
I Created a Protagonist Sect: My Programmer Job is Super Overpowered

Hi there, I’m Chen Mo, as you’ve already noticed from my name, I’m a main character profile, or at least that’s how it was supposed to be. For legal reasons, I won’t be disclosing my real name, I’m a typical corporate slave working 996 at a game development company. Although I hate it, its not all that bad, I hop on with my non-existent friends every now and then doing the usual stuff, yk, cranking 90s, getting the Ws(never) and reading some dogshit wuxia novels with negative translations but I still make it work. That was my life until I was transmigrated into the world of cultivation and took over my boy Chen Mo’s profile RIP lol. Chen Mo’s your typical MC profile, yk, has talent, then gets spiritual roots removed or whatever, engagement annulled, just the usual stuff. Anyway, enough about that, during my transmigration, I somehow got to keep my programmer job, don’t ask how idk either. To pay tribute to my boy Chen Mo for taking his account before he had his heaven defying opportunity to take revenge, I’ll build a sect for all MC profiles in the world. Your engagement got annulled? here’s a cultivation system, your sect got destroyed? here’s a god-level cultivation technique, your spiritual roots are broken? here’s some more.

MrKonic · 玄幻
120 Chs

First Under Heaven

Unknown Place.

It was like floating in the depths of space itself, except instead of stars and nebulae there were innumerable bubble-like distortions - each containing entire universes within. Swirling galaxies, supernovae, and the dance of celestial bodies flickered behind the translucent membranes of these multiversal spheres stretching out in all directions to infinity.

Gravity seemed to have no meaning in this place as two figures simply hung suspended in the void, one cloaked in shadows so thick they seemed to greedily consume any illumination around them. The only detail that could be made out was a pair of radiant azure eyes, shimmering with an energy that belied unfathomable power and sentience.

The second presence was utterly indescribable - a shape-shifting amalgamation of abstractions and incomprehensible geometry. Visually, it continuously fluctuated between representations of arcane symbols, fractalized patterns, and seemingly occult algorithmic structures.

"Rasiel, what are the chances of his victory?" the shadowy figure asked in a deep, resonant voice. Multiple tones and inflections reverberated within it, as if a chorus spoke in unison.

The geometric entity shifted and reconfigured itself momentarily before stabilizing as two intersecting rings orbiting one another. 

[Report] – [The probabilities currently stand at thirty percent at best] 

The voice was both crisp and melodious, simultaneously ethereal and distinctly feminine.

"I see." The shadowed figure paused. 

[Question] – [Will you assist him this time?]

"No," the man replied without hesitation. "Although he has advanced further than I anticipated, he is still too young and inexperienced. If this confrontation continues, even if he ascends to the Creator realm, he will lack the focus and wisdom to complete his mission."

[Question] – [Then what will the master do]

"We should not interfere directly. Let the events unfold naturally. Even if he fails here, I doubt he could truly perish given his [REDACTED]. Sometimes beings must face adversity, experience failure and confront the limits of their power before they can grow."

Rasiel condensed down into a brilliantly glowing pyramidal shape encased within nested tetrahedrons for several long moments before reverting to its default orbital rings.

[Report] – [This is as far as we can watch the show. When his soul transforms, we can't stay inside for long and will have to bet it all on him]

The shadowy figure was silent for a time, considering Rasiel's words. Finally, it spoke again, "Very well. We shall observe and allow fate to run its course uninterrupted. He is a singularity - the kind that arises once in an aeon. If he survives this trial, it will only serve to catalyze his growth towards unimaginable heights. Besides, [REDACTED] [ERROR] – [Can't access this information, too much karma is involved]"

With a flicker, the dark void destabilized, collapsing back in upon itself. Gravity reasserted itself as the shards of shattered reality rushed inwards, reforming into the familiar scene of the devastated Mei Clan Hall.

Chen Mo blinked, unsure if he had experienced some momentary lapse in consciousness or vivid daydream. He shook his head, dismissing it. Those unknown observers and their cryptic conversation were irrelevant - all that mattered was victory here and now.

