
Hopelessly devoted

There are a millions of men I could have chosen. Millions that I could have loved. Millions that might have loved me back. But why him? out of all people him. He probably doesn't even remember me and if he does why should he love me. He is so talented and amazing, so beautiful and kind-hearted where as I am vain and annoying. He is the incredible Asahi Ito a world famous actor and the love of my life. I was lucky enough to go to school and university with Asahi and we are quite good friends. Asahi's friendship is not enough for me tho. I always need more. I brush my long blonde hair as I daydream about Asahi. I dream about him kissing me, his fingers through my hair, his lips pressed on mine. My alarm rings. Oh no. I am going to be late for work! Mr Saito will be extremely frustrated this is the third time this week! I hurriedly grab my bag, my paper work and I pull on my black flats and race toward my car. You've done it now Ichiko you are to be fired for sure! I back out of my driveway as I think why am I so careless. If only I hadn't been dreaming about Asahi. If only I wasn't so hopelessly devoted to him. My mind starts to drift as I think about Asahi. I imagine our wedding: me in a stunning white gown with my golden hair falling down my back and Asahi looking gorgeous as ever his raven black hair shining wonderously and his beautiful blue eyes looking intensly into mine.... A car horn sounds loudly waking me from trance. I slam my foot on the brakes but I was too late.my car slams into another car head first. My vision starts to blur and before I black out I see a pair of bright blue eyes looking into mine...