
Chapter 269 Our Real Enemy is the Almighty... God!

"Hell... hell has descended..." "God... save your devout Believers..."

On the chaotic battlefield, shouts and screams intertwined, and some even knelt to pray, hoping for God's salvation, but it was all in vain...

Rickman and others in his group were particularly targeted, with ten airships continuously bombing their location relentlessly.

The nobles, who before the battle had fantasized about how to please the new King, now only regretted, wishing the horses beneath them grew six legs to carry them out of the range of the fiery rain...

Joyce was no exception, seeing the dire situation, he took his bodyguards and fled!

Even so, he couldn't outrun the fiery rain falling from the sky, which soon landed on him. Some fell on his sturdy armor, while some seeped through the gaps where the armor joined, penetrating his body.