Gritting his teeth, he charged forward to resume the fight, unleashing a storm of unrelenting spatial fury upon the remaining bewildered elders.

Chen Mo unleashed a torrent of spatial force at the three remaining elders. Pinpoint distortions hammered their defenses as they scrambled for cover.

"You damned brat!" one of the elders growled. "Your parlor tricks won't save you!"

He traced an intricate hand seal sequence, causing pillars of bone-white spirit energy to erupt from the floor in an attempt to impale Chen Mo. With a thought, Chen Mo caused space to warp and bend, shunting the deadly pillars into a harmless vortex.

"Face it, old man," Chen Mo taunted. "You're completely outmatched."

The other two elders coordinated their efforts, launching waves of invisible force augmented by paralysis seals. Chen Mo erected a spatial barrier, catching most of the assault while a few glancing blows connected despite his best defenses.

A pang of fatigue shot through his body as spiritual paralysis set in, slowing his movements. The three elders pressed their advantage, battering Chen Mo's wavering barrier with blasts of elemental energy and physical force. Sweat beaded his brow as he strained to maintain his focus.

"Playtime's over, child," another elder sneered. "Your luck has run out!"

Their attacks grew increasingly vicious and coordinated as Chen Mo's movements slowed further. A fire blast seared his robes and flesh, eliciting a hiss of pain. With a burst of willpower, he redirected the last of the assault, buying a brief reprieve.

"Don't...underestimate...me!" Chen Mo gasped out between ragged breaths. "I'll show you the full extent of my power!"

Gathering the last dregs of his spiritual energy, he let out a deafening roar. Space itself distorted and warped with explosive force, blasting the elders off their feet and into nearby walls. Paralysis seals shattered as spatial shockwaves ravaged their defenses.

Chen Mo closed in, his eyes blazing with golden light. He battered them with furious palm strikes amplified by devastating spatial distortions. Bones snapped, flesh was pulverized, and screams echoed through the hall as the elders were systematically broken apart.

With a final eruption of force that shook the foundations, the last of the elders fell, alive but little more than twisted heaps of agony. Chen Mo stood over them, panting heavily as the spatial maelstrom died down.

"I told you," He spat between ragged breaths. "None of you were a match for me."

The Patriarch slowly clapped from the side of the hall, his footsteps measured as he approached. "Most impressive," he said, his voice laced with begrudging respect. "Not only did you recover your broken spiritual roots, but you also managed to advanced your cultivation to such a level at such a young age...you could perhaps be the first in the entire world to reach the Golden Core at you age."

Chen Mo met his gaze defiantly, saying nothing.

"A pity you had to meet me," the Patriarch continued. "But this is the fated path you chose when you defied our Mei Clan and took my useless granddaughter under your wing."

The two squared off, their imposing auras colliding with crushing force. Chen Mo gripped his sword, readying himself for the final and likely most challenging battle yet. From the Patriarch's inscrutable expression, it was clear he had not yet revealed the full measure of his power and abilities.

The hall held its breath in anticipation as the unstoppable prodigy and the indomitable Mei Patriarch stared each other down, daring the other to make the first move.

Although the patriarch was strong, Chen Mo wasn't too worried, he could probably take him on once he broke through to the peak of Golden Core realm. 

This was because the jump between the Golden Core realm to the Nascent Soul realm wasn't as much as between the Core Formation realm and the Golden Core realm. Since he was invincible in the same realm, he wouldn't lose out in a battle against the patriarch.

The only thing Chen Mo was worried about was…

[Simulating] – [Peak Golden Core - Time left: 30secs]

[Simulating] – [Early Nascent Soul - Time left: 20mins]

[Simulating] – [Peak Nascent Soul - Time left: 45mins]

[Report] – [Discovered Soul Formation ream cultivation, attempting simulation]



[Simulation Failed] – [Can't retry due to external interference]

[Attempting Reboot]

[Report] – [During reboot, all simulations will be cancelled, do you wish to continue]

something big is about to happen. I feel like there's something i didnt explain well in this chapter but its not all that important, i may explain it in the comments or in the next 4-5 chapters

MrKoniccreators' thoughts