was going to come out with ..
Deep down he only wanted to keep her picture clean in his head.
Choosing to run away was understandable but not to him.
He was always there, he never chose otherwise and no one really know about the secrets behind his secret devotion.